Hotties With Bodies (Closed Group)



  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
    A day late of course :) My total miles Monday-Friday were: 32.05 (between treadmill, stationary bike, and crossramp). I haven't weighed in so that is my only problem. But I am off to do a quick 3k with my 8 year old son for our local fair so I will get on that later!
    Kim, we decided to report our total calorie burn for the week and then I will convert it to miles. Do u know how many calories you burned? If not, I can just use your miles. Also, is there a city you'd like to "stop by" on our trip? (WA is a bit too far north of LA lol)

    1574 calories
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Just got home today...going to catch up on the 4 pages of conversation that occurred while I was out of town. Will have a longer more detailed post sometime tomorrow! I missed you all and can't wait to get back into the swing of all things healthy ;))

    My total calorie burn this week was 1723.
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    Calorie total--962
  • SarahSway
    SarahSway Posts: 85 Member
    Alright, well I didn't think through the weekend pact very well. Today I had a bridal shower 2 hours away, and then I got home and went to Hooters for a family dinner ( I know, I know..). I already knew ahead of time that I would be over calories today. I planned to work out tonight after dinner but I'm not feeling well from all the junk today. The good news is that I'm already looking FORWARD to tomorrow where I can start fresh and feel better. My calorie burn this last week is 1,587. I hope everyone is doing better than I am this weekend, keep up the good work hotties!!
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Ok so i am a little confused as I try to do the insanity fit's where I'm at:
    Switch kicks -50 each side z(100 total)
    Power jacks - 40 though I'm not sure they were right
    Power knees - 64left 73 right
    Power jumps - 25 but I'm not sure I did them right
    Globe jumps - this is where I stopped because I wasnpretty sure i was doing it wrong and got frustrated...

    Does anyone have a link to instructions? I thought there was one posted here but when I went back through the posts I can't find it. Let me know if you can help!

    I'm heading out for a run. Have a great Saturday!

    Did you get my email I sent out earlier this week? It has a video link showing each exercise. She doesn't explain them very well, but she does a fairly decent job of doing them. Power jumps are HARD, and globe jumps you do a jump-squat to the right, then to the back, then to the left, then forward and all 4 jumps count as one rep. Hope that helps a bit!!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    4016 total calorie burn for the week!

    Yesterday was kind of hard. I didnt log. I had a huge work out in the morning and then we went to a friends house to swim/hangout/drink all day. I had 4 beers and 4 winecoolers. Also had some chips n dip, a burger, peanut butterfilled pretzels and then a xxl burrito from taco bell on the way home!!
    The reason I listed everything was for myself. I can't be in the habit of doing great on the exercise but totally negating it with poor food choices. :-(
    Today we are going shopping. I'll be getting foods for my Paleo diet (starts Tomm)... I'm going to do the best I can to stick to it!!

    I've already started off today (its only 9am) drinking water only. I have to drive 1.5 hrs each way to my cousins bridal shower.

    Go USA! I hope I'm back to watch some soccer!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Total Calorie burn for the week: 3019. I was hoping to get a work out in today but it is hot and humid so It will probably be a rest day. If I end up doing anything I will add it to next weeks totals.

    @ Kerri- I took a look at the links you posted and am fascinated by that diet plan and the transformation of that woman without losing weight. It has inspired me to take a step back from the scale and try to not pay as much attention to it. I would not be successful on that diet plan but it is definitely an interesting approach. Good luck!

    I am proud to say that my weekend was pretty good. I was very active yesterday and made some reasonably good choices when eatingout (minus the oatmeal cooking ice cream but BOY was that worth it). Today will be tough since it is unbearably hot out but I have a healthy meal plan in place and have my water right next to me. I hope everyone has a great Sunday!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    So yesterday was a disaster, food-wise, and even after one day the discomfort and bloating I had all day was just RIDICULOUS! I wish I could bottle that yucky feeling and just wave it in front of my eyes whenever I am tempted with bad food. It would definitely make me choose the healthier option!
    Im back to my normal eating routine today and I am pumping the H2O into me like there is no tomorrow! And I feel miles better already.
    This week is gonna be all about sticking to a healthy plan and working out to lose inches. Kerri's link has really opened my eyes.
    I am NOT going to step on the scale again until next Friday. (This is actually going to be one of the hardest things for me to do. I only realized after reading the 'Scale Addiction' article that I haven't gone more than 48hrs without weighing myself in the last few months. It is complete madness!!!!!!!!)

    So this week's goals:
    I WILL burn 3000 calories this week.
    I WILL do the Insanity Fitness Test this week.
    I WILL drink 14 glasses of water daily.
    I WILL eat back some of my exercise calories (especially on high burn days)

    I will NOT weigh myself until next Friday AM.
    I will NOT eat after 8pm any evening.


  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Lorraine- I am with you! I will not step on the scale until Friday. This is going to be a challenge for me, I can't remember the last time I didn't weigh daily or almost every other day. I need to break the habit. Maybe I should have my husband hide it.

    I am sitting here watching the Woman's soccer game. I am tired just watching them run around the field. Soccer is something I never had the coordination for. I mostly spent the time tripping over my own feet.

    Anyways, I have my meal plan and healthy food set for next week. It is supposed to be wicked hot here all week so it is going to be tough to exercise. Hopefully I can find some creative ways to burn some calories.

    My goals for next week M-F:
    - I will drink at least 10 glasses (8 oz) of water a day
    - I will stick to my previously established meal plan
    - I will burn 2500 calories
    - I will do 25 sit ups and 20 push ups daily
    - I will stay under 2500 mg of sodium daily
    - I will not step on the scale until Friday 7/22

    Quote of the day: •“Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.” ~Dennis P. Kimbro
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Ah THAT was where I had seen the link! I was searching our forum and thought it was deleted! Thank you! I will see about trying this again tommorow :)
    Ok so i am a little confused as I try to do the insanity fit's where I'm at:
    Switch kicks -50 each side z(100 total)
    Power jacks - 40 though I'm not sure they were right
    Power knees - 64left 73 right
    Power jumps - 25 but I'm not sure I did them right
    Globe jumps - this is where I stopped because I wasnpretty sure i was doing it wrong and got frustrated...

    Does anyone have a link to instructions? I thought there was one posted here but when I went back through the posts I can't find it. Let me know if you can help!

    I'm heading out for a run. Have a great Saturday!

    Did you get my email I sent out earlier this week? It has a video link showing each exercise. She doesn't explain them very well, but she does a fairly decent job of doing them. Power jumps are HARD, and globe jumps you do a jump-squat to the right, then to the back, then to the left, then forward and all 4 jumps count as one rep. Hope that helps a bit!!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Total Cals Burned for the week 1894

    Goals for this next week:
    I will drink 12 cups of water daily
    I will be under/at calorie goal
    I will take my vitamin daily
    I will burn AT LEAST 2500 calories
    I will watch my sugar intake
    I will take the fit test - again, the right way this time
    I will do AT LEAST 100 sit ups / 50 push ups / 100 squats
    I will NOT let stress at work get me down / affect my eating.

    Have a great Monday ladies!! :happy:
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Years ago, when I was training in gymnastics (okay MANY years ago) I remember reading a poem. This was posted on the wall in the gym and whenever I wanted to give up I would go over and read it and it would make me what to keep going. It has been almost 18 years since I stopped doing gymnastics and this poem still sticks in my head and has obviously made a profound impression on me. I just wanted to share it with you ladies.

    Don't Quit

    When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
    When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
    When the funds are low and the debts are high,
    And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
    When care is pressing you down a bit,
    Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

    Life is queer with its twists and turns,
    As every one of us sometimes learns,
    And many a failure turns about,
    When he might have won had he stuck it out;
    Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
    You may succeed with another blow.

    Often the goal is nearer than,
    It seems to a faint and faltering man,
    Often the struggler has given up,
    When he might have captured the victor's cup,
    And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
    How close he was to the golden crown.

    Success is failure turned inside out--
    The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
    And you never can tell how close you are,
    It may be near when it seems so far,
    So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
    It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

    - Author unknown
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    And today begins my 30 day challenge!
    Here is another link of do's and don't's if anyone is joining in!:

    Today for breakfast I had a 1/2 small chicken breast, 1/2 spicy turkey brat and asparagus in olive oil with salt&pepper!

    I have raspberries and dried fruit and nuts.

    Yesterday I went WAY overboard with my "last meal(s)" and I am DEF feeling it today. UGH. I probably didn't need Starbucks coconut mocha frappe, a reeces cup Blizzard, vodka and orange pop, 3 lemon bars and 2 cookies ON TOP OF my meals (brunch at wedding shower) and brats for dinner. OY VEY! Kerri what did you do! Lesson learned.

    I'm going to stick with this as best I can!!! =)

    Happy Monday!

    Love that poem Dani!!!! <3
  • mamunroe
    mamunroe Posts: 152 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!! Sorry I've missed you all this weekend. Was away for my daughters softball tournament in PEI. They lost in the semi finals so they officially tied for 3rd place. Pretty good for a team we pulled together last minute, and the never played or practiced together before.

    Because I was so busy I missed weigh in and I'm not doing it now because TOM is in the house. So this Fri should be better anyways. I did complete the sit up challenge doing 15 modified sit ups per day for a total of 105. That was all the exercise I got this week because I think I have bronchitis. Been coughing/hacking for nearly 3 weeks. Did get a few walks in though. My total miles for the week was 23.5. I used a pedometer. I will do the fit test when I am able to.

    Goals for this week: GET TO THE DOCTOR, complete food diary, watch sodium, drink 8 glasses of water daily and no night time snacking. I am also staying away from the scale except for Friday weigh ins. I am a terrible scale watcher.

    Things I like about myself. Inside: I have a great mind. I have an abundance of seemingly useless knowledge. I hear things and remember it. Everyone says Ask MIchelle she'll know. Outside: My hair (naturally curly) and my teeth. I'm a dental assistant so that one is a given because I have free dental from work. I also have cared for my teeth over the years and haven't needed anything major done.

    Congrats Ladies for a job well done last week!!
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    Morning everyone,

    I've been away from the computer all weekend and now I'm logging back in:

    Total calories burned last week was 2307/2000. I would've liked to have burned 2500 but my muscles were killing me. Kickboxing x2 last week was challenging and it nearly destroyed my back. I am fine during the day, but in quite a bit of pain when I wake up so I will likely take a muscle relaxant.

    100+ situps - check

    Insanity fit test - I wasn't able to do it. Too much pain. Will plan on doing so this week.

    Weekend didn't go so well. Didn't log my food intake, didn't exercise. Need to work on making time to exercise at least on Sundays.

    And so another week begins ... Happy Monday.
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Alright, didn't do my best this weekend. I managed to have smaller portions of bad foods that were sitting around. However I drank TOO MUCH SANGRIA! :blushing: I really need to work on just having ONE glass, but it is tough. I did try to do a glass, then water, then another glass. So I suppose that is progress!

    My goals for this week:
    - Burn 3500 calories
    - Complete week 2 of Insanity
    - Drink 10 glasses of water a day
    - Not look at the scale until Friday!
    - Eat healthy, whole foods
    - No Sangria!

    Thank you again Kerri for the post about the scale. It has helped me a lot! Let's get a great week in ladies!!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Ok so I made the mistake of weighing myself this morning out of curiousity...after a week of vacation and not eating right...not necessarily bad foods just a terrible schedule...skipping meals and all! Plus TOM arrived on Saturday so my weight as of today is 132.8. My goal this week is to NOT hit 133, drink LOTS of water, stick to my new workout schedule, revamp my eating habits.

    I started a P90x/Insanity/Running hybrid today. I'll be doing P90x workouts and running on M, W, F and doing Insanity workouts on T, Th, Sa and RESTING on Sundays :-) I ran my 2.5 today and will do Chest and Back + Cardio Abs tonight! I'm actually really looking forward to this workout program...however, that means i have to start eating MORE b/c I"ll be burning MORE!

    Any suggestions on a "diet" I should use to make sure I'm eating enough good calories!?!?!?
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Good GOD I am totally hopeless! Burger and chips for lunch today :(

    Kerri, when you said I should eat more on workout days, Im guessing you didn't mean pigging out on fast food! lol

    This might be another bad move on my part but since I cant accurately calculate the nutritional value of my lunch today (although Im guessing it was high in all categories) Ive decided not to consume any more food for the rest of the day.
    I did fit in a bit of exercise which hopefully lessened some of the damage but I really dont want to add anymore calories on top of whatever is left. Plus it is now 7pm and I am infact still full from my 2pm lunch and don't think I'll be hungry for the rest of the night anyways! Im just going to indulge in some fine H20 for the evening and hopefully that helps.

    I didn't weigh myself this morning. However after today's setback it will be very tempting to try and hop on the scale tomorrow morning to see if I did any damage. But Im not going to :)

    Thanks for your motivation so far this week, Dani :) That poem is very inspiring....wish I had read it before I went out to lunch today with my boyfriend! It's all his fault!!! LOL. I can't make a decision to save my own life for fear that I would disappoint someone else. So I let him pick where we eat and then I take it as permission to over indulge! It's madness! I really need to grow a pair and start making decisions for myself! :)

    Anyhoo, I am ALL OVER those squats, Kerri! :) Ive done 20 today already so only 80 left (and maybe some more if Im feeling lucky!) :)

    I am going to be filming all day tomorrow and Wednesday and by 'all day' I mean 10am to 11pm! So there will be ZERO exercise done tomorrow and Wednesday :( AND Ive to face another healthy food crisis on set for those two days. No doubt there will be nothing but junk food to eat so Im going to prepare my own lunch/dinner and bring my own snacks so I dont get tempted by the crap they having in catering. Im not looking forward to this challenge!!!!
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    -Atleast 8 glasses of water a day
    -Exercise both days (1000 calorie burn goal)
    -Log all my food & be conscious of what I'm eating
    -Complete Insanity Fit Test

    So I'm not sure how I feel about this weekend. I did exercise both days (even getting to try some new activities) and got my calorie burn but I didn't eat much and what I did it was junk food, which means I didn't log anything. Also I didn't get my 8 cups of water in but I did drink water than I usually do on weekends so I suppose that's start. Also, i didn't get the Fit Test done because I was watching my little brother all weekend while my stepmom was out of town (my dad is a little ill equipped to handle him on his own lol).

    My total calories for last week were 2,830 which I'm happy about considering until this month it was 0 lol. I'm still missing calories from a few girls so it will probably be tomorrow before I get our current city posted for the C2C challenge but I can go ahead and say we were able to reach (and pass) our first stop in Washington D.C.!!! Everyone wave hello to Lucy's city lol.

    I'm feeling a lot of negative vibes from my hotties, let's keep our chins up and remember to take this one day at a time. It's a marathon ladies! Dani, GREAT poem! I know I was not feeling a workout today but I'm really going to push myself because I know I need to keep up this motivation I've had.

    -Complete Insanity fit test
    -Take measurements
    -Workout Mon thru Fri (I'll be at the lake this weekend so won't have time)
    -Drink atleast 10 glasses of H2O per day
    -Go grocery shopping and plan my meals
    -Stay away from sweets!