Ravenclaw Common Room



  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Yep - the food challenge is going to be tough. But its definitely one that I need! I'm really going to miss my after dinner weight watcher fudgecicle treat - BUT - I do have a suitable substitute that I will put into play this week. For any of you looking for healthy alternatives, give this a try...

    Cut fresh bananas in half, stick popsicle sticks in them and throw them in the freezer. They're amazingly satisfying. :D

    Problem are for me: also the belly area. We should all take up belly dancing! I hear its a great ab workout!!

    Have a happy Friday Ravenclaw!!

    I do bellydance and I love it! I have a few dvd's I do at home, and I also use the moves I learn to just do some freestyle bellydance. I however am going to work my two tied problem areas (arms/abs) by starting the 30 Day Shred tonight. I will need it, for tomorrow I am wedding bound and see myself indulging in a small piece of wedding cake. But, if I couldn't indulge once in a while I'd go crazy and eat a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's in one sitting or something, and I told Ben and Jerry when I started this diet that I couldn't see them anymore. They cried a little, but really it was for the best. I'd hate to go back on my word and have another fling with them :laugh:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Saturday Ravenclaw! Time to weigh in everyone!!

    I'm still 154 - still 1/2 pound 'til I can say I've lost 50 - grrr... Hoping the food challenge this week will fix that! :laugh:

    Food: 6
    Exercise: 6
    Spirit: 7
    OWLs: 19
    House Points: 130

    Let's get those weights in! Only 2 of us have weighed in so far this weekend. There's only 1 more week until the end of the October Challenge. Let's show them the Ravenclaw spirit!!
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Ok ok, I'm weighing in! I am down exactly one pound since last week....from 140.3 to 139.3. Considering I am down to less than 10 pounds to lose total, I am satisfied with a pound :wink:

    This week's OWLs:
    Exercise:7 (I always park in the back of the lot at work)
    Total OWLs: 19

    House Points: 238
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    finally have my home internet up and running!! didn't have time to check in from work yesterday. tomorrow is my weigh in day. not sure what to expect. i had a really nice (but expensive) nsv today. i had a 30% off coupon for Kohl's (a department store in my area). they were already having a big sale so i took my coupon and went to town with it!! i am so used to hating shopping because i can't find anything i like that fits. so today....EVERYTHING FIT!!! it was sooo much fun replacing my winter wardrobe. i didn't want to buy too much as i hope to be a smaller size next winter, but nothing i had fit. i have never enjoyed shopping so much before!! :bigsmile:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Oopsie, I forgot to check in yesterday.

    For some BIZARRE and MYSTERIOUS reason I have lost 2 lbs this week. TWO! WHOLE! POUNDS! weighed in at 175.4
    This is inexplicable purely by the numbers as I have been eating lots and lots calorie wise and it has been in no way healthy at ALL. So I expect a few weeks of no loss (or a bit of gain) otherwise there's something funky with my estimated intake (Totally possible) or with my BMR calculation (that would be awesome - higher metabolism than MFP thinks? Yes please!) and I can eat more.

    Food: 0
    Spirit: 1 (hi there)
    Parking: 1

    So far:
    14 owls!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    For some BIZARRE and MYSTERIOUS reason I have lost 2 lbs this week. TWO! WHOLE! POUNDS! weighed in at 175.4
    ummmmm - @tameko2 - I had you at 175.4 last week. Is this right?
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi, Here is my weekly check in.

    Weight = 220.00 a loss of 2.6 pounds
    House points for workout minutes 706
    food =7
    Excersise 2
    Spirit - 4
    total 13 - did not do well this week work is crazy
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Busy day on the Olympic peninsula. Tomorrow will be busy planting rhododendrons.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    For some BIZARRE and MYSTERIOUS reason I have lost 2 lbs this week. TWO! WHOLE! POUNDS! weighed in at 175.4
    ummmmm - @tameko2 - I had you at 175.4 last week. Is this right?

    ....because THIS week was 173.5 so yes that was right and I flubbed typing in this weeks weight.

    And now that I look ati t again I'm kind of blown away - I just figured I'd be in the 170s through the rest of hte year. Maybe I still will be but that is getting so close to 169 that i'm stunned

    I actually feel more or less good right now - I mean there are tons of girls my weight or smaller joining every day to lose 30 lbs (or whatever) and I certainly still want to lose that eventually, but my body confidence is generally really high. I have lots of belly flub still and some nasty loose arm skin but I look pretty good compared to before and I weigh less now (or at least I am a smaller size) than I did when I met my boyfriend 5 years ago.
  • nekoemi
    nekoemi Posts: 121 Member
    Here's my check in for this week.

    Not much exercise this week, so I don't have much to add to our house points unfortunately. I've been resting a sore knee and hoping to get back working out next week.

    Weight - 248.4
    Exercise - 5
    Food - 7
    Spirit - 2
    House Points - 25
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    My weigh-in will be a little delayed since I've decided to switch my weigh-in days to Sunday for several reasons. I'll post all of my OWLs and info together at the same time to keep it simple.

    Hope to see us do awesome this week! We need one of those cups!
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Well I for sure won't earn my food OWL for today. I had a wedding to go to and I knew it was going to be a day of indulging. I tried to balance it out a little with extra exercise but still went over my calories. But I'm not going to beat myself up over it. It will take more than one day of alcohol (it was worth the calories :drinker: ) and wedding feast and cake to derail this lean mean weight losing machine! If I can't enjoy a day here and there occasionally where I don't worry so much about calories and just try to enjoy myself, I am more likely to fall off the wagon and start gaining again. Therefore, I had a good day, had some good wine, and will begin my repair work tomorrow......after I don't have such a headache :ohwell:
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    This thread completes my soul. After not making it in time for the first Pottermore registration, I've been angry with myself.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    For some BIZARRE and MYSTERIOUS reason I have lost 2 lbs this week. TWO! WHOLE! POUNDS! weighed in at 175.4
    ummmmm - @tameko2 - I had you at 175.4 last week. Is this right?

    ....because THIS week was 173.5 so yes that was right and I flubbed typing in this weeks weight.

    And now that I look ati t again I'm kind of blown away - I just figured I'd be in the 170s through the rest of hte year. Maybe I still will be but that is getting so close to 169 that i'm stunned

    I actually feel more or less good right now - I mean there are tons of girls my weight or smaller joining every day to lose 30 lbs (or whatever) and I certainly still want to lose that eventually, but my body confidence is generally really high. I have lots of belly flub still and some nasty loose arm skin but I look pretty good compared to before and I weigh less now (or at least I am a smaller size) than I did when I met my boyfriend 5 years ago.
    Thanks tameko and congratulations!! You are doing so good! How many OWLs and House Points did you earn last week?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    This thread completes my soul. After not making it in time for the first Pottermore registration, I've been angry with myself.
    Hello Yakisoba. You're welcome to join us! We welcome all Ravenclaws. Information on the Hogwart's Inter-House Challenge for October can be found here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/azsuzi/view/hogwarts-october-inter-house-challenge-ravenclaw-house-153993

    Other than that, just drop in and post and let us get to know you! If you have any questions - feel free to ask!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi all, checking in for this week:
    Weight: 180.0 (a tiny loss, am annoyed, but my fault because I've not been logging and assuming its ok...)
    House points: 540
    Exercise OWLS: 5
    Food OWLS: 3
    Spirit OWLS 1 (will try and be more spirity!!)

    Hope everyone else does better than this! THe food challenge this week is awesome, am really going to try and push myself to do it... Have a good week Ravenclaws!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning and happy sunday to all!! here for my weekly results. let me preface this by saying that i don't know if this is just me coming off the plateau i seem to have been on for 2 months, or just a fluke. i weighed myself 4 times, waited 1/2 hour, moved the scales and reweighed 3 more times just to be sure!!

    weight 174.6 which is a 2.8lb loss

    OWLS: 20 total
    whole grains-7 (not a big deal for me as i normally eat them daily)

    House Points: 225

    i'm a little afraid of gaining back my loss since it's so hard to believe!! don't know how i'll do with the no junk food this week-my nightly skinny cow treat is the highlight of my day!! best of luck to us all!!

    editing to add my trouble spot to work on for the week is abs.
  • nieme
    nieme Posts: 52 Member
    Weight: 146.5 (no change) :(

    Eating wise, I was fine all week, but exercise got by the wayside because of school projects and in-laws visiting.

    House Points: 131
    Exercise Owls: 3
    Food Owls: 2
    Spirit Owls: 4
    Total Owls: 9
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    i'm a little afraid of gaining back my loss since it's so hard to believe!! don't know how i'll do with the no junk food this week-my nightly skinny cow treat is the highlight of my day!! best of luck to us all!!
    That is a fantastic loss Penny! Don't be afraid of it - embrace it!! I have found that when I say "I don't believe it" I seem to self-sabotage somehow and blow it. Pat yourself on the back and give yourself a high-five!! Then keep on doing what you're doing - it looks like its working.

    I know what you mean about the nightly skinny cow treat. I look forward to my weight watchers snack size fudge bar every night too - its like my one little indulgence for a day well done. But in all the diet juggling we've done for my husband, I found that frozen bananas are quite good and they have just the right texture to satisfy. So I went out yesterday and bought a bunch of bananas for this week - now I just need to prepare them so they're frozen before the week's out! :ohwell:

    Happy Sunday Ravenclaw!!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i stayed the same this week :sad: 199.4 but at least i'm still UNDER 200 :smile:

    it's probably because i've been working out more, but keeping my calories pretty much the same. i've been feeling more hungry than usual, and i don't feel like i should be fighting it. i eat pretty healthy, so i don't think i should feel guilty about eating all of my exercise calories back, it's not like i'm working out and eating a tub of ice cream afterwards. but i did measure, and i lost about a half inch from some problem areas, so i guess something's working :bigsmile:

    exercise minutes: 465
    food challenge: 7 :drinker:
    exercise challenge: 3 :ohwell: