Sexy In Six : Week 3 !!



  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Quick check in ladies!

    Didnt get exercise last night so felt terrible! Took longer than I thought to carve the pumpkin lol.

    Today I just got done with exercise- 72 min and 849 cals burned.
    Foodwise- fiber one cereal, 2% milk, a kiwi fruit, 1/2d strawberries/snack-banana/ lunch not sure, something higher in protein maybe im low on protein today so far/ snack- ? not sure, fiber one bar or something/ dinner- chili at sisters(maybe this can make up the protein shortage)

    So Im jumping in the shower real quick then off to my sisters for the halloween fun! I will check in with you guys tomorrow morning or afternoon...

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!

  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    We could call them consequences or the results of eating too much. Sounds a little less harsh. Or even "paying back the exercise or food bank". Any way you see it I like the idea.

    Happy Halloween everyone!

    I am not going to exceed my calories or ww points today!

    No food planned.

    Check back later!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    ok, pedal and lauryn you guys both went over on your calories so you can choose your punishment:
    either 10 calories off todays total or 10/15 mins extra workout time.
    for me if i got punishment i would take the workout, because calories are easier for me to not eat. working out longer is more of a punishment for me.
    you choose. or if you have something else in mind...good luck.

    sorry, please forgive me for using the wrong word and calling it a punishment. call it what you want.

    best of luck in your weight loss. i know i WILL make it to my goal with or without perfect days. because this is my life now.
  • mamakitty
    mamakitty Posts: 249
    I am sorry. I have to drop out of this challege. I have some things going on right now and will not be able to give you guys the commitment and attention the challenge deserves. I will still commit to my goal of reaching 134 by Thanksgiving.

    Good luck.
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Chipper, dont worry about it. I think that you can call it whatever you want, the end result is still the same, we all are here to be accountable and lucky us to have a group of ladies who all want the same thing. I love the mix of personalities and lifestyles we have meshed together. I seem to get a little something different out of all of you!

    MK- sorry to hear that you are leaving us. If you change your mind then you know where to find us all! Good luck with meeting your goal!

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Chipper, I hope you aren't upset about it :flowerforyou: I did ask for a "punishment" last night so thanks for offering the ideas!! :wink:

    MK, sorry to hear you're going. Keep up the good work!

    Amy, I agree that this is such a neat mix of people. We're all different and bring our own different personalities but we are all here for each other which is so cool. And scattered around North America. The internet is a pretty cool thing eh? :happy:

    Well, so far so good today. I really had to do some self-talk to push past a temptation but I did it :bigsmile: That sure felt good!! Now I need to get some baking done with my kiddos... talk to you all soon :flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey girlies. MK...sorry to lose you. Everyone else, quick hellp from me. Gotta run...gonna go home and run outside...the weather is BEAUTIFUL today and I can't stand to waste no gym for me but a run outdoors. AND...I'm going out of town for the day tomorrow so probably won't be able to check in again until make good choices my friends and I'll talk to you soon!!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Skippy - Reduced Fat Creamy Peanut Butter, 2 tbs 180
    Sara Lee - 45 Calories & Delightful - White Bread, 2 slices 90
    total 270
    Sara Lee - 45 Calories & Delightful 100% Multi-Grain Bread, 2 slices 90
    Kraft - 2% Milk Cheese Singles, 2 slice 100
    Progresso - Light Vegtable and Noodle, 2 cup 120
    total 310
    Smithfield - Garlic & Herb Pork Tenderloin X, 2 oz. (112g) 60
    Lettuce - Iceberg (includes crisphead types), raw, 0.5 cup shredded 5
    Good Housekeeping - Perfect Guacamole, 0.0625 cup 6
    Red Potatoes - Red Potatoes - With Skin, 5.3 oz 110
    total 181
    M&M's - Milk Chocolate, 20 Peices 68
    Total: 829
    Goal: 1,240
    Remaining: 411
    no exercise today.
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Cathy, Hey I'm sorry if I made you feel bad about the punishment quote. I'll try to be more careful from now on.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    don't worry about me...:flowerforyou:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    hope everyone had a nice halloween. mine was quiet. the grandbabies are here. shanell came by and they fell asleep. so they just stayed the night. i had 1 pumpkin cookie for my treat. shanell took all the left over candy to work with her. other wise i would throw it out. i saved me some smarties they only have 25 calories. i thought that would give me a little something if i wanted it. i stayed within my calories, with no exercising.
    don't know what's in store for today. we shall see as the day unfolds.
    ttyl, cathy
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    *whew!* Well, I just got back from a great class at my gym - I hadn't tried it before and it was a really good calorie burn. Just floor cardio - no step - which I'm not used to but I'll go back again for sure. I burned almost 800 calories which I've decided I'm not going to add to my day. I figure since it's morning and I want to compensate for the last couple of days going a little over (yes, last night I had trouble resisting the amazing late-night strawberry caramel crepes that my friend made, although I had just one) I would use this work out to balance out. We had a great hallowe'en - how was everyone else's??

    Well, my daughter's friend is having a birthday party today so we should get ready for that. Thankfully I'm not feeling remotely like I'll be tempted by cake which is great. I'll have to post my meals later!

    Have a great afternoon everyone :flowerforyou:
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Pedal- your pic is great!! :)

    Last night wasnt bad at all on my end..Just had a small bowl of chili with a handful of corn chips. We didnt get home to almost 1am and then I kept getting woke up by our cat meowing til about 3am!

    Slept late this morning, til about 11:15am!:noway:

    Got up, ate breakfast- fiber one cereal, 2% milk, and 1/2 banana. lunch- rice and beans burrito mix kit by old el paso- I just had about 1/2 cup of meat mix and 1/8 cup of chz mixed in -no burrito. Also had some mixed melon fruit on the side- about 1 cup. Not sure what dinner will be today. May just have some soup- starting to get some sinus type congestion in my head!

    I went to the gym and worked out..long work out- just 10minutes shy of 2 hours. Did some different cardio, worked with some free weights and the weight machines. Burned 1275 cals, but if I take out say 200 for what my body would burn at rest for those 2 hours, Im still at 1,075 cals so I think Im okay today lol. May go to a Halloween party tonight, but not sure. I have a lot of studying to do for a test next week, and I need to get my sleep schedule back on track after last night!!

    Well I hope you all have a great weekend- Ill try and check in later :wink:

  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi Ladies,

    I am not coping with this weekend as well as I had hoped. Had more than one peanut butter cup last night. Today I have not tracked calories yet or exercised. I got up and went to the college lab to get ready for mon. big tests; 2 mid-term exams. I really need to cram all weekend. No time to cook. I don't know what I will do for dinner yet.

    I think I will do a quick shred for my workout today & tomorrow I will get outside for one of my last bike rides of the year before we hang them up.

    I will be in class on mon. & working the election on tue. , so I may not check in until wed.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    life happens and so do days like today.
    i ate and yes it was good. glad i don't do it much anymore, feel terrible.
    i have a skin infection from being a diabetic, can't walk well on one foot. (that's where the infection is). to bad will go with the pain. i joined a gym and will have my free hour w/trainer on monday. tomorrow i just may go try it out.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Katy, good for you for surviving hallowe'en :wink:

    Deb, it's all a learning experience! See what you can learn to help you through next time. Today I realized a good mental moment to give myself in times of temptation: I asked myself "at bed time today, will I be happier that I DID eat this or that I did NOT eat this?"

    Cathy, I'm glad you enjoyed your day but sorry it made you feel unwell. On to a new day tomorrow!

    We had fun at the party but it was a little chaotic for my liking. I had a bite of cake but that's it - and I have more than enough room in my plan today. I need to get something filling going for supper because I've eaten like a bird today.
    I bought a pair of jeans today because they were on huge sale. They are a size 31 and they fit although losing a half inch on my abdomen will make them loungeable. I don't have much at all in the way of pants right now. One pair that aren't work out clothes actually (and those are a size too big!). I'm tempted to get a pair of motivation pants from the GAP (the ones I tried on the other day but in a size 8 rather than a size 10 which fits now) but they're $80. We'll see. I have never loved shopping for clothes because it always made me feel so fat, even before when I could shop in regular stores... everything just accentuated my "trouble spots". But I can tell that once I'm willing to spend money on clothes again (meaning once I can rely on being a particular size!) I'm going to have to control myself with wardrobe. I've always lived vicariously though my mother who looks gorgeous in everything - it's so fun to shop with her and pick out outfits! But when I get to enjoy shopping for me as I'm beginning to... look out! hahaha
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Alright! Here is my menu for tomorrow!

    1: homemade multi-grain porridge, chocolate protein shake
    2: homemade split pea soup
    3: gala apple & protein drink
    4: weight watchers whole wheat tortilla wrap w/ grilled chicken, skim milk cheese & salsa - broiled
    5: 1/2 sprouted grain bagel w/ 1.5 tbsp almond butter & apple butter, 1/2 cup red grapes
    6: homemade chicken soup, 1/2 sprouted grain bagel, baby mixed greens salad w/ olive oil, balsamic vinegar & toasted sesame seeds
    7: 1 medium banana & 1.5 tbsp organic dark choc chips + 2 tsp skim milk melted into fondue

    I'm going to a step class in the morning so that will be my major work out! May do some weights at home depending on how my arms feel. I did arms and chest today at the gym and I don't want to over-do it. Maybe just some abs? We'll see!

    I'm so happy we didn't hand out candy this year - it's such a relief not to have left-over hallowe'en candy sitting around :bigsmile: I can't believe we're past the half way point in this challenge now! Week 4 starts just around the corner. What can you do in the next 2 days to see the results you want at your check-in on Tuesday? Think about that as you make your choices :flowerforyou:

    Hallowe'en is past and the game is still on!!!
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Hey everyone!!!
    Sorry I haven't been on here in a while. Been busy and my back was hurting me real bad all week. Yesterday was a horrible day food wise, but hey it's one day since I started on this plan. So what the heck! Didn't even track.

    Today isn't so good, but because I chose something bad at lunch. Didn't realize it would be so bad. Funny how that works. But tomorrow is a new day and a new start. I like this plan better with the counting calories. My favorit program was WW, until I found this site. I found on WW if I made a "Boo Boo" I would just call it quits for the whole week because of the weeks worth of points and all. With the calorie count, I know each day I get the same amount no matter what.

    My fitness plan rocks!!!!!:glasses:

    Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend. Night night.
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey ladies!!

    Just a quick check in. I am going to be completely honest, I ate SOOOO much today!!! My mom is in town and so we're coming and going and I made a big supper tonight including pumpkin cheesecake!! Big no-no!! I"m trying to get her to take most of it home so I don't have it around to tempt me!! And it turned out too well to throw it away! but it was a nice splurge. We did work out a lot today actually. We walked a trail through a nature area where I live to see all the gorgeous leaves turning and that was a brisk walk for about an hour and a half and then we shopped for oh 4 hours or so!! haha!! so much fun. I haven't seen my mom in a while so it has been a great weekend and a huge stress relief!! (even though I have an 8 page paper to write by tomorrow night! EEK!!) Found some great stuff shopping and bought some skinny jeans (as in the style, not the size, not quite there yet!) to go with these super cute boots I ordered the other day.

    Anyway, hopefully back in full force tomorrow and making up for any extra calories with some good workouts. I want Tuesday to be a good check in even if I did indulge this weekend!

    P.S. For those of you in the States and are still awake, don't forget to set your clocks back an hour tonight for Daylight Savings Time!!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Pedal, Size 8 Jeans. Way to go!!!! I can't belive were going into week 4 either, seems like it was just yesterday we started this challenge. I think the rest of the year will be like this.

    Cathy, Shanell, Amy, Hope we all have a better day today and for the rest of this challenge.

    I have really cut down on my water and tracking my calories over the past few days. I feel like I need to start from the beginning again and talk myself into it. I did not end up exercising yesterday.

    1: cereal, skim milk, coffee w/cream
    2: toast w/ nat. peanut butter & jelly, milk & snack size kit kat (my family was supposed to get rid of all this extra for me)
    3: california kitchen thin mahgrita pizza
    4: apple
    5: new chicken breast recipe I found on this site
    6: pop corn
    Exercise: bike ride