Ravenclaw Common Room



  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Happy Wednesday Ravenclaws!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Hey Ravenclaws! crazy days at work, fried totally. Hope everyone is doing well
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Here's our house chart for week 2 October. Sorry this is so late!

  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Food: 0
    Spirit: 1 (hi there)
    Parking: 1

    So far:
    9 owls!

    pretty sure I'm coming down with something
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Well, took my C25K training to the treadmill today....too wet and cold out to run in it. Have a sneaking suspicion that I maybe have plantar fasciitis. I've been getting immense pain in the back of my arch going into my heal. It's usually worse when I wake up, feels very tight and I have to limp a bit until it gets loosened up (going for a run usually does the trick). Would love to know if anyone else has ever dealt with it and how to get rid of it.

    That definitely sounds like it, and I've had a few rounds with it myself. Usually if you see a doctor they will recommend shoes with better arch support when possible, and when you wear things like sandals or dress shoes, you need to find ones that have a back or a back strap to them. If your feet have to 'work' to keep the shoe on, you'll run into problems because you might curl your toes or strain the muscle trying to keep your grip.

    To make it feel better, the best advice I ever got was to be tender on it for a while. If it's been sore for a bit, try to avoid walking on it when you can until it has a chance to heal. I know that seems backwards since most of the time it will hurt worst after not being used for a while and then feel better after you've been on it for a while, but it's not really healing then.

    You can also freeze water in a bottle and run your foot back and forth over it on the floor to ice it. Stretching the foot can also help. Try sitting down and holding your foot out in front of you and then write out the alphabet in the air with your toes every so often to stretch the muscles without straining them.

    Hope that helps in some way. It's a painful thing, but hopefully it'll get better for you soon. I've found that wearing the right shoes tends to do the trick for me and prevents it more than anything else will :)
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Well, took my C25K training to the treadmill today....too wet and cold out to run in it. Have a sneaking suspicion that I maybe have plantar fasciitis. I've been getting immense pain in the back of my arch going into my heal. It's usually worse when I wake up, feels very tight and I have to limp a bit until it gets loosened up (going for a run usually does the trick). Would love to know if anyone else has ever dealt with it and how to get rid of it.

    That definitely sounds like it, and I've had a few rounds with it myself. Usually if you see a doctor they will recommend shoes with better arch support when possible, and when you wear things like sandals or dress shoes, you need to find ones that have a back or a back strap to them. If your feet have to 'work' to keep the shoe on, you'll run into problems because you might curl your toes or strain the muscle trying to keep your grip.

    To make it feel better, the best advice I ever got was to be tender on it for a while. If it's been sore for a bit, try to avoid walking on it when you can until it has a chance to heal. I know that seems backwards since most of the time it will hurt worst after not being used for a while and then feel better after you've been on it for a while, but it's not really healing then.

    You can also freeze water in a bottle and run your foot back and forth over it on the floor to ice it. Stretching the foot can also help. Try sitting down and holding your foot out in front of you and then write out the alphabet in the air with your toes every so often to stretch the muscles without straining them.

    Hope that helps in some way. It's a painful thing, but hopefully it'll get better for you soon. I've found that wearing the right shoes tends to do the trick for me and prevents it more than anything else will :)

    Thanks for the advice! I will try it :) I do have very high arches, so arch support is key for me. Unfortunately I walk around almost constantly at work. But I just got a brand new pair of really good running shoes, and I will try the water bottle in the freezer thing. Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    no internet connection at home. sue i will try to message you later today with a food challenge idea.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Today's Stats:
    Food (whole grains)- 0
    Exercise (park far away)- +1
    Spirit- +1

    Weekly Stats
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Oh, I forgot to congratulate our prefects-- great job, psb13 and Scarlettdawn764! Both of you did an amazing job last week!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Food: 1
    Spirit: 1 (hi there)
    Parking: 1

    So far:
    12 owls!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    This just in from the Great Hall. Ravenclaw came in 2nd in the Quidditch match!! Keep up the great work!
    October Week 2 results, and combined Week 1 & 2 results!


    Congrats to Slytherin for winning this week's Quidditch Match (for highest % lost for the week)! Slytherin is also in the lead for the Quidditch Cup so far!

    Aaaand...Slytherin is in the lead for the House Cup (for most HPs earned this month)!

    Everyone else better step it up or the Snakes are gonna take it alllllllll!

    Great job everyone! Let's all keep pushing to improve!

    Ravenclaw Week 4 House Challenges
    After you weigh in this weekend, you can start on these new challenges!

    Exercise: Everyone has a "problem" area. The spot that bothers them the most (stomach, arms, thighs, whatnot). This week everyone should work on that spot everyday for at least 10-15 min to earn their exercise OWL for the day.

    Food: (WARNING: THIS ONE IS GOING TO BE TOUGH!!) No junk food! Say "no" to the candy, chips, fast food, ice cream, sodas and all the other junk out there to earn this OWL each day. We can do this for one week - we're RAVENCLAWS!!

    Happy weigh-in time and GOOD LUCK this week!!
  • NikkiMustang77
    oh geez. no fast food is gonna be tough.
    been trying to park farther away - then again, EVERYTHING is far away with the campus i'm at >.<
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Happy Thursday!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    I'm pretty sure I'm failing at the whole grain OWL challenge this week. I didn't realize how rare it is for me to choose that option lately, but then again, I haven't been paying that much attention, so I'll have to go back through to see if I missed any. I HAVE been parking at the back, although of course this would be the rainiest week of all, lol. One day was just *too* cold and rainy, so I just did an extra walk around the inside of the building when I got in (hope that counts!).

    Whew. No junk food, huh? As much as I hate it, I kinda love it. :D I've been trying to get myself to kick that habit of daily snacky treats, so maybe this will help. Unfortunately, that will also make it a huge challenge to actually hit my minimum for calories since I hardly ever get there with my meals even when I'm trying to eat lots of good things during the day.

    We'll see how it goes.

    Hope everyone is having a good week - yay for Friday!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Well- crappy crappy crappy!!!! Food challenge will be a bit tough this week, but something I definately need. Wow- I guess I asked for a kick in the butt and here it is;)
    Exercise challenge- belly baby. I am beginning to really like my legs, arms, chest, but that darn lower belly is a killer for me. Seriously if I could erase like 6 inches from my belly button down I would be AWESOME. So I will up the ab work in the morning-specifically the lower ab work

    Today's weight: 126lbs . . . down 1 lb

    Today's Stats:
    Food (whole grains)- 0
    Exercise (park far away)- +1
    Spirit- +1

    Weekly Stats
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    I think my trouble spot is also the lower belly, but it's a close tie with getting rid of my arm flags. So I will work on both a little each day to earn my exercise OWL lol.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Yep - the food challenge is going to be tough. But its definitely one that I need! I'm really going to miss my after dinner weight watcher fudgecicle treat - BUT - I do have a suitable substitute that I will put into play this week. For any of you looking for healthy alternatives, give this a try...

    Cut fresh bananas in half, stick popsicle sticks in them and throw them in the freezer. They're amazingly satisfying. :D

    Problem are for me: also the belly area. We should all take up belly dancing! I hear its a great ab workout!!

    Have a happy Friday Ravenclaw!!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Argh!!! That means my chocolate is off limits next week.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    ooh..Action on the Pottermore Insider blog, They just sent out a request for a beta survey. Usually that's one of the last checks before a software update. I'm hoping registration opens soon!

  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I hope Pottermore opens registration soon - I can't wait to see where I'm sorted!! :laugh:

    I saw this article yesterday and forgot to pass it on: http://scoop.today.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/10/19/8399841-big-harry-deal-film-goes-behind-potter-scenes

    It's a Potter documentary that's supposed to be released in November called "When Harry Left Hogwarts" - I'm excited to see it!!