Any future brides that want to start a support group? :)


I was just wondering if there are any future bride that are in the same boat as me and want to lose weight before their wedding and are looking to join a support group! My goal is to lose at least 30 pounds before my wedding next May. It's 10 months away but I want to get started now!

I have had trouble sticking to my diets in the past but this time I need stick to it. So, I am looking for people to help support me on this weight loss journey. I would like it if we can provide support to one another through threads. I think weigh-ins on Friday would be great!

Please let me know if you are serious about joining the group! :)


  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hey I would love to join!!! we haven't set an exact date yet but our wedding will be sometime Oct 2012. I want to lose 25-30lbs by then!!
  • mattiol4
    mattiol4 Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks for joining :) We can do this! I am excited to start this journey!
  • jenlw88
    jenlw88 Posts: 71
    i am so in mine might be in april 9, 2012
  • mattiol4
    mattiol4 Posts: 89 Member
    I think it will be helpful to have some support too! I have been trying to lose weight for about a month now. I eat well and exercise but I alway (without fail) snack before bed. I can't fall asleep hunger -- so I snack a little. I think that snacking has been the reason I haven't been losing any weight. So, my solutions is to eat my dinner later in the day, that way I am not so hungry when I go to bed.

    We can all reach are goals! My goal is to eat 1,200 calories/day and work out 4 times a week.

    Today, my fiance and I are going to play racquetball! We are not very good at it, but it's a good way to spend time together... and burn some calories!
  • mattiol4
    mattiol4 Posts: 89 Member
    India! Wow, that is awesome! I have always wanted to visit there. I am big on globe trotting, but I have never made it to India.

    I am having the opposite problem than you -- I am having trouble staying under 1200 calories! If I go over I try to work it off. However, tonight my neighbors who are moving out invited us over for dinner and they made pizza. I ate a piece because I felt bad rejecting their kind gesture. So, that pushed me over my 1200 :( But I will be better tomorrow!

    We can do weigh-ins on Thursday or Friday; which ever works best for everyone. I will be out of town this week, so I will do it one of those days. But, I think the importance of this group is to be supportive, with the addition of weigh-ins.

    Good Luck Ladies :)
  • runner915
    runner915 Posts: 106
    Hi everyone! I would like to join also. I got engaged a week ago and we are planning on getting married July 14, 2012. I know it is a long time away, but we are getting our engagement pictures taken the beginning of october so I want to lose 10-15 pounds before then and then I would like to be down to my goal weight by november/december so I can buy a dress.

    It will be great to have support because I feel like I'm already stressed with the planning. Weddings are too expensive these days! It is already making me sick to my stomach to think about spending that much money for one day. I keep asking my fiance if we can just elope but he always says no :/ lol oh well I'm excited to get married and celebrate with my fam and friends!

    Thursday or Friday weigh-ins work for me! I need to get to it, I haven't been working out regularly lately. I think group weigh-ins will help keep me motivated!
  • mattiol4
    mattiol4 Posts: 89 Member
    Welcome and Congratulations on your engagement! :-) I also want to lose about 10-15 pounds before our engagement photos. My goal is to lose about 30 - 40 pounds before our wedding and I think I can do it.

    My fiance and I recently got engaged as well and I agree the planning is stressful. I am also worried about the expenses. My fiance and I are thinking about pushing back our date a bit so we can save more money and elevate some of the stress. We were originally planning on a date next May, but it looks like we might slide it back a bit.

    I haven't been working out regularly either... it has been so hot! I am hoping that my calorie deficit will help give me a decent weight loss this week. But, I stepped on the scale last night just to see how I was doing and I was so upset with what I saw! I actually gained weight - only about .6 pounds but I was so discouraged. I don't know how that happened because I haven't been cheating on the food or anything, I am hoping it is water retention from all the sodium I ate.

    Good Luck! :)
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hello Beautiful Brides!! How is everyone staying on track this week? what are you doing to help you stay within calorie limit??
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    Hi girls! I just got engaged on Friday after dating this man for 3 and a half YEARS! So, needless to say, I'm ready! We're planning on a spring wedding, either April or May, and I'd like to drop another 20 pounds and do some serious toning up so I can look amazing in my wedding dress. The one I've chosen is pretty unforgiving body-bulge wise!

    I'm looking forward to making friends here! I'm going to think about some goals for me and maybe post them later today, and will post measurements and weight on Friday!

    Congrats all you brides to be!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I would love to! I got engaged in April and our date is September of 2012. I would like to lose about 20 # and get toned in the arms area! Please add me if you'd like! =)
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286

    I've been engaged to my fiance for almost a year and a half...looking to buy a house before getting married in 2014...a very long time off but i need time to loose the weight!

    Anyone feel free to add me :o)

    PS congratulations kacylaine! and runner 915 (and to everyone else of course!)

    As for staying on track...i've been under my goal and i get weight in the morning so watch this space...
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    Hi girls!!

    I am getting married July 14, 2012.. less than a year away! We got engaged in December and I started losing weight in January. I've lost 33.5 pounds so far and am looking to lose another 24.5 lbs to get to my first goal weight of 150! And then I will aim for 140 or 130, depending on how I feel/look!

    Also going dress shopping mid-September so I'd LOVE to be in the 150s for that! :]

    Feel free to friend me, I love having fellow brides as friends :]

    I do my weigh ins on Fridays!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    I'd love to join. I am getting married June 29, 2012! 345 days hehe I have a count down at work on my bullentin board. I am currently 228 and I refuse to go dress shopping until I make it to ONEDERLAND. I am hoping to start looking at the end of Novemeber but we shall see what happens. My overall goal weight is 125. For the wedding I would be really happy if I can get down to 175.

    Our color is purple and we picked a venue. I need to call the church, dj, and photographer. Once that is done all the rest is the smaller stuff.
  • InTheRightLane
    I am getting married exactly one month from today! So, I'm in the final stretch of getting toned and trying to lose some stubborn arm fat (I've lost 35+ lbs in the last 3 years and my arms are still huge!) Good luck with the planning process :)
  • eliz_in_pink
    eliz_in_pink Posts: 278 Member
    Sure! I'd love a support group to shed the last 30 pounds or so :)

    I am getting married 5-19-12 to my best friend. We have been engaged since last year and he proposed to me in the middle of a wrestling ring after he won his match (he is an indie pro wrestler!)
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    I'm also a future bride--got engaged in May and getting married June 9th, 2012. I have my dress already---I was within MFP almost a year before getting engaged, but I'd love some support to lose the last 20 or so before the wedding! Congrats ladies! Feel free to add me--love being able to talk wedding planning with other brides to be :)
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    I would love to join. My wedding isn't until September 2012 but it's never too early to start losing, right?!
  • brown_eyed_girl_06
    I am already married but I just wanted to stop by and say congrats to all of you ladies! Marriage is a wonderful thing! :smile: And good luck with your weight loss goals. I am aiming to be the weight that I met my husband at (or smaller) which is smaller than when we got married. A combination of college and getting married made me gain some lbs. Congrats to you!
  • mattiol4
    mattiol4 Posts: 89 Member
    Hey everyone! I am excited about all the "future brides" that have recently joined this group! And congratulations to all of you!

    This week I have done already staying within my calorie limit. Yesterday, my fiance and I went out to the bar with our friends that are moving. I was pretty proud of myself for ordering the lightest beer the bar had -- I skipped the fruity drinks which I love. I am hoping that choices like that help the number on the scale go down. I weighted myself this morning to see how I was doing this week and I only lost about 0.4 pounds :( Kind of discouraging. But this week has been so hot that I haven't been able to get out and run with my dog. So, hopefully next week I can start increasing my workout frequency and intensity.

    I will do my weigh-in tomorrow because I am going to be going out of town, Thursday night - Sunday. I hope I at least lose 1 pound.

    Good Luck and Welcome to everyone! Feel free to friend me if you would like :)
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    kacylaine we have the same ring!