Proper attire at the gym



  • nytenurse03
    nytenurse03 Posts: 29 Member
    This is also why I don't like to work out at public gyms. I don't want to be self conscious because others are looking at me. I work out at my job in my uniform at the end of my shift and it works just fine for me. If there was no gym there I probably wouldn't work out...smh.
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    It is comments like this that prevent heavier people from wanting to go to the gym. Go and do your workout and don't worry about what other people are wearing.

    On behalf of us "heavier" people, Thank You!:flowerforyou:

    You are welcome. I believe that we could all be judged for something that other people don't like about us.
    Coming from a family of overweight people I know how hard it is for them to get out in public to workout in fears of being criticized, let alone a gym. We should all be congratulating (even if is just in our minds) those that are making that step towards a healthier lifestyle no matter what they wear or their size.
  • JoLeeFA
    JoLeeFA Posts: 211 Member
    It is comments like this that prevent heavier people from wanting to go to the gym. Go and do your workout and don't worry about what other people are wearing.

    As a "heavier people" - - When I went to the gym, it was capris, tank tops, and tennis shoes... But why does it matter? As long as I have my major parts covered... Which is more than I can say for the average college student on the campus where I teach.
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    It is comments like this that prevent heavier people from wanting to go to the gym. Go and do your workout and don't worry about what other people are wearing.

  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    It is comments like this that prevent heavier people from wanting to go to the gym. Go and do your workout and don't worry about what other people are wearing.

    As a "heavier people" - - When I went to the gym, it was capris, tank tops, and tennis shoes... But why does it matter? As long as I have my major parts covered... Which is more than I can say for the average college student on the campus where I teach.

    That's my point. Major areas covered. I don't want to see Someones privates when I look up briefly.
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    It is comments like this that prevent heavier people from wanting to go to the gym. Go and do your workout and don't worry about what other people are wearing.

    As a "heavier people" - - When I went to the gym, it was capris, tank tops, and tennis shoes... But why does it matter? As long as I have my major parts covered... Which is more than I can say for the average college student on the campus where I teach.

    That's my point. Major areas covered. I don't want to see Someones privates when I look up briefly.

    Focus on yourself not anyone else who cares what they r wearing a least they r making effort
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    This is why some days I choose to work out at home with the sleep in my eyes and my pj's on ...when I am working out I don't want to be worried about what other people think I am wearing, it is already enough of a mental struggle to get up and to the gym let alone making it a fashion statement.

    It is comments like this that prevent heavier people from wanting to go to the gym. Go and do your workout and don't worry about what other people are wearing.

    This is exactly why I am terrified about going into the gym, because I know people judge.

    And this.

    Mind your own business. If you have the time and ability to study other people and judge them maybe you should just step up your own routine since it's not challenging you enough :flowerforyou:

    I agree if u got time to study someone that hard what u r doing must not be a challenge
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    It is comments like this that prevent heavier people from wanting to go to the gym. Go and do your workout and don't worry about what other people are wearing.

    As a "heavier people" - - When I went to the gym, it was capris, tank tops, and tennis shoes... But why does it matter? As long as I have my major parts covered... Which is more than I can say for the average college student on the campus where I teach.

    That's my point. Major areas covered. I don't want to see Someones privates when I look up briefly.

    Focus on yourself not anyone else who cares what they r wearing a least they r making effort

    I do focus on myself and everyday is a struggle but I am not blind. I have to make it to the elliptical machine.
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    It is comments like this that prevent heavier people from wanting to go to the gym. Go and do your workout and don't worry about what other people are wearing.

    As a "heavier people" - - When I went to the gym, it was capris, tank tops, and tennis shoes... But why does it matter? As long as I have my major parts covered... Which is more than I can say for the average college student on the campus where I teach.

    That's my point. Major areas covered. I don't want to see Someones privates when I look up briefly.

    Focus on yourself not anyone else who cares what they r wearing a least they r making effort

    I do focus on myself and everyday is a struggle but I am not blind. I have to make it to the elliptical machine.

    All I am saying who cares what someone has on u r there for u not them u r there for the same reason they r so ignore what they have on if u do not like and go on someone might be thinking the same thing about u rather u r fat or skinny in the gym everyone is there for the same reason
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    And people wonder why I'd rather work out at home....
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    You know this was taken totally out of content by the 1st angry girl comment. You all don't know my workout routines and think I just go to the gym to "judge" through my whole workout. Seriously all of you all who have posted the comments on towards me on mind my own business seriously think I just stand and point. Whatever. My point on the heavy girl which I can totally talk about because I AM A HEAVY GIRL MYSELF was just how could she feel comfortable. Yall don't know if she even worked out which btw she did not! And as for the older lady what if she would of fallen there was no one around except for me. I kept looking over to see if she was ok. I you want to hate who cares cause I meant it in good faith.
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    You know this was taken totally out of content by the 1st angry girl comment. You all don't know my workout routines and think I just go to the gym to "judge" through my whole workout. Seriously all of you all who have posted the comments on towards me on mind my own business seriously think I just stand and point. Whatever. My point on the heavy girl which I can totally talk about because I AM A HEAVY GIRL MYSELF was just how could she feel comfortable. Yall don't know if she even worked out which btw she did not! And as for the older lady what if she would of fallen there was no one around except for me. I kept looking over to see if she was ok. I you want to hate who cares cause I meant it in good faith.

    Few people personally attacked you or yourself as a whole. It was just the idea that they disagreed with. By remarking about their disapproval, they voiced through their own concerns and insecurities that they seek help/motivation about. With any online topic, you will get both positive and negative feedback. No need to take personal offence.
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    You know this was taken totally out of content by the 1st angry girl comment. You all don't know my workout routines and think I just go to the gym to "judge" through my whole workout. Seriously all of you all who have posted the comments on towards me on mind my own business seriously think I just stand and point. Whatever. My point on the heavy girl which I can totally talk about because I AM A HEAVY GIRL MYSELF was just how could she feel comfortable. Yall don't know if she even worked out which btw she did not! And as for the older lady what if she would of fallen there was no one around except for me. I kept looking over to see if she was ok. I you want to hate who cares cause I meant it in good faith.

    No one took anything out of content I think all we were saying was who cares don't judge take care of yourself if u have so much time to study someone so hard like it sounds like u did maybe u need to step your workout up maybe not u just should not be so quick to judge some people r comfortable in certain cloths u might not think looks good but oh well u r there for u and none else u r there to lose weight and take care of yourself someone could be looking at u thinking the same thing u were thinking about her to each there own u be there for u none else:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    i think this post has a point... i don't care how fit you are i don't wanna see anyone in skin tight clothes that they are practically falling out of. and from what the OP said the larger girl was showing some crack... if i was working out and i looked up and saw some girls but crack i'd be a little offended and i'd want to tell her she should probably buy some bigger pants.
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    I hate it when ppl sweat all over the place and don't have disinfectant cloths on them, so nasty!!! I admit that I wear shorts and a sports bra but I make sure my top is covered up. I need to be respectful of others and frankly, I don't want old ppl or ppl in general staring at me.
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    I hate it when ppl sweat all over the place and don't have disinfectant cloths on them, so nasty!!! I admit that I wear shorts and a sports bra but I make sure my top is covered up. I need to be respectful of others and frankly, I don't want old ppl or ppl in general staring at me.
  • jenthestrawberry
    jenthestrawberry Posts: 93 Member
    The second, was a heavy girl which I am guessing she had just begun hitting the gym scene. She was wearing the tightest warm ups with a shirt that was a little to small. Her friend who was fit was in a spaghetti tank top and mini workout pants which is fine for her bc she really was fit. I just do not understand why she would put on such discomfortable clothing to workout. It's bad enough the gym is a torture chamber! I bet if she would bend down to reach for a weight she would of shown someone her *kitten* crack. Anyway I was just curious to see what y'all think ...

    I'm a fat *kitten* girl. I was 350 lbs when I joined my first gym. I wear tight pants and a tight top because they keep my fat from bouncing all over the place (but I do not let me butt crack show! Thats what draw-strings are for.)! After I'd lost a bunch of weight, I started dragging my thinner friends to the gym. They look hot in their workout clothes, but I do more cardio, lift more weight, swim longer and walk home.

    People always say things that indicate that they believe my skinny friend brings me and that I must be "new to the gym scene". Which is really unfair. I may have more fat than my skinny friends, but I have a higher vO2 max, a lower reding heart rate, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and a much higher lean body mass.

    I worked out when I was a 350 lb whale who couldn't lose a lb due to undiagnosed Celiac Disease, and I'm not going to let anyone else stop me from having the success I'm entitled to now that I know what was making me fat and how to make it go away!

    Edit: I read the Ops 2nd post after writing this. I also had taken her to be more judgmental than perhaps she was from her later comments.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    When I was pressed for time to break in some hiking boots a decade or so ago, I wore mine to work out.