World of Warcraft



  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    I play on a private server, on hiatus because of school starting. Its a WotLK server, as I have no desire to play on Cata. Its on Molten-WoW, which is pretty much exactly as populated as a blizz server

    Lvl 80 Destruction Warlock
    Lvl 80 Resto Druid
    Lvl 80 Frost Death Knight

    My fav game is still Left 4 Dead 2, but wow is really fun. If you have never tried it, try playing it in 3d, its AWESOME
  • tlzidon
    tlzidon Posts: 79 Member
    Im thinking about getting WoW soon, so if anyone wouldnt mind a kinda newb (i used to play on my cousin comp years ago) being in your guild let me know

    Don't do it!!! lol It's virtual cocaine!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But that Lock Candy is so addicting!!!
  • azQmaster
    azQmaster Posts: 448 Member
    I'd like to kill my husband for playing ...

    You can come hang with me!
  • tlzidon
    tlzidon Posts: 79 Member
    I am still one of the addicts. Just finished leveling my 6th toon to 85 this last week, BE Pally. My others are NE druid, Human Pally, NE Priest, NE Hunter, and Human Lock. All are on Bronzebeard. I have a few babies on other servers when I am playing with my boy. Have gotten more into PVP the last year or so and am enjoying it. Hoping to do Arena sometime in the future now that I have a couple of toons in full purple :)

    And in reference to an MFP guild, remember you can always get someone's realid to keep in touch on line. Could make it a fun goal to snack healthy while online LOL.