Foods you love, but abstain from...



  • tkacomet
    tkacomet Posts: 73 Member
    chips - both corn and potato
    french fries
    and the worst - CHEESE.

    I used to make nachos all the time, and my kids always ask for them. I have bought the ingredients for them, and then always end up making myself nachos also. I can't have them in the house. and I really can't allow any cheese except feta and parmesan. when the cheese is GONE I can lose weight, when it's in the house at all I plateau.

    the problem is, whenever I'm hungry, all I want is cheese. melted on anything. nothing else sounds appetizing.

    I'm also a sucker for a good plate of fish and chips. now I order salads instead of the fries if I desperately need my fix. I LOVE battered halibut. the fries I end up eating just because they're there. the halibut isnt exactly healthy (well, the fish itself is. the treatment isn't) but there's no need to pile on the fries.

    I'm alsoa sucker for a really good bakery baguette, but I can resist and only have those as a very special treat.
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Pizza (not homemade), though I do budget calories for this every once in a while. Also, cheeseburgers from restaurants. That's a big one... There's no way I can justify those calories. :frown: My mouth is watering just thinking about it.
  • sauerkrautpolka
    sauerkrautpolka Posts: 266 Member
    All sorts of pastas (especially lasagna)
    All sorts of potatoes (especially french fries)
  • Mucky_Duck
    Mucky_Duck Posts: 73
    My telling confession would be that before joining MFP I often would eat a whole loaf of Turkish Pide bread each night (on my own & as a snack). Most of my diet was fine but when it came to bread... I don't think working in a bakery helped either :P
  • kamm602
    kamm602 Posts: 18
    I would have to say pizza and pasta... One bite and I cannot control myself... I can be in the area of the food but I just so much as taste it, its over! Every now and then I will give in, but I like the results on the scale far better than the satisfaction of a meal!!!!
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    Ice cream (now I buy pre-portioned desserts so I can't add "just a little bit more")
    Chinese food (I make my own stir fry now but it's just not the same as takeout :sad: )
    And booze. The only solution I've found there is to just sip it slowly and drink water constantly.

    It may be cliche, but nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.