how many eggs are too much?



  • ashleynratliff
    My trainer has me eat three whole eggs a day for my first meal. I don't particularly care for just egg whites.
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    At least 4 eggs every day for 3 years, LDL Cholesterol @ 133, healthy target is below 200.

    Love, love, love eggs, have them for breakfast daily and an egg dish for dinner once a week.
  • SusieCuteYay
    SusieCuteYay Posts: 59 Member
    *A quick reminder egg yoke has vita D, that helps the absorption of Calcium, I try to combine Calcium stuff like cheese and or milk, with egg.
  • ketoman53
    It is not a virus it is an article and as such I found it when try to find out why my cholesterol jumped dramatically on one day from the normal level of under 300mg to over 600mg and seen that on my MFP report.
    So I went back and looked and it was the first time in a long time that I had eaten scrambled eggs.
    I don't usually eat eggs but when I did they were always scrambled by choice so I wanted to see why this happens and what effects it may have.
    The article pretty well explains that scrambled eggs cause oxidized cholesterol which can cause can cause atherosclerosis.

    Other forms of consuming eggs don't cause this effect and are good for you. Makes sense to me but take it or leave it.
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Ketoman, don't believe everything you find on the internet. I am in college studying to become a Registered Dietitian. I have never heard the crap you spewed about eggs before. An egg is an egg regardless of the method you use to cook it. Now deep fry that egg in crappy oil and you may potentially increase your risk for higher LDL, but let's get real. Scrambled, boiled, sunny side up, baked in the oven- all the same.

    FYI, learn to spot articles who spout false information before you want to claim it as truth.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    In your guys opinion, how many eggs a day is too much?
    I could have 2-4 a day, and im a 29 year old female. is this excessive?

    Nutrient content:

    The only way that you could eat too many eggs is if they kept you from getting nutrients that aren't found in eggs, like carbs.
  • ketoman53
    Point taken! Over and out :)
  • gabijadc
    gabijadc Posts: 90 Member
    You can not have too many eggs! It's the most perfect food evah :))) I have at least 3 every day. Some days even up to 10