SIXERS Swimming to Success--Week 1



  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member
    D1W1 C25K, it was easy. I think with my cardio/weight routine I am building stamina. I am sure week 2 will be alot harder.

    The weekend eating has been good and bad. I have earned every morsel but the choices have not been the best.

    I feel a great week coming on with some weight loss(I hope).
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ...........SW 137.2 lbs / GW 127.0 lbs / CW 137.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Cathy(chipper)............................SW 234.8 lbs / GW 229.0 lbs / CW 235.8 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee).........................SW 153.0 lbs / GW 149.0 lbs / CW 153.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Em (MLEK13).............................SW 172.2 lbs / GW 158.0 lbs / CW 172.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Clare (Finnhead).........................SW152.0 lbs / GW147 lbs / CW152.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kim (JDKLove18)........................SW 196.0 lbs / GW 192.0 lbs / CW 196.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Amy(Amy_36)..............................SW 203.6lbs / 193.6GW lbs / 203.6CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    AmyLou (amylou_24)..................SW 146.8 lbs / GW 145 lbs / CW 146.8 lbs / PROGRESS lbs

    Julia (jmiller0906).........................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Julie (juliebily)..............................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12....................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Lorena(reyna99)...........................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Jennifer(candycaneps).................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Stacey(Stacey765).........................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kel(redneckwoman).......................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit) ................................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)...............SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs much for that posting more thing?? BAH! I'll do better, I promise! :)
  • mlek13
    mlek13 Posts: 44
    Hey Ladies,
    Thursday - Sunday was horrible... :explode: I would do OK for parts of the day but not being at home / the funeral and all the stuff that goes with it really made it difficult to focus. I am dreading the scale tomorrow... I really wanted to be back in the 160's... :frown: I may hold off until Wednesday so I can flush out all this cr*p... hitting the elliptical / road hard tonight. LOTS of catching up to do at work. It is going to be a LONG day.... Going to eat a bit lighter today / tomorrow and drink tons of water... hopefully this will help balance out the last couple days....

    I will try to catch up soon.
  • mlek13
    mlek13 Posts: 44
    It seems that the weekend was rough for several of us. Lets get back on the wagon and push extra hard this week!

    NICE work with the NSV!!! I would have eaten way more than one cookie...

    Amy keep up the hard work!!!