Ravenclaw Common Room



  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Thursday Ravenclaw! I'm having a wonderful week - meeting most of the challenges and have just felt GOOD this week! :D Everyone ready for a good weigh-in?? Here are the challenges for next week - start them after your weigh-in this weekend!

    EXERCISE OWL: Parking!

    Every time you need to park your vehicle, park as far away from your destination as is feasibly possible. If you pull up to the grocery store, park at the back of the lot. If you park in a garage, go to the top floor and take the stairs down! If you park on the street, park a few blocks away. If you aren't a driver, then take a longer route than you normally would when walking / riding a bike.

    1 OWL per day for parking further away than you normally would (or taking a longer route).

    FOOD OWL: Whole Grains!

    Eat some kind of whole grain food at least once a day. This could be like Ezekiel bread, or Quinoa or anywhole grain, no flower product.

    1 OWL per day for eating whole grains.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    The upcoming challenges look like fun!

    Though I'm thinking I'm also kind of happy I went to Costco this week. :wink:
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    hi everyone. i am loving this weeks greens challenge!! i had forgotten how much i like spinach!! really tired yesterday and took a rest day. gotta get a workout in yet tonight but i got extras in the other days this week. next weeks challenges sound fun also. question...does brown rice count as a whole grain, or just bread type products?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Got my greens in yseterday but today is not looking good!

    No excerise yesterday either as it was TOO HOT but I will do it today for sure.

    at least I came to say hi though.

    We should have some kind of ravenclaw-y activity for next week! Like we can all share at least one diet/fitness article or tip or we can discuss one that someone else has posted. Because, knowledge!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    We should have some kind of ravenclaw-y activity for next week! Like we can all share at least one diet/fitness article or tip or we can discuss one that someone else has posted. Because, knowledge!

    Funny you should mention that because I came across a website that I wanted to share with everyone. Have to do homework now but will post something about it this weekend. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaws! I'm doing the best I can with this weeks challenges, but I'm REALLY looking forward to next weeks challenges :D I've been doing an extra fifteen this week as often as I can in the form of some yoga (which was one of my challenges for my Twilight group lol). I've had some spinach and turnip greens and purple cabbage this week, going to have some brussel sprouts this morning (Pretty sure those qualify as greens??). Anyways, one more night of work, and of course they decided to make it an eating night (potluck). So unlike last time where I cheated and beat myself up over it, I'm going to make healthier, lower calorie versions for myself. Happy Friday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Ugg- getting into a slump- I can feel it. It started last week when it was my birthday and I had a few "free" days. I stopped logging and it has carried on from there. Didn't run yesterday OR today (which is unheard of from me- I've not taken more than 1 day off since June). I just need to kick my own A**. Feeling sluggish, fat, lazy, you name it!

    Today's Stats:
    Food (green)-
    Exercise (extra 15 minutes)- 0
    Spirit- +1

    Weekly Totals:
    Owls- 11 House Points:407
  • nieme
    nieme Posts: 52 Member
    Pushed myself to do an extra 15 minutes last night. I usually stop at 2 miles when I use the treadmill (and I have improved there, 2 miles in 25 minutes!) but I pushed myself to go an extra 15 minutes and got in another mile. :)

    Tonight will probably be a 30 Day Shred / treadmill night. Hoping to do some Yoga this weekend.
  • missbeccaanne
    Weighing in at 141.3
    Didn't do to well with spirit this week +3
    and 795 house points

    I think I missed posting my October goal but it is 135
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Spirity post...but I don't have much to say.
  • nekoemi
    nekoemi Posts: 121 Member
    Checking in for the week.

    Weight: 250.6
    Exercise: 0
    Food: 5
    Spirit: 3
    House Points: 199

    This was not a great exercise week for me :grumble: I had a hard enough time even trying to do my scheduled workouts, let alone adding on any additional minutes... and now I think I strained a muscle in my side :ohwell:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    We should have some kind of ravenclaw-y activity for next week! Like we can all share at least one diet/fitness article or tip or we can discuss one that someone else has posted. Because, knowledge!

    Funny you should mention that because I came across a website that I wanted to share with everyone. Have to do homework now but will post something about it this weekend. Thanks for the suggestion!

    I have lots of things to share if you want to talk about some of them in messages - I'm one of those people that kind of dives into one subject for a while so right now its fitness and nutritional studies and reviews.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    question...does brown rice count as a whole grain, or just bread type products?

    As long as its whole grain, it counts! In my opinion, if its not baked into another product, its even better - less processing involved...
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Everyone is doing great! Today, I bought my first pair of Rider Jeans.....NO ELASTIC WAIST!!!!!! It was a goal to be able to buy jeans that didn't have an elastic waist. I am thrilled and dancing the happy happy joy joy dance!!!

  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    working some overtime in my old department tonight and taking a quick supper break. thought i better check in now in case i'm too tired when i get home. having a pretty good week food wise and not bad exercise wise so hoping for a good weigh in on sunday. hope everyone is off to a great start to the weekend!!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member

    almost did not make spirit post today, was not by a computer almost all day.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Wow, I got way out of rhythm posting on the common room thread. I'll have to get back into it. Have an out-of-town weekend coming up, so I'm hoping I can sneak on when possible.

    I'll get my numbers and OWLs calculated for tomorrow morning (or maybe tonight if I can). Hope everyone is doing okay. :D
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning and happy saturday Ravenclaw!! i got out of work late last night and never finished my logging but had a pretty decent day. it's beautiful here but pretty windy. i had planned on an early morning bike ride but i think i'll wait to see if the wind dies down a bit. have a great weekend everyone!!
  • nieme
    nieme Posts: 52 Member
    Checking in for the whole week:

    Weigh-in: 146.5 I guess it was a plateau week, only a half pound down.

    House points: 305
    Exercise Owls: 4
    Food Owls: 4
    Spirit Owls: 5
    (Total of 13 Owls)
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    working some overtime in my old department tonight and taking a quick supper break. thought i better check in now in case i'm too tired when i get home. having a pretty good week food wise and not bad exercise wise so hoping for a good weigh in on sunday. hope everyone is off to a great start to the weekend!!

    I feel your pain. I've been working a LOT of overtime and not checking in as good as I could be. Not to mention last night was kind of a potluck night (although I did bring my own healthy stuff). Hoping my lack of motivation doesn't tip the scale out of my favor when I weigh in tonight :wink: