Do you ever check out...



  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
    I remember picking up a muscle and fitness hers magazine, tampons and haggen daz chocolate pean butter ice cream. The last 2 were for my roommate but i was giggling as I got rang me up.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I look if it's a long line and I'm standing there for a while. It's more interesting than reading about whether Brad and Angelina are finally tying the knot or if Duchess Kate is anorexic.

    Re: the express lane. I shop at a grocery store where if lines are backing up, clerks with no one in line will come up and pull you to their lane. A couple of weeks ago, I had a basket full of groceries when the express line checker came and pulled me out. I looked pointedly at her "15 items or less" sign, but she said it was okay. I was almost completely checked out when a couple of people who actually had less than 15 items got in line. I knew that I had nothing to feel guilty about because the checker came to me, but I also knew that they probably thought I was an entitled scofflaw.
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    I normally don't pay any attention but the one time I did was because the woman was super fit, lean, and muscular. I basically looked to get ideas on healthy things to eat. I was shocked because she had one container of protein powder and the rest was overflowing with chips, doughnuts, Little Debbies, full calorie sodas, etc. I couldn't believe it (maybe it wasn't for her??) Meanwhile, I've got an extra 20 lbs on me and my cart has kale, spinach, plain greek yogurt, skinless grilled chicken. :grumble:
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    what the person in front of you in the Grocery Store check-out line is buying? If so, do you judge? On the flip side, is there anything in your cart that you're embarrassed about (food related!!!)?

    I just peeked at a young, seemingly single guy wearing dirty construction clothes buying greek yogurt, fruits, veggies and Kashi cereal! Loved that!

    Oh my gosh. . I love it. . .That would be a total turn on to see a guy who eats healthy! Just sayin.:bigsmile:
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I once went through a line with condoms, whipped cream,honey,and a role of duct tape (all needed for diffrent things really )
    I wonder what the people behind me thought lol

    LMTO. .. . so love it! I could totally see the looks you would be getting for that one!
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    I do look at what people have in their trolley, I don't know why it's just a habit.
    One woman the other day had about 20 bottle of bleach, a loaf of bread and about 10 pints of milk!
    I always look at my own shopping when I put it on the belt and wonder what other people think of me.
  • luscadero
    luscadero Posts: 92 Member
    I do sorta judge if their cart is full of chips, cookies, and soda, their toddler is waving around his new candy bars, and there isn't a veggie in sight. I can't help it! :explode:

    I get asked a lot what I'm making, and what time should I expect them for dinner... which can get pretty uncomfortable :laugh:
  • 1petewest
    1petewest Posts: 281
    I never realized it before but I guess I do!

    ... like maybe they have found something really good that i've never seen before! does that mean i'm nosey?!

    should i feel bad if i ask them for a taste?
  • LisaStanley500
    LisaStanley500 Posts: 65 Member
    I don't usually notice, but it makes me think of my dad. He is a big guy, the kind you would notice & can be kinda gruff. He HATES when people look in his cart or basket. More than once when shopping with him as a child he would say LOUDLY "See something you want in there?" with a cocky head tilt. I was SO embarrassed by this as a kid. The offending (usually) lady would quickly divert her eyes & walk away, too shocked to speak.
  • daniey89
    daniey89 Posts: 23
    I am so glad to see that I'm not the only one that does this lol. I use to work as a cashier at a supermarket at high school. There was this lady and her two boys that always use to come in during the week. Here she was this trolley full of artificial processed rubbish ( There were no veges at all in the trolley..unless you count frozen oven fries and the onion on the microwave pizza..) her boys would be running around all hypo and she looked so unhealthy..everytime I use to think..Girl you are the author of your own destiny!
  • I have to say I do look, but Im not one to judge. I'm really looking for is new food ideas. Especially if the person is obviously fit I will def. take a peek and see what they are eating.
    I'm embarassed buying my kids honey buns(my 3 year old loves them) and Dora snacks(again the 3 year old) they are both loaded with sugar and the honey buns have enough fat in them to make you keel over after having just one. :noway:
    She doesnt eat much so I bribe her to eat fruit and veggies with the promise of one after. :blushing: At least I get green beans in her, right?
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    I have to say I do look, but Im not one to judge. I'm really looking for is new food ideas. Especially if the person is obviously fit I will def. take a peek and see what they are eating.
    I'm embarassed buying my kids honey buns(my 3 year old loves them) and Dora snacks(again the 3 year old) they are both loaded with sugar and the honey buns have enough fat in them to make you keel over after having just one. :noway:
    She doesnt eat much so I bribe her to eat fruit and veggies with the promise of one after. :blushing: At least I get green beans in her, right?

    When my daughter was underweight at two, her pediatrician advised me to feed her junk food just to get the weight up. She had been eating a healthy diet but it wasn't helping her gain weight. I used to feel embarrassed by the things I was putting in my cart but it really was only for her. I thought people would either think, "gosh, no wonder that lady is chunky" or "what a bad mom to feed her kid junk" I did notice some wandering eyes in my cart so it wasn't entirely in my head. Sometimes, when people are judge, they don't know the whole story.
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    I don't usually notice, but it makes me think of my dad. He is a big guy, the kind you would notice & can be kinda gruff. He HATES when people look in his cart or basket. More than once when shopping with him as a child he would say LOUDLY "See something you want in there?" with a cocky head tilt. I was SO embarrassed by this as a kid. The offending (usually) lady would quickly divert her eyes & walk away, too shocked to speak.

    This cracked me up! lol I would have been embarrassed as a kid also but I'm sure the offender was just as embarrassed. I'm usually too polite and sometimes wish I had a little more of what your dad has.
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    Of COURSE I do!! AND I JUDGE!!!

    ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU SEE 85% of those people with the carts full of junk food, are buying them with GOVT SUBSIDIZED FOOD ASSISTANCE!!

    Does anyone else catch THAT pattern?? I mean, I have needed assistance before (heck, sure would be nice right now)... But there is a huge difference between the ability to feed your family for an entire month, or PIGGING OUT AT 7-11 for a week, and then using and abusing the local food banks for the next 3 weeks until you get more food stamps.

    Never hated on the assistance programs until recently when I noticed they seem to do only a few things:
    1) cost the MIDDLE CLASS taxpayers a LOT of MONEY
    2) put the US into further debt
    3) perpetuate the cycle of further reliance of government programs (see if that EVER pays us back)

    Sorry to turn this into a rant, but if you had to choose what food choices you made because it was the difference between GETTING TO EAT or NOT... I think the US would not be the fattest country in the world!
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    I totally scope out what other people are buying and silently judge in my head. But I'm a pretty big jerk, so it's by no means confined to that scenario. ;D
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I usually think about what my justification would be when I buy my boyfriend soda & Doritos if someone were to ever ask me or critique my basket. lol
  • I look if it's a long line and I'm standing there for a while. It's more interesting than reading about whether Brad and Angelina are finally tying the knot or if Duchess Kate is anorexic.

    Re: the express lane. I shop at a grocery store where if lines are backing up, clerks with no one in line will come up and pull you to their lane. A couple of weeks ago, I had a basket full of groceries when the express line checker came and pulled me out. I looked pointedly at her "15 items or less" sign, but she said it was okay. I was almost completely checked out when a couple of people who actually had less than 15 items got in line. I knew that I had nothing to feel guilty about because the checker came to me, but I also knew that they probably thought I was an entitled scofflaw.

    Total kudos for using the word scofflaw! I like to look at others' baskets/carts to see if anything they have looks
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member

    One embarassing thing for me was I went in to pick up a few things and Kroger had astroglide on closeout and I HAD to get it.. Well I also so happened to have salad fixings in my cart, and put the lube and a cucumber on the belt next to eachother without thinking :grumble:

  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    I work in a grocery store,so I definitely notice whats in peoples arts whether I want to or not.
    I remember a few months ago one of the girls on front end noticed I was losing weight,she said "I bet you eat whatever you want". A few weeks later I went through her cash with fruits,veggies, and fish she said "No wonder your so damn skinny!" Im okay with my cart being judged like that :P
  • Janice4945
    Janice4945 Posts: 39 Member
    I have to admit I do, especially if their cart is full of things I wish I could eat! lol I also notice the ones with all the healthy foods in them too and notice the size of those people. That is what I want to look like so that is what I want my cart to contain.
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