Any future brides that want to start a support group? :)



  • yajalya
    yajalya Posts: 10 Member
    Weigh in 1: 206!! lost 4 pounds :D
    Way to go ladies! have a great friday!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hey everyone! I am excited about all the "future brides" that have recently joined this group! And congratulations to all of you!

    This week I have done already staying within my calorie limit. Yesterday, my fiance and I went out to the bar with our friends that are moving. I was pretty proud of myself for ordering the lightest beer the bar had -- I skipped the fruity drinks which I love. I am hoping that choices like that help the number on the scale go down. I weighted myself this morning to see how I was doing this week and I only lost about 0.4 pounds :( Kind of discouraging. But this week has been so hot that I haven't been able to get out and run with my dog. So, hopefully next week I can start increasing my workout frequency and intensity.

    I will do my weigh-in tomorrow because I am going to be going out of town, Thursday night - Sunday. I hope I at least lose 1 pound.

    Good Luck and Welcome to everyone! Feel free to friend me if you would like :)

    A loss is a loss!! be happy with that .4!!! I pretty much stick to a half pound a week!!! it adds up!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Sorry if I am behind...I am in nursing school and it is totally kicking my butt right now!!!
    My starting weight for the challenge is 152.5 and I want to be 130 or 125 by my wedding date!!! well my ultimate goal is to get to 130 by Oct 29 (My daughter's 2nd birthday)

    SW: 152.5
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    A little about me:

    I am a full time nursing student and got engaged on father's day. My fiance and I have been together for a little over 3 years now and we have a beautiful almost 2 year old baby girl. My life is crazy hectic with school but I don't want to let that get me off track. I have worked so hard to lose the weight that I already have so I definitely need motivation and support to stay on track :)

    Everyone have a great weekend!!
  • runner915
    runner915 Posts: 106
    Happy weekend everyone!

    Sorry I'm weighing in a day late, my wireless wasn't working last night, so here is my weigh-in

    7/22/11: 169

    Yay! I'm excited. I thought I was going to be over 170. My fiance and I currently live and hour and a half apart but I always come and stay at his apartment on weekends and last night was rough food wise! It's no wonder I've gained weight these past 3 years. We ate pizza and drank beer and he bought me all my fave snacks and this dessert pizza thing too. Yum! I ate more than I should, but definitely less than I used to. I'm trying to let myself eat my fave foods just in moderation because when I've tried to lose weight in the past, I was always so strict and I would lose weight, but the diets were so strict that I couldn't stick to them for more than a few weeks.

    Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    Congrats on your recent engagement! =D
  • I ate soooo much cake this weekend. I had my bridal shower and had to try out my wedding cake. It was delicious! So much so that I had 4 more pieces than I intended :/

    I tried on my dress again this weekend. Despite losing about 7 lbs since I bought it, it was tighter than when I bought it :( The problem is that I went on the pill and my breasts have been growing. I went from a 36C when I bought it to probably a 36D. I have 3 weeks and 5 days to ensure that I fit into my dress. It zips just barely. I'm contemplating going off of the pill (but that seems like a terrible idea just before the honeymoon since babies aren't part of the plan for awhile). So piece of advice: don't change whether or not you are on the pill after you buy your dress.

    Finally got my flowers and catering nailed down this weekend. I feel like I've been in a wedding planning whirlwind!
  • mattiol4
    mattiol4 Posts: 89 Member
    Well, I am a bit frustrated this week. I increased my exercise routine to a 40 minute cardio workout in the morning and a 40 minute brisk walk with my dog at night. I have stuck to the 1200 calories a day and have increased my water intake, however, I have gained 1.4 pounds! I was particularly devastated since I thought I would have lost a decent amount. My fiance says its probably just water retention from increasing my exercise routine so suddenly... but I don't know. He gave me some scientific explanation... but I don't know if it really pertains to my situation.

    I am just hoping to lose a bit before the next weigh in. I am just really bummed.... :frown:
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    @mattiol4 I know what you mean! I felt the same thing when I weighed in and hadn't lost anything, especially since I've been keeping up with counting calories and working out almost every day. What was really frustrating was to hear my boss who lost 18lbs in 15 days by eating subway 3 days a week. Males have it so easy! Also, my fiance lost 4 pounds in less than a week too... Do you do any weight lifting? Less weight, more reps is what I'm told to burn fat faster.

    We'll get to our goals, just believe! =D
  • Hello, fellow future brides -- I hope it's not too late to join!

    My wedding date is June 25, 2012.

    I started losing at the end of February, have been in a bit of a slump this past month, and am ready to get back on track!
  • runner915
    runner915 Posts: 106
    hi friscoeohno!

    and yeah guys do lose weight so quickly! My fiance will lose weight from not working out... how is that fair? and if he eats a big lunch then he says he just has not appetite for the rst of the day and won't want dinner. If I have a big lunch it usually just makes me hungrier for dinner and a snack.

    I can't believe it's already almost weigh-in day again! Everytime that I've been working out this week I just keep picturing myself trying on wedding dresses and in a swimsuit for our honeymoon and it pushes me to keep going. Hopefully I can remain motivated for a year!

    so do people know what they are doing for their wedding? My fiance and I still don't really know. I want to have Mexican food with like chips and salsa and quesadillas and margaritas during the cocktail hour and then a taco and fajita bar for dinner, but my future MIL said some of their relatives are picky and won't eat that :( so not sure what we are going to go with. Some of the reception places we are looking at won't let us bring in our own food anyway.
  • nvhajjar
    nvhajjar Posts: 13 Member
    YES! I'm in! I got engaged April 27 of this year, the day my fiance and I moved into our new place, and we're getting married October 13, 2012... SO excited!

    I joined this site because I needed accountability and support, and I'm hoping to lose at least 50 lbs over the next year... Good Luck to us all!!
  • @runner915 - One thing I've found during wedding planning is that you can't please everyone. That said, my catering is buffet style Italian so most people should be able to find something they enjoy. If it were up to me I'd have a crazy vegan spread. The compromise is that my wedding cake is vegan (we won't tell anyone though!).

    I've been struggling with controlling my eating lately because the wedding stress monster is getting to me. 3 weeks and 2 days until my wedding. I just need to try to eat clean. I talked to my body pump instructor and he said to lower my weight on the chest presses so that my muscles there will stop growing.
  • mattiol4
    mattiol4 Posts: 89 Member
    Hey girls!

    Well I weighed in today! And I must say even though I only lose 0.2 pounds since last weeks weigh in, I am pretty happy because last weekend my fiance and I celebrated our engagement with his family and I eat ALOT!! I weighed myself after the festivities... and I weighed more than I ever have before! So, I made it my mission to get back to the weight I was at my last weigh-in! And well I met that goal and lost a little tiny extra! :)

    How were your weigh-ins? What are you going to do differently this week? Any goals you are going to set for yourself?

    I think this week I am going to try to drink more water and eat less sodium. I love salt! I would rather eat salty food than sweets. So, I am going to try to decrease the sodium intake. My goal is to workout at least 5 to 6 times this week!

    Good Luck!!
  • runner915
    runner915 Posts: 106
    Happy Friday!

    I weighed in this morning at 167. I am still working on portion sizes, but it has helped that I work out at night now because it prevents me from snacking as much as I used to, which I think was one of the big reasons I gained weight.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    Today's weight: 171.8 ...Better than I expected!
  • yajalya
    yajalya Posts: 10 Member
    I was dreading todays weigh in! :( this was a baaaad week! lol
    todays weigh in 206, no loss.... but no gain either!
    so i'll take that as a partial win!!
  • mattiol4
    mattiol4 Posts: 89 Member
    Maintaining weight is better then gaining. I didn't really lose anything this week either... only 0.2. We just got to keep trekking forward! We can do this!

    Today, I stayed under my calorie limit and did 65 minutes of intense cardio. I also bought a water bottle yesterday, which I feel like was a great buy because I can now track exactly how much water I am drinking and it is easy to carry it around with me everywhere.

    We can reach our goals! :) I just keep picturing myself in my wedding dress and in my bikini on my honeymoon! That is motivating me right now!
  • Hi fellow brides!! I'm also getting married this November 4, 2011 in Belize and on my way to losing 40lbs. This is such a great idea!! I wish you all goodluck!!
  • I'd love to join in! My fiance and I have been together 5 years in August. We got engaged May 1, 2010 in front of my entire family and an entire resturant up on stage after he sung me happy birthday. :) Our wedding will be Oct 20, 2012. I want to be down to my goal weight by then but if not at least 150lbs. I have been commited to counting calories and exercising (ZUMBA 3 times a week at my school gym) since the end of May. I have only lost 8lbs but I have I have lost 15 1/2 inches off of my body in various locations. So ladies remember even if you are not seeing the scale change your BODY is CHANGING. You are losing inches and gaining muscle. Which just looks better anyways :D Congrats to everyone though on their engagements!!
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