Hotties With Bodies (Closed Group)



  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I have never done these weekly goals before but I'm going to start! =)

    My goals for this week:
    - Burn 3500 calories (Mon-Sat)
    - Complete Insanity Fit Test
    - Drink 16 glasses of water a day
    - Stick to my Paleo diet 100% (NO cheats!)
    - Get 4 days of CrossFit in
    - Get 5 days of any type of extra cardio in
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    - Stick to my Paleo diet 100% (NO cheats!)

    I was considering this but I just don't know what I would eat without any legumes or grains. I mean I know I eat more carbs than I should but it seems like I'd starve if I cut them all out lol. Do you have a site for Paleo recipes?
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    - Stick to my Paleo diet 100% (NO cheats!)

    I was considering this but I just don't know what I would eat without any legumes or grains. I mean I know I eat more carbs than I should but it seems like I'd starve if I cut them all out lol. Do you have a site for Paleo recipes?

    For a food list:

    For some recipes:

    I made it half way through day 1 and I'm still alive! :p
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    - Stick to my Paleo diet 100% (NO cheats!)

    I was considering this but I just don't know what I would eat without any legumes or grains. I mean I know I eat more carbs than I should but it seems like I'd starve if I cut them all out lol. Do you have a site for Paleo recipes?

    For a food list:

    For some recipes:

    I made it half way through day 1 and I'm still alive! :p

    Hmm I might try making out my shopping list for next week from the link you've posted above, Kerri. Very interesting :)
  • SarahSway
    SarahSway Posts: 85 Member
    Hello everyone! I feel like I'm back on track now after a pretty bad weekend. I leave for vacation next Tuesday and it's crunch time now! My goals this week are:

    -Work out each day (not including walking the dog, but I'll still do that) :-)
    -Stay under on calories each day
    -Complete the 100 Squats Challenge by Friday
    -Do my old 'Abs and Legs' routine at least every other night (from HS Track)

    Good luck on your goals this week, let's make this another great week ladies. Thanks for the encouragement, you guys motivated me to get on the treadmill after the 30 Day Shred tonight just to get a little extra in.
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    Hey girls. I had a pretty good day exercise wise. I had my first real hard workout with our trainer at work since the one where I broke my foot. She had my coworker (who had foot surgery two weeks after my accident) doing tons of stuff from planks on furniture movers, rows from planks, shoulder work, biceps, side walks with a band. Ugh. I was dying. LOL. I'll get back in it. I meet with her again tomorrow befor my "vacation" starts on Wednesday.

    Work is insane so I'm stressing over everything. I need to be able to relax for the next week, and I hope I'm able to.

    Have a great rest of your Monday and your Tuesday!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    I did ok during the day but I messed up tonigh :( we went to this pizza buffet and I have been there many times and stuck within my cals. It's like my head I stuck on INDULGE! ugh it is very frustrating because I KNOW I'm better than this . I was doing so well before vacation! Gotta get my head straight so frustrated.

    So THAT said my plan for tommorow is This:
    -Pack my fav spinach salad for lunch
    -Bring my water bottle with me to work so I WILL drink more water throughout the day. I'll get 12 cups in at work so the evening water is all bonus.
    -I'll bring fruit with me so I have a snack for the afternoon
    -on the way home I'll drink my water and if I stop for anything it'll just be a tea
    -when I get home I will change and do the fit test first thing. Then depending on the head I wil either go for a run or I will head to the gym and include a run in my workout there. I'm leaning toward the gym idea so I can have a nice long workout.
    -I will include sit-ups/SQUATS/pushups in my workou
    -after that all said and done and I'm showered up i will make myself a healthy dinner at home. It's just me so I'll see what I feel like but most likely it'll be a great salad with chicken.

    So sorry to bore with the details (: hopefully this plan for tommorow will help me have A VERY successful day! Thanks for listening!!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    I'm feeling a lot of negative vibes from my hotties, let's keep our chins up and remember to take this one day at a time. It's a marathon ladies! Dani, GREAT poem! I know I was not feeling a workout today but I'm really going to push myself because I know I need to keep up this motivation I've had.

    you make a good point about it being a marathon. It's so hard not to look at it as a sprint, I think we ALL want to see results right away. But you are so right it's one day at a time and all about a healthy lifestyle. Thanks for the encouragement !!! :)
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193

    Done! My legs are my witness ... ouch! :)
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    I do know that when you start lifting weights and gaining muscle, you 'gain muscle weight' and thus the number on the scale goes up. Now, does the number on the scale eventually 'go down' or does it stay up due to the muscle weight? I thought it was the first and not the latter, but perhaps I'm mistaken?
    Any clarification is appreciated.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    My trainer said it's a myth.... if you are gaining muscle you should be burning more since muscle burns fat a lot better than no muscle. So using the excuse, "muscle weighs more than fat" is just that - an excuse. You may have a little water retention because if you're lifting weights your body can hold on to water in the muscles, but that's about it!
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    So using the excuse, "muscle weighs more than fat" is just that - an excuse. You may have a little water retention because if you're lifting weights your body can hold on to water in the muscles, but that's about it!

    I'd have to agree with Kerri. Muscle weighs the same as fat, its just less dense so 5lbs of muscle is much smaller than 5 lbs of fat. And you gain muscle at such a slow pace that its almost impossible to actually see a gain on the scale from it (besides the water that it sometimes holds on to in the beginning). In fact, being in a calorie deficit makes it really hard to even gain muscle at all but that's not to say you shouldn't lift because like she said muscle burns more fat!
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Ok Hotties, its time for the results of "Coast to Coast" challenge: Week 1!!!

    Here is a map of our route from NYC to LA with everyone's cities between:

    This week we traveled a total of 346 miles (34,556 calories/100 calories per mile)! That's an average of 23 miles per hottie (I didn't include Caroline's numbers for this week since she's still on vaca so I'll have to add them in to next weeks). We've made it past our first stop in Washington, D.C. and are now around Flinstone, MD. Next stop is my hometown of Dayton, OH :smile: Here's a map of our route so far:
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Wow!!! That's amazing Robin! It looks fantastic and it's so exciting to see our hard work translated into a cross-country adventure! Great work on the map! And well done to all us Hottie's for burning nearly 35,000 calories in our first week!!! :) WhooHOOO!

    Just dropping by to leave a quick note. So my 'long' day didn't turn out to be what I thought it was! Turns out we're working a split day today so we finished at our first location at 2pm and we're back to work on our second location at 9pm tonight. So that means I was able to go home and eat healthy and also get a run in! Whoohoo! Im so happy with myself today!

    Also NSV for me today, I ran an 8min mile! 4 of them! Yay! Chuffed :) even though I passed a group of up-to-no-good youths along the canal who proceeded to jeer at me and throw berries at me when I passed them! Ha! Typical Dubliners :) I was too busy trying to get my run done in under 36 minutes to care about them.

    Anyhoo, Im relaxing now after dinner, catching up on season 5 of The Office (US) before I have to head back to work at 9pm :)

    A good day for me :)

    Oh and p.s. great to see everyone on Facebook! I feel like Ive known you guys forever now!! :) x
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Robin, I love it!!!!! Great job. It looks great. We did so great this first week!!! I'm convinced we will be in SoCal in no time! =) Thanks again girl for taking on this responsibility!

    Lorraine, LOL @ those kids! You're too funny. GREAT JOB ON THE RUN! I can run one 8 minute mile, then it's back to a 10 minute pace. So, congrats!!!
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    Maybe we should try to go around the world. We'll be in LA really soon!

    The facebook thing is cool, especially when you find out how small of a world it really is. :-)

    I'm officially on vacation, but we are staying home so I'll be around.
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Robin that map is great!!! We will be to LA in no time!

    I thought I'd fess up. I had a horrible day yesterday. Chocolate really kicked my butt! I went shopping at Kohls, trying to find a cheap pair of shorts, and a Godiva Caramel Chocolate bar just jumped into my bag :devil: It didn't seem that bad at the time. Until I came home from training class and my husband had bought ice cream. :embarassed: Needless to say I was way over on calories.

    I tried to decide what made me "need" that chocolate bar so bad. I couldn't really figure it out. I am a little stressed out, I've decided to go back to school... so getting ready for that journey, along with taking care of an infant, 2 dogs (and a husband :) has me worried. But I really just saw that chocolate bar, didn't even think and before I knew it I was out in my car munching away on it.

    So for the rest of this week I have put my foot down! Enough sabotaging myself!! Time to eat clean again :happy:
  • SarahSway
    SarahSway Posts: 85 Member
    Robin, I love the map! I also love our speed of 23mph (miles per hottie). :laugh:

    Hope everyone is having a great week. I'm trying to get some good work outs to prepare for Colorado (one week from today)! We're doing some hikes so I'll get some great exercise. I'm not going to get my hopes up because I'm sure I'll be eating bad (and drinking more than I should), but this might be a vacation where I lose weight!

    Let's get some more great work outs in today! :heart:
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hey Ladies, Happy Hump Day! I am absolutely amazed how far we made it in a week. Hopefully we can keep it going and extend our cross country trip and swing by Hawaii :-).

    I am just checking in for mid week. I am proud to say that I have not stepped on the scale since last Saturday. It has been harder than I thought. It isn't that I NEED to way for personal sanity, it is more like I was in such of habit of stepping on the scale first thing in the morning, it feels like I am missing something in my routine. What I have noticed this week though is that I feel better about where I am. I think since I am not seeing all of those stupid flucuations that mean absolutely nothing on a daily basis I am focusing on being healthy and strong regardless. I also think it is helping me stay on track with my food and exercise.

    The rest of this week is going to be tough. We have the heat and humidity moving in today and we are supposed to have heat indexes in the mid 100's (105-110). I definitely won't be able to do much exercising outside during the day. Hopefully I can get the motivation to get up early and do some exercise or maybe have a nice night time workout after the sun goes down.

    Ladies, Challenge of the day for you: Tell me one thing that has made you smile or feel good today.
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Ladies, Challenge of the day for you: Tell me one thing that has made you smile or feel good today.

    My size 12's are getting baggy again and I can sit down in my M shirts without them busting at the seams now and I'm loving it.

    Also, this is a silly one but I work for a huge power company in the southeast and yesterday they sent out an email about how we were supposed to have a huge group of people protesting nuclear power out front of the corporate offices at noon today dressed as zombies, that's right ZOMBIES! It absolutely made my day. Unfortunately it just ended up being a group of about 10 people with t-shirts and signs, but the thought that someone wanted a bunch of people to come protest nuclear power, much less dressed as zombies, still makes me giggle lol. (sorry if any of you are against nuclear power...)