Can't seem to lose the last 10-15 = Team up for success



  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    I'm in! I'm aiming to lose about 13 lbs in total, but starting with 10 :smile:
    Start weight: 138 Goal weight: 125 - I'm tired of having a tire around my waist when i sit down! I'm ready to get back in shape, be happy and feel sexy again! I also REALLY want to be able to show off some nice toned arms in my strapless wedding dress!

    Awesome - welcome girly to the group!!! I think it will be fun fun fun! And you will look STUNNING in your wedding dress! Fab arms!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    I'm in! Starting weight 216, current weight 202, goal weight 188.

    I've been looking for some accountability to push past this mini-plateau, so I'll happily join the Tuesday weigh-in. Thanks!

    Accountability is key in the journey - the more people you tell the more likely you are to succeed because deep down we never want to tell someone we failed!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I am in..have 20 more pounds to go. This weeks water drinking shouldnt be a problem for me..
  • ebelliss
    ebelliss Posts: 126 Member
    Would love to join! I had 20 pounds to lose after my first year of college, have lost the first 10 but the last 10 refuse to budge! Count me in!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Starting weights goal weights and motivation :) Its all good if you only want to do you goal loss though I understand - wecome to the group - water it up!
  • BeCali
    BeCali Posts: 69 Member
    I would love to join. I am trying to loose my last 8lb to reach my goal weight. The first 9 came off relatively easily. Now I need extra motivation and advice for the last ones.

    CW: 133
    GW: 125 (or to fit in my red dress!!!!!)
    Prize - apart from fitting in my red dress will be some great new clothes..
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    Is it too late for this gent to join? Sounds like an awesome team.

    CW: 190lbs ~20% BF
    GW: ?? ~15% BF
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
  • ebelliss
    ebelliss Posts: 126 Member
    Oops! forgot to add:

    SW: 145
    CW: 135
    GW: 125
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Today I had my same water jug at my desk. At 2 I am only half done it, I am going home in 2 hours... lesson - drink faster :drinker:

    Today I went off my meal plan *sigh* I packed my veggie wrap too spicy *added these hot peppers which was WAY too hot* so I did my best to purchase smart food - a small sub with a mushroom soup (yum).
  • jtp5184
    jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member
    I am on cup 5 of my 8 cups of water which isnt too good considering i already exercised today
  • gillian055
    gillian055 Posts: 9 Member
    I'd love to join this group! The last 15 is so freakin tough
  • sj915
    sj915 Posts: 16 Member
    I've been in this boat for MONTHS! I had a target goal of losing 50 lbs. I reached a loss of 45 and w/ the more cardio/tae bo i did, i went up in lbs and now i need that last 8-10 lbs gone and i just can't seem to do it! it runs my life and meal plans from these professionals are SOO hard to follow! I am a graduate student working a low paying internship, I can't afford all the incredients, special brands or special foods they require, not to mention the time to make all this stuff! tips would be helpful!
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    I would like to join also. This weight loss is happening slowly.
    SW: 147
    CW: 128.5
    GW: Not sure. My initial goal was 130 which I now realize was to low and I got to that so now I set it at 120. I was 105 in high school and 12 years ago during my "divorce diet" but I think the 120 or a little lower is more reasonable for now. I am 5'2". So after all that rambling :laugh: I will go with a GW of 120.
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    I'd love to join this group! The last 15 is so freakin tough

    true story!

    PS Got in 11 cups of water yesterday! Super excited (and, I feel awesome today!)

    4 in right now, but it's only 1:45 so I gots time:drinker:
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    Ok ladies (I don't think we have any gents yet) so far we have 23 committments to shed up to 20 pounds - this is great! I am confident that together we will be able to meet our goals! I am posting your "names" please update with your starting weight, your goal, and your motivation or "prize" for hitting your goal. Just add a simley face beside your name so I know who updated and can track it :happy: I think it would be neat to see how much weight we collectively wish to lose, and to be able to track our progress as individuals and as a team.
    bethy0316:tongue: I really need the motivation ... yesterday I started this and didn't do so well, but did drink 10 glasses of water. Hopefully you will let me join in. Thanks :flowerforyou:
    BJC78 :wink: SW: 144 GW: 135 - This last 9 is horrible! I want to continue to firm and tone! My reward is a little shopping spree at VS and maybe some cute little lingerie :blushing:
    Danielle1978 - :smile: SW: 135 GW:125 - I want a flat tummy. After 2 kids its been hard to come by. My reward is a new string bikini from VS I've been eyeing.
    jtp5184-SW 130 GW 115 total 15 pounds-I want my clothes that used to be baggy to be baggy once again! My prize is new work pants because that is what i want to be baggy!
    nmkruse :flowerforyou: 160 as of today... tomorrow maybe 159 maybe 161. Im sick of being stuck! I want to get to the 140-145 mark. Ive never been a healthy weight, in fact, I think I was overweight when I was born! I want to like how I feel! My prize is wearing a size M shirt.... or maybe a size 8-9 pants... and showing everyone that I can do it!
    Rogiefreida :smile: starting weight is 141.5 as of Sunday. Goal is 130, hopefully by 11/11, which is my BFF's wedding date where I will be wearing my very cute (and short! and sleeveless!) maid of honor gown.
    sass30 :smile: starting weight is 137.5, my goal is 130 hopefully before the end of the summer. My goal isn't really weight but I really want a rock hard body. My motivation is my kids...I don't want them to have unproductive lives full of watching tv and sitting on the couch all day long. Once I achieve that awesome body/weight I am going t get a new tattoo on my side.
    Sassy_Cass :wink: Starting weight 148 - goal 135 (13 pounds) My motivation is being able to love myself again, I want to look in the mirror and see past the jiggle and see a beautiful healthy version of me! When I reach the 10 pound mark (and my neighbor does as well) we are buying a new outfit and going on a double date with the men in our lives *they provide a tun of support when reaching for the chocolate bar* :wink:
    shaindi :happy: Starting weight 126 - goal 115 (11lbs). 5 kids did not do pleasant things to my body. Meeting my goal will be rewarding enough, no other "prize" necessary!
    sweettandb: Starting weight as of today is 175.4 lbs. Goal wt. is 167-170 (still slightly over the suggested BMI but I wouldnt look right at that recommended weight in my opinion). My motivation is being as healthy as possible in order to avoid numerous medical issues and being able to enjoy life to the fullest with my hubby and kids. Once I reach my final goal, I am going on a shopping spree for some lovely grown and sexy outfits. Hubby will like that.
    neela31 :) currently 141. My goal right now is 135 (6 pounds), but I'd LOVE to get to 130 (11 pounds). I've been in a platuea for over a year!! My motivation is to be able to wear low rise jeans.
  • freebird240
    freebird240 Posts: 33 Member
    I would like to try and lose 18 lbs... I'm 143 and would like to be 125lbs....
  • gillian055
    gillian055 Posts: 9 Member
    Ok ladies (I don't think we have any gents yet) so far we have 23 committments to shed up to 20 pounds - this is great! I am confident that together we will be able to meet our goals! I am posting your "names" please update with your starting weight, your goal, and your motivation or "prize" for hitting your goal. Just add a simley face beside your name so I know who updated and can track it I think it would be neat to see how much weight we collectively wish to lose, and to be able to track our progress as individuals and as a team.
    bethy0316 I really need the motivation ... yesterday I started this and didn't do so well, but did drink 10 glasses of water. Hopefully you will let me join in. Thanks
    BJC78 SW: 144 GW: 135 - This last 9 is horrible! I want to continue to firm and tone! My reward is a little shopping spree at VS and maybe some cute little lingerie
    Danielle1978 - SW: 135 GW:125 - I want a flat tummy. After 2 kids its been hard to come by. My reward is a new string bikini from VS I've been eyeing.
    jtp5184-SW 130 GW 115 total 15 pounds-I want my clothes that used to be baggy to be baggy once again! My prize is new work pants because that is what i want to be baggy!
    nmkruse 160 as of today... tomorrow maybe 159 maybe 161. Im sick of being stuck! I want to get to the 140-145 mark. Ive never been a healthy weight, in fact, I think I was overweight when I was born! I want to like how I feel! My prize is wearing a size M shirt.... or maybe a size 8-9 pants... and showing everyone that I can do it!
    Rogiefreida starting weight is 141.5 as of Sunday. Goal is 130, hopefully by 11/11, which is my BFF's wedding date where I will be wearing my very cute (and short! and sleeveless!) maid of honor gown.
    sass30 starting weight is 137.5, my goal is 130 hopefully before the end of the summer. My goal isn't really weight but I really want a rock hard body. My motivation is my kids...I don't want them to have unproductive lives full of watching tv and sitting on the couch all day long. Once I achieve that awesome body/weight I am going t get a new tattoo on my side.
    Sassy_Cass Starting weight 148 - goal 135 (13 pounds) My motivation is being able to love myself again, I want to look in the mirror and see past the jiggle and see a beautiful healthy version of me! When I reach the 10 pound mark (and my neighbor does as well) we are buying a new outfit and going on a double date with the men in our lives *they provide a tun of support when reaching for the chocolate bar*
    shaindi Starting weight 126 - goal 115 (11lbs). 5 kids did not do pleasant things to my body. Meeting my goal will be rewarding enough, no other "prize" necessary!
    sweettandb: Starting weight as of today is 175.4 lbs. Goal wt. is 167-170 (still slightly over the suggested BMI but I wouldnt look right at that recommended weight in my opinion). My motivation is being as healthy as possible in order to avoid numerous medical issues and being able to enjoy life to the fullest with my hubby and kids. Once I reach my final goal, I am going on a shopping spree for some lovely grown and sexy outfits. Hubby will like that.
    neela31 :) currently 141. My goal right now is 135 (6 pounds), but I'd LOVE to get to 130 (11 pounds). I've been in a platuea for over a year!! My motivation is to be able to wear low rise jeans.
  • mjp202
    mjp202 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm one of the gents here--I hope that's OK--but I added my information to this list:
    Ok ladies (I don't think we have any gents yet) so far we have 23 committments to shed up to 20 pounds - this is great! I am confident that together we will be able to meet our goals! I am posting your "names" please update with your starting weight, your goal, and your motivation or "prize" for hitting your goal. Just add a simley face beside your name so I know who updated and can track it I think it would be neat to see how much weight we collectively wish to lose, and to be able to track our progress as individuals and as a team.
    bethy0316 I really need the motivation ... yesterday I started this and didn't do so well, but did drink 10 glasses of water. Hopefully you will let me join in. Thanks
    BJC78 SW: 144 GW: 135 - This last 9 is horrible! I want to continue to firm and tone! My reward is a little shopping spree at VS and maybe some cute little lingerie
    Danielle1978 - SW: 135 GW:125 - I want a flat tummy. After 2 kids its been hard to come by. My reward is a new string bikini from VS I've been eyeing.
    jtp5184-SW 130 GW 115 total 15 pounds-I want my clothes that used to be baggy to be baggy once again! My prize is new work pants because that is what i want to be baggy!
    mjp202 I'm in! Starting weight 216, current weight 202, goal weight 188. I've been looking for some accountability to push past this mini-plateau, so I'll happily join the Tuesday weigh-in.:smile:
    nmkruse 160 as of today... tomorrow maybe 159 maybe 161. Im sick of being stuck! I want to get to the 140-145 mark. Ive never been a healthy weight, in fact, I think I was overweight when I was born! I want to like how I feel! My prize is wearing a size M shirt.... or maybe a size 8-9 pants... and showing everyone that I can do it!
    Rogiefreida starting weight is 141.5 as of Sunday. Goal is 130, hopefully by 11/11, which is my BFF's wedding date where I will be wearing my very cute (and short! and sleeveless!) maid of honor gown.
    sass30 starting weight is 137.5, my goal is 130 hopefully before the end of the summer. My goal isn't really weight but I really want a rock hard body. My motivation is my kids...I don't want them to have unproductive lives full of watching tv and sitting on the couch all day long. Once I achieve that awesome body/weight I am going t get a new tattoo on my side.
    Sassy_Cass Starting weight 148 - goal 135 (13 pounds) My motivation is being able to love myself again, I want to look in the mirror and see past the jiggle and see a beautiful healthy version of me! When I reach the 10 pound mark (and my neighbor does as well) we are buying a new outfit and going on a double date with the men in our lives *they provide a tun of support when reaching for the chocolate bar*
    shaindi Starting weight 126 - goal 115 (11lbs). 5 kids did not do pleasant things to my body. Meeting my goal will be rewarding enough, no other "prize" necessary!
    sweettandb: Starting weight as of today is 175.4 lbs. Goal wt. is 167-170 (still slightly over the suggested BMI but I wouldnt look right at that recommended weight in my opinion). My motivation is being as healthy as possible in order to avoid numerous medical issues and being able to enjoy life to the fullest with my hubby and kids. Once I reach my final goal, I am going on a shopping spree for some lovely grown and sexy outfits. Hubby will like that.
    neela31 :) currently 141. My goal right now is 135 (6 pounds), but I'd LOVE to get to 130 (11 pounds). I've been in a platuea for over a year!! My motivation is to be able to wear low rise jeans.
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Water :

    tues: 18/8 cups
    wed: 11/8 cups
    thurs: 14/8 cups
    fri: 0/8 cups
    sat: 0/8 cups
    sun: 0/8 cups
    mon: 0/8 cups

    total: 53/56 cups

    I can't believe how many people want in on this, it's fantastic!