"Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom " Group 7



  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Hey I would start a group for Who Wants To Be Even Hawter Moms but it is a hassle to use photobucket and excel. I would rather someone else do it. lol ;)
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Chantal, I will send you an email, there are some moms that want to start another team
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Good morning to all my MILF-nesses to be! Don't we need to come up with a team name/ticker? (I've never been part of a challenge this organized before, so all of this is quite exciting and new for me!)
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Hey Future Hot Moms RoeHd.gif

    Finally here!!!! My name is CHARI, please everyone give me a short nickname so it can be easy to talk to each other.

    Group 7, we gotta rock this time, because I am sure like me many of us have tried this before, so, let's make things different this time :wink:

    We all know the rules, so let's respect the rules. Daily workout, tons of water and an adequate meal plan will get us there :drinker:

    Ok, first of all, as I am sure you have noted already, English is not my 1st language, I am Latina so I speak Spanish. I am from Peru, a physician graduated 10 years ago . Sometimes I feel that my life stopped that day I took the plane to come to US. I love my husband to death but it was very very hard to leave my loved ones. Being a daddy's girl and having so many friends over there. Oh Boy! I gained Weight like I never thought I could. I used to be always in my 50Kgs which is like 110Lbs. I am only 5.1 so that's my adequate weight. Now I started with 151, carrying 40 extra pounds, poor knees :( Anyway, now things are different, I have a daughter who is my princess and my hubby and I are better than never :) I think everything is right on place to go for my goals and having this great team in here with the blessing of another Doctor in here, WoooooHoooooo!!!

    Let's go for it girls. I like this phrase


    "The only one that can stop me is Me"... and I think We Can Take Her, right?

    Let the Journey Begin!!!!

  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108

    Please girls, to make this easier, I need nickname, specially if the one you have here is long or hard to remember

    So far we got:

    Chari2011 > Chari
    rmpmom11 > Jackie
    wanna_be_fit > Heather
    renaegry > Renae
    amydurazo > Amy?

    Swimgoddess – nickname?
    mrsjohnson75 - nickname
    Babbe – nickname?
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hello all!! Here's my bio:

    I'm Heather, mom to a wonderful little girl named Olivia, almost 2 1/2. She's a feisty one for sure and keeps us on our toes! I'm a Physician and I work at least 50-60 hours per week. Lucky for me my husband stays home with our daughter. My weight has been up and down all my life, and I have a tendency to gain every time we move. When we moved from NJ to NC in 2007 it was overwhelming for me. We bought a fixer upper house, so in addition to being new faculty (first year out of training), learning a new city, leaving friends, etc, we were renovating a house! That spelled disaster and I gaine about 30 pounds in the first year or so, and unfortunatley didn't lose it before getting pregnant with my daughter. Currently I'm 23-25 pounds less than my pre-pregnancy weight, but still about 8 pounds from my weight prior to moving to NC. My BMI is back in the healthy range (just barely!) so the next 10-15 pounds is purely for vanity!! I started this journey back in January and have lost 23 pounds since then. The biggest thing for me is that I have to workout at 5:30 in the morning before I go to work, otherwise it doesn't happen. I too, am also a fan of moderation. Is life really worth living if you can't enjoy food and wine?!! :bigsmile:

    So far today I have been successful in getting my workout in, and I've had half of my water. On trach to be under or even for calories, so doing well. Hope you guys are all doing great!!!
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Hey heather,
    It was very nice to read your story :) but you already has lost so many pounds!!! WooooHooooo!!! you must feel so proud of yourself. Moving is always very hard, I also gained some pounds moving from Chicago to Orlando where I live now. I like this place and hubby works for Disney so my little princess is so thrilled with all this change in our lifes :)

    So Swimgoddess, is Lzzie, nice ;) I like it!

    I hope everybody can post their Bio a little bit just to get to know them better.

    I am a freak with schedules and organization, I guess you Moms have noted that already :laugh: well, let's move ahead.

    I have to confess that I haven't workout at all this week :blushing: because I was so busy arranging this groups but it's done! So from today I will start working out every day. Maybe I can copy your schedule Heather ;) Oh, I can't wait to be a Doctor again, I am also working on that, my last exam is on Sept 23, please Girls wish me Good luck :glasses:

    Oh, the good news is that I have been respecting my meal plan and I have lost since monday.... ta ra.... 2 POUNDS!!!!
    iyrDD.gif My Weight today was 149 Lbs, I broke the 150's, I just hope to keep it up, or better said, to keep it down DJIEZ.gif

    Ok Moms, Let's Rock it!!!!

  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    It's "izzie" kinda like Katherine Heigl's character on Grey's.

    Nice to meet you Heather! If moving & renovations mean weight gains, I'm F#* ked! I was up til 11 last night testing out my life insurance policy apparently...



    I got in a good bike ride this morning & then I have some weeding & more taping and painting (these ceilings are on the lower half of the room, so I think I can handle it without hubs playing spotter). The hardest part for me is the H2O part as well! My diary is always open and I haven't missed a complete logging day since I started MFP. I think I'll be hitting my 100-day mark soon!

    Oh, confession time. Hubby and I decided we're done having kiddos, so I'm slated for abdominoplasty & breast augmentation on 8/12, which will have to sideline me from hardcore stuff for at least 6 weeks. I'll be pretty stir-crazy by week 3, so I hope to be able to log at least 30 min walking sessions by then. I hope eating at BMR will keep me in check until then. I think the skin getting removed & the implants will cancel each other out on the scale though. I read on the original thread that the deadline was New Years, so that's PLENTY of time to lose the last few even with a major obstacle like surgery.

    Best of luck on your test Chari!
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    Hi My name i Sarah. Today I got to the gym and I got my 60 mins of strength training in but I was short on time so instead of my usual 30 mins of cardio I only did 20 mins. Not sure if i said this earlier but I am a everything in moderation for the diet. I am working on eating more balanced. I seem to not eat enough protein during the day. I have already got more than half my water in.
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Izzie :
    wink: that's great about the surgery, if you can afford it go for it :glasses: when is that gonna be? Oh and by that picture I can tell that your legs are very toned, way to go izzie !!! the bike is showing off the results :drinker: wooohoooo!

    Great job, you got more than an hour in training? oh boy! that is huge!
    It is very hard for me too to follow an strict diet, specially those FAD DIETS, once in college for my graduation I made the cabbage soup and lost 10Lbs in a week, it was crazy! I was just so irritable the whole week, but, well I guess it paid off at the end. Now I am trying to eat clean, salads, controlled portions in carbs but I gotta have my carbs. Fruits overload me so I feel full all the time. I was thinking on becoming vegetarian :tongue: not because weight loss purposes but because I have been studying Nephrology very deep and I think maybe it will be the best for my 37 years old kidneys DJIEZ.gif

    Our Moms are reporting today, Please be sure to log at least every other day. It will keep us very motivated.
    Just an advice, girls when you have pictures to post, like from your camera, first copy to Paint and then Crop it before you upload it to IMGUR site, in that way they can fit better in your posts..
    I love that all the group 7 is really enthusiastic with the Challenge , woooohooooo!


  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Chari: The financing is already a done deal, it'll only be $280 a month until Feb, then we'll be able to pay the rest off in one lump sum. I'm already scheduled to go under on 8/12. I can't give the bike credit for my legs (thanks for noticing!), I credit those to hanging out in the free-weight/cable tower section of the gym with the guys. Smith machine split squats, leg press, etc. The bike did kick my butt today. NW Denver is very hilly! Sorry about the pic, I usually do >everything< on my phone so editing capabilities are severely limited. It shows up for the most part ok on the phone, I'm guessing it is gigantic on the PC or something?

    Sarah: I had the same issue with the protien. I started mixing 1.5c whole milk with 1 scoop chocolate generic Slim Fast and 1 scoop chocolate GNC Total Lean 25. Great for when you have a ton of exercise calories leftover that you're struggling to make up for :) The whole 30min exercise/day thing is new to me, I'm usually at the gym about 45min-1.5hrs every other day, so I'm just counting a "borderline" activity on the off days (like the biking today). How often do you hit the gym? Is it a chain like 24hr?

    *sigh* OK ladies, time to take advantage of naptime and go into SuperMOM mode to get things done!
    JENIFER_AZ Posts: 235 Member
    What a great group. Let me know when I can join.
  • mrsjohnson75
    mrsjohnson75 Posts: 182 Member
    Hello, I'm a soon to be HOT MOM to a 12 , 7, and 4 year old. I joined WW in March at 176 lbs and have lost 24 pounds on the program, I also use MFP to compare my points to calories. My intermediate goal is 145 and my ultimate goal is 135. I'm 5'5".

    I'm currently doing the 30 day shread and I sometimes use my elliptical machine at home. My average weight loss is 1 lb per week...its slow but that works for me.

    I'm glad to be a part of the group!:wink:
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    Izzie/ charri - The gym I go to we jioned for the summer and I am hope to continue through out the year. It is a local club that is celebrating its 40th year. It is great 2 1/2 hours of free babysitting. It is great they also have outdoor pools and tennis courts. I love it. They have "classes " for kids that are free such as Inflatable fun ( my kids call it the bouncy house), kids yoga, arts and crafts. My kids ask to go to the gym for their classes. So I try to make the most of my 2 1/2 hours there.
  • amers55
    amers55 Posts: 46
    Hi ladies! My name is amy. (Amy for my nickname too please!)
    my daughter is 4 and I am really excited to be in a group! I ate horribly today but tomorrow is a new day!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Nice to meet you all. I wrote a little about myself on the first page if you want to check it out.

    Had another day of being within calories, but not to healthy. I went into work for the day, and ended up bringing chinese food home. All I have to say is sodium, sodium, sodium. And then what do I sit here snacky on, pretzels, again sodium, sodium, sodium.

    I have to weigh in tomorrow since we wont be home on Friday. I am not expecting to much since I have had all this sodium. We are going to my home town for a few days to get some work done on our vehicle, and for my grandma's bday party. I am taking my runners with me, so I can at least go do some walking/jogging.

    This evening I did level 1 of Biggest Losers Boot Camp and burned 254 cals. My 5 year old son worked out with me using 3 pound weights, it was kind of cute. The only bad thing is he does better pushups then me, and can do more. And boy pushups not girlie pushups. He was laughing at me.

    I drank all my water today. Drank around 80oz.
  • L8dyJ
    L8dyJ Posts: 103 Member
    How do we sign up??
  • mrsjohnson75
    mrsjohnson75 Posts: 182 Member

    Please girls, to make this easier, I need nickname, specially if the one you have here is long or hard to remember

    So far we got:

    Chari2011 > Chari
    rmpmom11 > Jackie
    wanna_be_fit > Heather
    renaegry > Renae
    amydurazo > Amy?

    Swimgoddess – nickname?
    mrsjohnson75 - nickname
    Babbe – nickname?

    You can call me Ken :smile:
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Ok Moms, just a quick Good Morning, I will catch the chat later. I am glad we are all reporting already :wink:

    Quote of the day...
