Any future brides that want to start a support group? :)



  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    Hey everyone! I just joined not only this group, but this entire website and I have to say it's already making me feel better about myself.

    Last week I started my weight loss journey and I was happy when I stepped on the scale after four days of working out to see I was down one pound. I would have been more enthusiastic with two pounds but we can't be greedy, right? :smile: I stepped on the scale at the gym last night and nothing changed and my reaction at first was "That's ok!" but then my fiance stepped on the scale and he was down four pounds since last Thursday. Can you believe it? Not fair at all. I guess I'm not feeding him enough! :ohwell: Guys lose weight so much faster than girls, it's not fair! I'll just keep trekking along.

    How is everyone's work out regiments going this week? Also, do your fiance's work out with you as well? I find that it helps out a lot and you get to bond even more with your future hubby!

    Keep working hard ladies!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • mattiol4
    mattiol4 Posts: 89 Member
    My work out regiment was decent this week. It was just so hot... so I wasn't able to run my dog as much as I would like. My fiance does workout while I workout; however, he does only weights. He is so thin and has trouble gaining weight because get this... he thinks eating is "kind of like a chore." Weird huh?! I wish I was like him! He as been very supportive throughout this process and is always thinking of fun activities that can get our hearts pumping. We played racquetball a few times a week -- that burns about 500 calories an hour!

    Good Luck!
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    Im in :) We had a date set but the royals took it over (April 29, 2011) lol and i hated what i looked like when i tried on dresses :( I want to get to 160 ultimately (currently 249lbs) once i get under 200 Ill start diggin out the plans again :)
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    Crap I cant add y'all fast enough!
  • runner915
    runner915 Posts: 106
    Hello brides to be!

    Are we doing our weigh-in on Friday then? I'm nervous! I haven't stepped on a scale in about a month and in that month I haven't done so hot. Plus my fiance came to my house tonight and wanted to go to the movies and out for Mexican food afterwards :/ but I did leave some food on my plate which is good for me because usually I eat past the point of being stuffed. And I am goign to get up early to run before work tomorrow.

    As far as wedding planning is going, my fiance and I want to have our ceremony at the chapel at the college where we met, but some couple reserved it for three different weekends because they don't know when they want to have it and of course one of those weekends is the one we were planning on having. Hope they decide by next week. GRRRRR We can't really do anything else until we find out which weekend we can have the chapel. Oh and my fiance told me that his mom told him they have at least 150 family members that need to be invited that doesn't even include any of his friends. eeeks I was hoping to keep the whole thing under 250! I am really starting to wish that he would agree to just elope :)
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    Wow, you guys are really up on your planning! We've been engaged for a week and we haven't even told everyone yet. It's just not that big a deal to us, I guess, since we've been together for so long and we've known we were going to get married for quite awhile. It's just official now. How long has everyone else been with their fiances? Just curious, I know nearly 4 years is NOT the norm before engagement!!!

    So I set my weight and date goals:

    (I'm not sure what my weight is right now, we will find out tomorrow! I've been afraid to step on a scale since we got back from our mini vacation last weekend...:ohwell: )

    August 31: 165
    September 30: 160
    October 31: 155
    November 30: 150 (which, depending on how I feel, is my goal, and will be when I get my dress!)
    December 31: 145 (stretch goal, just for the challenge!)

    I'm going to post my measurements in the morning and keep track of those, too. I've set my calorie goal to 1500 and will be eating back my exercise calories. If I take it much lower than that, I tend to lose fast for a couple of weeks and then get on this hideous plateu! Ugh!
  • mattiol4
    mattiol4 Posts: 89 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    I am proud to report that I have lost 1 pound since last Saturday! I am thrilled because that wasn't even a whole week! :) I am going out of town today until Sunday so I won't be near a scale or anything!

    My fiance and I were dating for 3 years and 3 months before getting engaged! I thought that was the perfect amount of time. It gave us enough time to graduate from college and figure out the next step. I am also the kind of person that likes to take things slow.

    Good Luck with your weigh-ins!!! :)
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    Does anyone else find it absolutely horrifying wedding dress shopping? When we first got in engaged back in November 2010 we planned originally decided to get married on January 21, 2012 but just recently we decided to push the date back so that he can finish school and also, it would give us more time to save for the wedding and house. So I went dress shopping back in May and it's overwhelming and then it just became a little disappointing. Wedding boutiques should carry larger sample sizes! The places I went too had sample sizes of size 8. I'm sorry, that's not the normal size of a gal with curves! :)

    Anyway, we just celebrated 8 years together last week so we're in no rush to get married. :) We'll get there some day. Hopefully September 2012.
  • I'd love to join your group. I am getting married 9/8/12 and am just starting my mission to lose weight. I've got 13 months to lose 80 pounds. I used to be thin until about 2 years ago and work stress coupled with moving in with my fiance really took a toll on my commitment to working out and eating right. I'm hoping to be down at least 50 pounds before I go dress shopping next spring.

  • crozierb
    crozierb Posts: 61 Member
    I am excited to join this group! Just got engaged last weekend, and due to a very busy year/summer 2012 ahead, we are looking at less than a year before the big day already- yikes!
    Not that I am looking to lose all THAT much (about 10 lb) but am more worried about all the stress of planning combined with getting in great shape- no idea how to plan yet, but will figure it out :)
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    9/8/12 is the day we are *hoping* for as well!

    TJ and I met on, it'll be 2 years this August 8th. He was the only person I ever even responded to while on granted it was only 2 days, LOL!

    Our proposal story is awesome,
    He proposed on April 8th around 10 am. We were among many friends and family members at our usual tailgate spot. 4/8/11 was the Detroit Tigers Opening Day celebration. I like to refer to Opening Day as my "adult Christmas" because I get more excited for this day than any other day of the year! We both LOVE baseball, especially the Tigers. One thing to know about TJ is that he dislikes photo's very, very much! He told me about a month ago that he wanted to make sure we took lots of pictures on Opening Day because both of us had lost about 30 pounds since last years game (thanks to MFP!) This had me excited because he had never requests to take photos! I woke up extra early (couldn't sleep) and spent a while getting ready. I had gotten my hair done the night before, complete with orange and blue glitter strands! I bought a new outfit (lost weight = new clothes) and was feeling great. Around 10:15 am, one of my best friends was trying to round up the tailgate crew to take a large group photo. There *just so happen* to be a photographer from the Detroit Free Press walking around. She grabbed him and asked him to take some group pictures of us. He agreed. After a few minutes and all the group photos were done, I turned around to walk away and TJ grabbed my arms and stared at me. He got down on one knee (in a rain puddle) and said something along the lines of, "I love you so much babe, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you marry me?" He simultaneously opened up a bright red box with the most stunning ring in it. I stood there, stuck, and I couldn't speak. I was so happy and so in shock. I uttered the words, "does my father know?" LOL. He said, "of course!" then I screamed, "YES!" I helped him up off the ground and we hugged for a bit. I couldn't stand and I was shaking as he put the ring on my finger. Best. Day. Ever! the wandering camera guy, Andre, caught every moment on camera! YAY!

    We are planning to get married/reception at Comerica Park in Detroit. It is the most beautiful place ever!

    I can't wait to dress shop. I do have some anxiety! I HATE my arms, ugh, I just wish I could chop them off! LOL!

    My future mother in law lives in Florida and I promised her that I would wait and shop with her when she comes up to visit in October, so that gives me a few months to tone up/lose more!

    Sorry this was so LONG ladies! =) I talk a lot. I am a very supportive friend and I won't let y'all down.
  • honeymead
    honeymead Posts: 3
    I'd like to join! We're getting married 4/1/12, and I'd like to at least fit into my wedding dress (we were engaged but broke up, now we're on for real this time!!) So, I'd like to lose about 30lbs, but ultimately about 50, I hope.
  • yajalya
    yajalya Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in! we are getting married June 16 2012 and I'd like to lose 40+ pounds. what a great way to keep motivated! friday weigh in are great for me, that was my personal weigh in day too!
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    Hi Kerri, ol' buddy ol' pal!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Hi Kerri, ol' buddy ol' pal!

    You are my favorite person in the whole world that I have never met! =)
  • runner915
    runner915 Posts: 106
    kerri that engagement story is soooo cute! haha I wish I had looked cute when my fiance proposed. We were hiking on vacation and I looked like such a bum. oh well, it was perfect!

    here are my weight loss goals for the wedding

    CW: ~171
    Oct 1- 165 (engagement photos)
    Nov - 160 (dress shopping)
    July 2012 - 150 (WEDDING!)
  • runner915
    runner915 Posts: 106
    p.s. vannabehr, I haven't gone dress shopping yet, but I've found a few online that I really, really want but I'm going to wait until I lose some weight otherwise I have a feeling dress shopping will just make me upset and frustrated. Especially if all the sample sizes are size 8!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Weigh-in # 1
    7.22.11: 167.8

    Happy Friday all my pretty ladies!
  • cheri23
    cheri23 Posts: 79 Member
    Hey girls! Congrats to everyone! My wedding is Oct 7, 2011 (76 days ahhhh). I would like to drop my last 5 lbs and tone up. My dress is due to arrive next week and in so nervous to start my fittings.
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    Weigh in 1: 172 (eek! Up 3.6 pounds from the day before we went on vacation! I suppose key lime pie will do that to you...)
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