The Diamond Challenge: Round 3 - Wk 4 (DITR)



  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    QOTD Friday:
    Today is the last day of the Diamond Challenge, and I will truly miss this funny, amazing, quirky team! For today's QOTD, please finish the following sentence, "I loved getting to know my Diamonds, but they don't know... [something about you]."

    I loved getting to know my Diamonds, but they don't know my family runs a traveling petting zoo ( and we were on that show Wife Swap! haha. after my parents both retired as Colonels in the Army, they made up for all the times they couldnt have animals.. so now we have over 100! Mostly bunnies..they like to multiply :) 3 of my siblings went to Unv of TX at Austin while I stayed at home to work for them! No student loans for me ! I plan to go to Unv. of MD College Park and be active and eat healthy the rest of my life so I can be forever young! All 4 of my siblings and I played Varsity at least 3 years in HS and were all captains! I plan to live in DC and once I graduate college im backpacking thtough Europe! Can't wait for the next Round, thanks for the constant support this round!
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    QOTD Friday:
    Today is the last day of the Diamond Challenge, and I will truly miss this funny, amazing, quirky team! For today's QOTD, please finish the following sentence, "I loved getting to know my Diamonds, but they don't know... [something about you]."

    Okay, well start off i have loved being part of this group, and i will miss you guys and reading all of the replies.... I will be apart of Little Diamonds or LD (which i can take that acronmn as a negative thing lol) so i won't be seeing any one of you guys and we are to be know from now on as enemies (haha I'm kidding lol) unless your apart of LD with me lol....

    Okay to answer the question..."i loved getting to know my Diamonds, but they don't know..." that i was a binge eater while i was in high school (especially my junior and senior year) during that time i was overly depressed because of my dad dieing from cancer...(which was in '06) and most of the weight im wanting to lose was gained because of me binging....
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Hey everyone - I've loved being a Diamond in the Rough these past 2 rounds! I'm also a shortie, so I'm headed over to Little Diamonds as well... Good luck to all of us in the next round!! Go Diamonds :)
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks to all you DITR I really enjoyed these last four weeks. You have alll been so inspiring and encouraging to me. I will be moving over to the little diamonds cause hum I'm considered little ( I wish) . oh well the game is on Go little diamonds!!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Has the new challenge started?
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Has the new challenge started?

    Hey Kate. The new challenge started on Monday.