Forced into eating a cupcake



  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I obviously did NOT take it literally which was why I was annoyed. ;)

    That said I also said that it's okay to have a cupcake once and awhile but *I* refuse to eat anything that I will feel guilty about later.

    I've had splurges and I have fun, I go to BBQs, I still log everything, even on a free day 99% of the time since just because I'm "over" doesn't mean I shouldn't be aware of exactly what I ate. Too many "free" days is what got a lot of us into this mess.

    If my friends can't handle the fact that I don't WANT dessert, or I only want one hamburger at a BBQ and I'm the one to bring the veggie tray they aren't really my friends. I must have some awesome friends because everyone has been super supportive and NO ONE would EVER EVER give me a hard time about skipping dessert, as a matter of fact most of them have paired down the portions especially on dessert now that I am more aware of portion sizes etc they have come to me asked questions etc. We're all getting healthier together. Of course some of them had very little "extra" work to be healthy but it's still nice.

    I would not have skipped that party, but *I* don't like cake most of the time anymore, cutting out sugar was a big thing for me (sweets, cake, ice cream) and if I have one I'll crave another, so it's just not worth it.

    It's about deciding what is worth it to YOU.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Guilt doesn't burn calories so I don't waste time on it...!!! Enjoy the cup-cake..this isn't a diet its for LIFE and ..Cake Happens!! Its all good mama!!!

    Guilt doesn't burn calories...I so love this! :)
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    It's only a cupcake. relax. :smile:
  • sapphirelazuli
    God, I don't think a fortnight goes by without there being something to 'celebrate' that involves social drinking and eating! Just do what you did - exercise to cancel it out! It works for me :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Well obviously FORCED wasn't meant literally. But when 10 people are at a table and are offered what flavor of cupcake they want, being the one who says, "no, thanks" feels a little obnoxious...especially when you're one of the smallest people at the table. Like it would be a snub, and I didn't want to be rude. Everyone shoved theirs in their mouth, and had I sat there with my hands in my lap I thinnk that would have read awkward. I already had the tuna roll instead of the steak hibachi that everyone else ordered. I should of taken it "to go". You're right! I agree about eating everything in moderation. Cupcakes just happen to be one of those things that I don't find are worth the calories. I had a pint of Arctic Zero calling my name at home. LOL! I just felt it would have read rather rude and annoying if I just sat there nicely while everyone else ate their cake. But OBVIOUSLY it was my call...but it's a weird fine line sometimes with diet/and social graces.

    No I understand what you mean about diet and social graces.... It's hard and you're right, had you turned it down they prob. would have thought you were being rude, even tho it's not the case.

    I went to a BBQ a few weeks back for my church and I had totally went over board on the appetizers and got yelled at by the choir director cause I asked my mom if we were going to the gym the next day and that I didn't think I would be having desert... the choir director goes to me oh stop it! You don't need to go the gym, and the desert table looks fantastic.. I just sat there and said Ok, but in reality I'm thinking actually I'm full and I prob. will have one small brownie so just get off my case woman!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I guess for me I just refused to let other people dictate what *I* eat. By letting people get to you you're still letting THEM decide what your body looks like. Smile, say no thank you and move on. If they have a problem it's THEIR problem not yours. Grow some cajones is what I did. Just need to stand up for ME and say no.

    I used to be a HUGE yes person, for many many things and it got to be way too much and *I* wasn't being taken care of. So I started to say no. It was hard at first but now I only say yes when I MEAN and WANT to say yes.
  • nickiben
    nickiben Posts: 117 Member
    Eating 1 cupcake isnt going to make you put on 1lb. A little treat every now and again is fine. If youve had a deficit all week, then an overage 1 day wont hurt. Dont worry!! :smile:
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I don't think it's bad to go over by a little bit every once in a while, but it is bad to go over by a little bit regularly. You need to take it a little easier on yourself. It's unreasonable to think you'll never have a cupcake again, just not every night or every week, kwim?
  • nickiben
    nickiben Posts: 117 Member
    Well obviously FORCED wasn't meant literally. But when 10 people are at a table and are offered what flavor of cupcake they want, being the one who says, "no, thanks" feels a little obnoxious...especially when you're one of the smallest people at the table. Like it would be a snub, and I didn't want to be rude. Everyone shoved theirs in their mouth, and had I sat there with my hands in my lap I thinnk that would have read awkward. I already had the tuna roll instead of the steak hibachi that everyone else ordered. I should of taken it "to go". You're right! I agree about eating everything in moderation. Cupcakes just happen to be one of those things that I don't find are worth the calories. I had a pint of Arctic Zero calling my name at home. LOL! I just felt it would have read rather rude and annoying if I just sat there nicely while everyone else ate their cake. But OBVIOUSLY it was my call...but it's a weird fine line sometimes with diet/and social graces.

    What was it about the cupcake you didnt like? Is it that you're still trying to lose weight, or the fact that now your food outlook has changed so dont want to eat "crap food" (even if its yummy!) If you're still trying to lose weight, then temptation is hard and the people around you should support you by not putting temptation your way and making you feel bad when you resist. If you didnt want to eat it as its "crap food", then I agree too. Ive gone off loads of foods now I know whats in them. People should respect your wishes, they would if you were allergic to one of the ingredients.
  • vnvdvci
    vnvdvci Posts: 16
    You didn't have to eat the whole cupcake...I mean, just eat a few bites, half even, then toss the rest. You just ate a restaurant dinner--it'd be easy to say you were too full to have another bite. The friends I hang with in my group wouldn't think it was any big deal. You participate, have your couple celebratory bites, then you're done.

    Just a thought for next time you have to face this.