300 Minutes per week



  • littlemount
    littlemount Posts: 223
    Gook morning folk wonderful sunshine walking outdoors will get a little of the much needed vitamin D.
    Jen hope your achillis heal has healed , my daughter is a toe walker with a tight achillis tendon and I truly know the pain around the ankle.
    Scantrll I am truly motivated by the exercise your doing I need to incorporate more steps in my daily routine.
    7/17- zumba 45 minutes.
    7/18- zumba 45 minutes
    7/19- walking 45 minutes 3.0 mph
    7/20- walking 30 minutes 3.0 mph , steps- 10 minutes
    total- 175/300
    my favorite mode exercise is walking outdoors I love getting vitamin d it is a instant mood elevator .
    I am sure some of u might know this but still i wish to post this today.

    Fruits and vege-ies with most and least pesticides.
    Dirty dozen- apples,bell peppers,carrots,cherries,celery,grapes,greens-spinach,kale ,lettuce,nectarines,peaches,pears,potatoes,raspberries,strawberries.

    clean 15- asparagus,avocados,bananas,,blueberries,broccoli,cabbage,cauliflower,corn,eggplant,garlic,kiwis,mangoes,onions,papaya,pineapple,shelling peas,sweet potatoes,tomatoes,watermelon.
  • liehs80
    liehs80 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm a few days late but count me in. I need the 300 minute accountability to keep me motivated. And the 24 week goal is perfect. Right now the heat is so bad, it's easy to cut back but I need the training time, so this should work well. Thanks.

  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Sun 7/17: 7 min stairs/45 min walk @ 3.5 mph for 52 min total
    Mon 7/18: 30 min jog @ 4.3 mph (also did yoga and weights today, but those don't count toward the 300 min cardio)
    Tues 7/19: 50 min walk @ 3.7 mph (3.1 miles), 50 min Zumba (also did 113 sit-ups today and 30 min yoga)
    Wed 7/20: 30 min jog @ 4.3 mph (also did yoga and weights today, but those don't count toward the 300 min cardio)
    Thur 7/21:
    Fri 7/22:
    Sat 7/23:

    Week Total: 212 out of 300 minutes

    Welcome Joe! The more the merrier on this quest.

    How is everyone feeling today? Remember, we're working toward 300 minutes of Cardio a week, but don't forget to strength train. Its important for our over all well being to have solid muscles. :smile:

    So last time I asked what's your favorite cardio exercise. This time, what's you LEAST favorite exercise? I personally hate doing stair work. Its evil, but I also know how good it is for my legs so I try and throw it in every now and again. How about you?
  • littlemount
    littlemount Posts: 223
    7/18- zumba- 45 minutes
    7/19 zumba- 45 min
    7/20- walking- 45 min
    7/21-walking-40 min/steps-10 min
    7/22-zumba-45 minutes
    My least favorite form of exercise is the elliptical it is hadr on my knees.
    total -230/300
    Still 2 more days to go to reach 300
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Sun 7/17: 7 min stairs/45 min walk @ 3.5 mph for 52 min total
    Mon 7/18: 30 min jog @ 4.3 mph (also did yoga and weights today, but those don't count toward the 300 min cardio)
    Tues 7/19: 50 min walk @ 3.7 mph (3.1 miles), 50 min Zumba (also did 113 sit-ups today and 30 min yoga)
    Wed 7/20: 30 min jog @ 4.3 mph (also did yoga and weights today, but those don't count toward the 300 min cardio)
    Thur 7/21: 30 min jog @ 4.3 mph, 45 min Zumba (also did 30 min yoga and 126 sit-ups)
    Fri 7/22:
    Sat 7/23:

    Week Total: 287 out of 300 minutes
  • liehs80
    liehs80 Posts: 43 Member
    Wednesday 7-21 Running 26 min. Biking 35 min. 61/300
    Thursday 7-22 Circuit training 45 106/300

    Two more days this week - doubt if I'll make 300 but I'll do what I can. Sunday starts another week. You asked about favorite and most disliked aerobic training: I love running, especially trail running. Doing steps is great also, but I have to be careful with the knee impact on the steps. I really dislike aerobics on fixed devices like treadmills and bikes - rather be moving but I do use them frequently. The temps here are supposed to drop a little for the next few days so it'll be easier outside. Take care everyone! :smile:
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    Can I join the party... Hope I am only fashionably late... :o)

    Anyway, so far this week

    7/17- 105 minutes brisk walk
    7/18- 58 minutes aerobics
    7/19- 23 minutes strength training/ 20 minutes sit-ups & push ups/ 15 minutes aerobics (upper body class)
    7/20- sick, no workout for me :o(
    7/21- 58 minutes kettlebells class - weights, cardio, ab work, ect

    total 279 out of 300
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    I see several mention high temps... where is everyone from? I am in Iowa. Yesterday it was 99 with a heat index of 115. too hot for me.
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    Adding todays info...

    7/17- 105 minutes brisk walk
    7/18- 58 minutes aerobics
    7/19- 23 minutes strength training/ 20 minutes sit-ups & push ups/ 15 minutes aerobics (upper body class)
    7/20- sick, no workout for me :o(
    7/21- 58 minutes kettlebells class - weights, cardio, ab work, ect
    7/22- 58 minutes lower body class - weights, cardio

    total 337 out of 300
  • littlemount
    littlemount Posts: 223
    Well started out to be a great day, I am currently in florida. so the heat is a little uncomfortable till the evening.
    Onehecticmom nice to see you in this support group.We all have to help each other in this weightloss journey.
    got 40 minutes of walking done today.
    Another amazing discovery I love to shareI have some diabetic relatives with me.One of my uncles has had blood sugar running in 190 fasting for few weeks I have been research and doing my best to get if atleast in 150 range. He does take meds.
    Yesterday while shopping with him he said one of my friends take zn for general immunity so get me zn
    so there was a zn bottle for 50 mg,which i gave him 1 tab last night. Surprise suprise the am bs was 133. Now back to computer research I found out that zn helps amylin a protein in bs control max dose is 40 mg .
    Now I am all excited will keep all of you posted.
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Sun 7/17: 7 min stairs/45 min walk @ 3.5 mph for 52 min total
    Mon 7/18: 30 min jog @ 4.3 mph (also did yoga and weights today, but those don't count toward the 300 min cardio)
    Tues 7/19: 50 min walk @ 3.7 mph (3.1 miles), 50 min Zumba (also did 113 sit-ups today and 30 min yoga)
    Wed 7/20: 30 min jog @ 4.3 mph (also did yoga and weights today, but those don't count toward the 300 min cardio)
    Thur 7/21: 30 min jog @ 4.3 mph, 45 min Zumba (also did 30 min yoga and 126 sit-ups)
    Fri 7/22: 50 min walk @ 3.7 mph (3.1 miles) (also did 30 min yoga and weights)
    Sat 7/23:

    Week Total: 337 out of 300 minutes

    Yay! I have crossed the 300 minutes of pure cardio this week (that's not including the 2 1/2 hours of yoga I've done since Monday). I'm not sure if I'm gonna take tomorrow off or not. On the one had I feel like I need to simply to give my body a rest day, but on the other hand I don't want to lose this forward momentum I've got going.

    Oh, and I weighed in at 206.2 which is 5.8 lbs less than last Friday (which was at 212). I fully think that the major up in cardio along with drinking a ton of water every day (I've been shooting for 104 oz a day this week) has been what's done it for me.

    Let's keep this ball rolling! We're doing GREAT! :happy:
  • littlemount
    littlemount Posts: 223
    Where are you jen, joe are you still logging the minutes?
    we need to keep doing the 300 minutes per week
  • liehs80
    liehs80 Posts: 43 Member
    Here I am. I just finished riding.

    Wednesday 7-20 Running 26 min. Biking 35 min. 61/300
    Thursday 7-21 Circuit training 45 106/300
    Friday 7 - 22 Running 24 min. Biking 71 min 201/300

    I'm in Iowa too - near the Mississippi. It actually rained this morning and the temps are not bad now.
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    Not counting in my totals since it's Yoga... but did 56 minutes yoga this morning. First yoga class... they called it heat yoga? The heat was on & it was hotter inside than outside.... and I am in IA. It has been 80 by 6AM here the past week. I sweat my buns off more in that class than anything else I did this week. I have never had my clothes completely drenched, sweat dripping off of me... making my mat wet. Next time I will bring a towel... and wear my contacts. My glasses were fogging up & I had to take them off. So, it was like doing Yoga blind while in a sauna.

    It rained yesterday morning, but got up in temps again mid day. Now it's that slow drizzly rain... which we need since the grass is dying here.

    Happy Saturday to all :o)
  • littlemount
    littlemount Posts: 223
    Today got to do 60 minutes of walking, total till today is 275/300.
    So technically did not meet my goal.Again start of a brand new week on 7/24/2011.Congrats to all those who reached their goal.
    Will renew myself and keep going.
    I read a wonderful book which keeps me positive most of the times called " embracing uncertainty"The main idea of the book is change is the only constant.
    Goodluck for all starting next week jazz it up.
  • liehs80
    liehs80 Posts: 43 Member
    Week one is finished. Were it not for this group I would not have been motivated to keep going this week. Thanks Littlemount for starting the group. Everyone have a great Week #2.


    Wednesday 7-20 Running 26 min. Biking 35 min. 61/300
    Thursday 7-21 Circuit training 45 106/300
    Friday 7 - 22 Running 24 min. Biking 71 min 201/300
    Saturday 7 - 23 Running 41 min. Biking 62 min. 303/300
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Can I join in for Week2? I've been looking for a good minute challenge to help me up my exercise during the week! I'll log my minutes starting tomorrow. BTW - I'm in South Texas so very HOT right now. Most of my workouts are indoors.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi all... It has been so hot here, no one wants to do anything. I have been doing more weights than anything this past week. I promise I will do better this week. I am from Indiana and it has been upper 90 degrees with a heat index over 100 and almost 100 percent humidity. Just stepping outside makes it hard to breathe. I also have been feeling pretty lousy this week. I'm sure it has something to do with the heat as well as the not exercising. But on the up side, I am down 1.5 this week.

    I know, excuses are like butt holes... everyone has one. BUT I plan on doing much better this week! I swear!
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    Can I join in for Week2? I've been looking for a good minute challenge to help me up my exercise during the week! I'll log my minutes starting tomorrow. BTW - I'm in South Texas so very HOT right now. Most of my workouts are indoors.

    Welcome... Where in South TX? I was born in San Antonio. I miss it there. We would go down to Rockport quite a bit to enjoy the beach. Now I am in Iowa, and it is almost as hot as TX. It's been 99 here for almost a week... 115 with heat index.
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    Started this morning with a 48 minute walk. Wanted to walk more but it was threatening rain so I headed home. Didn't quite make it, but was close enough. May squeeze more in later today. I am pretty pooped. I did another 15 minutes elliptical last night. I must be crazy doing anything after my heat yoga yesterday, but I wanted a snack for our movie. I cannot pass it up when my hubby has a snack, at least I made it work with no weight gain from it :o)

    Good Luck this week