Future Hot Mamas ~ Group 3



  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Fit thing in the morning I promise!! You can make me pay if I don't. :)
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I did it! 20 minutes of exercise with a video and almost an hour weeding, my legs were actually a little shakey by the time I came in. I finished my challenge before anyone else even posted! Ok everyone exercise!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am afraid my eating hasn't been so good this week--Weigh in tomorrow may be scary! However the scale will show what my body has experienced and will be appropriate for my circumstances so no worries, I will just plan ahead this next week and make it work!
  • badbrat2005
    My weigh in isn't going to be good this week. I stepped on the scale this morning and I'm about where I started. So today I am going to try to plan out my week a little bit like meals and stuff and hope for a much better week. I really need to cut out soda altogether and I'd be much better off.
  • badbrat2005
    Anyone have any good recipe ideas?
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have a recipe blog. Debscooking@blogspot.com. I need to update it again as I have been bad at it lately but some of the recipes are already in the database.
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    This weeks weigh in~ 178.6 Not great but its still a .2 lose.

    I tried doing 30ds on Friday. OMG!!!! I couldn't do 10min of it and I am still sore as hell this morning. Its killer!! This week is supposed to be cooler in the 80s, so I will be able to go walking after dinner. My daughter will be happy, she love going for "walps." I love how toddlers make up words for things. Deekdogs are popsicles and hotdogs. no idea where that came from. its so cute.
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Also my husband asked what I wanted for my birthday. I told him that the things I want are too expensive, so I don't know now. He asked what they were. I told him an elliptical and Adobe Creative Suite (doesn't matter what version). He said I am not buying you an elliptical. I said I told you that it was too expensive thats why I didn't bother telling you. He got all huffy about it. I told him don't get an attitude with me, I told you I wasn't going tell you, but you insisted. ugh...men!

    I will get Adobe Creative Suite, just don't know when or what version. He told me I need to tell everyone that I want Adobe Gift cards for any thing you get gifts for. Just so you know what I am talking about. I am going back to school for Graphic Design. Adobe Creative Suite is all the programs that you need to create designs. The most current version 5.5 is $1,200.00 for the standard edition. the edition I want is $2,300.00. I have been patrolling ebay for deals! I can get verson 3 for $400 to 600, which is great, but you have to have the extra money to buy it, in which we do not at this time.
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    a good receipe for you: Zucchini burgers

    1 carrot
    1 large zucchini
    1 egg
    1/3 cup chopped onion
    1 tsp salt
    ground pepper to taste
    1/4 cup whole wheat flour
    1/4 cup crumbled feta (or whatever cheese you want)

    when I did this I added my own things to it. I added a large yellow squash and no carrot.

    The first step is to grate up the zucchini. I used the large part of a grater to do this, but you can do it in a food processor also.

    Now, add 1 tsp of salt to the zucchini mix and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Go ahead and prep your other veggies while you’re letting it sit – chop up the onion finely and grate the carrot.

    Once that is done sitting, the next step is to get the excess moisture out of the zucchini. I used cheese cloth for the first time last night, but you can also do it with paper towels. Place the zucchini on a piece of cheese cloth:

    Pull the cheese cloth around the zucchini:

    And SQUEEZE. There will be tons of liquid coming out, so do it over and bowl and keep squeezing until liquid is no longer draining out.

    add all the other ingredients and make into patties, then cook in a non stick pan with a spray of cooking spray.

    I would add a little more seasoning then it calls for, its bland if you don't. You can put whatever gratted veggies you want.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Hi girls-hope you are all doing well. Looks like a few of us have been checking in. I have been MIA at a relatives. Worked out Friday, but nothing Sat. or Sun. I did spent about three hours each day fishing and a little paddle boating (okay, most of that "fishing" time was spent untangling line and taking hooks out of the fishes mouth:) But it was excellent and have six beautiful 12-19" rainbow and brook trout in the freezer. How much would that cost at the market????

    So, the eating was not good, and I gained-180.1 this morning---SORRY! This is a stupid way to feel better about continuing on this lifestyle eating choice-I woke up Sat. night feeling like I was going to throw up. It passed, but I know it was the desserts I ate at the BBQ and the three cans of Coke I drank throughout the day. Ugh, I felt disgusting. Why did I do that???? Stupid.

    I am so getting back on track today. I expect the workout to be tough, but I deserve the reminder it will give me to stay true to my body. Have a great week all of you-lets do this thing! My challenge to you this week-try to cut down on the amount of "sin" food you love. If you love soda-drink 16 oz. less and replace it with water. If you love packaged donuts-eat three less. Etc...make sure to track it! Add up the cal. you "saved" by not eating it and pay yourself. Pay in cents, dollars-whatever you choose. So if you save 300 calories by not drinking your Dr. Pepper-pay yourself three bucks! It adds up, spend it on you, and DO NOT FEEL GUILTY! For me, I am paying myself $ for each workout, then I apply it at the end of the month and pamper myself with a massage. I have an amazing girl would gives me a deal for massages. It is my "me" time. I earned it.
  • badbrat2005
    I weighed in at 193 this morning, which is almost the weight I started at. I expected it though as I have done terrible. I warned I am terrible on diets, but I am being a little more accountable with myself since this challenge started. On the challenge of cutting things down, I am going to make my self drink 4 bottles of water each day, which takes me to the 64 ounces you are supposed to drink. If I drink all four waters, then I will allow myself a soda. I am going to look back through at any weekly challenges that have been posted this far, and I am going to try to do them all this week.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Weight today: 187.4. Adrop of .2. I will take it!!

    Mussmom do you have a favorite trout recipe. I have one in the fridge from my hubbys fishing trip this weekend and don't know what to do with it.

    I am considering a tactic change and going to either the biggest loser food plan or the eating clean one. Currently with just counting calories I am allowing myself a lit of wiggle room to eat whatever I want. I need to get in more fruits and veggies for me and the fam. What do you guys think??
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    BadBrat~ You can do it!! start with small things. instead of fried chicken, do grilled chicken. instead of fried french fries, bake them instead. If you have a cheeseburger, instead of fries do a side salad with raspberry vinagerette/or light dressing. Eat your veggies first, then your protein. instead of a piece of cake, have a few jelly beans to curb the sweet craving. Start small and work your way to where you want. get more active, instead of sitting on the couch and vegging out, pick up after your kids, do the after dinner dishes, do a load of laundry. go for a 30min walk, if its not too hot. turn up the music and dance with your kids.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Weighing in at 196.2 today. Just a 0.4 loss. Oh, week 1, where I lost 3.2 pounds, why can't I do it again? Silly question, since I KNOW it's my diet. And probably not really my diet, but just tracking my diet. I've really stopped tracking everything I eat these past 2 weeks, and the scale is starting to show it. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those girls who can just stop eating when full or keep portions small. I LOVE food, and I will eat LOTS of it when it is good. So I rely on MFP to tell me when I hit my calorie limits, or else I would keep overeating every day.

    Did you know......?

    A couple months ago, I did a "test." I wasn't so sure if I believed MFPs numbers about how many calories I should eat to lose weight. So for one week, I posted EVERYTHING I ate and burned, making sure to hit a weekly net average of "0." And guess what? I lost 3.2 pounds. Thanks, MFP, for doing the tricky formulas for me because now, I'm a believer and will stick to your recommendations! You would think a 3+ pound weight loss would keep me tracking each week, but, sadly, no. So today, I'm recommitting to tracking everything, and if I overeat, I will need to throw in an extra workout to burn it off, so I can hit that weekly average of "0."
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Sugar. Why is your hubby so anti ellipitical?? Just curious.

    Helen I am with you on the logging. I can log 4 days and still lose without logging the rest of the week. I have a hard time logging everyday. Although I shouldn't!! I am Aldo a love food person but through the beck diet solution I am starting to understand my thoughts and figure out how I sabotage myself. Hence the change in tactics. I think I need a set plan that isn't just in my head so that I cam have black and white thinking about it. Any loss is worth celebrating!! Congratulations!!
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    because they are expensive and we don't have the room for one. I have a treadmill, that I need to find a new place for. I am thinking probably my garage. its a crappy one that I will not use. It is currently a holding spot for DH's work clothes.
  • badbrat2005
    BadBrat~ You can do it!! start with small things. instead of fried chicken, do grilled chicken. instead of fried french fries, bake them instead. If you have a cheeseburger, instead of fries do a side salad with raspberry vinagerette/or light dressing. Eat your veggies first, then your protein. instead of a piece of cake, have a few jelly beans to curb the sweet craving. Start small and work your way to where you want. get more active, instead of sitting on the couch and vegging out, pick up after your kids, do the after dinner dishes, do a load of laundry. go for a 30min walk, if its not too hot. turn up the music and dance with your kids.

    My problem is since March I have been staying at my fiances parents house, so his mom does the cooking and his uncle does most of the cleaning. I will be going back to my own apartment very soon and it may be much easier to be more motivated. It is was to easy to be lazy around this house. I am going to try to start walking and what not again.
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    BadBrat~ You can do it!! start with small things. instead of fried chicken, do grilled chicken. instead of fried french fries, bake them instead. If you have a cheeseburger, instead of fries do a side salad with raspberry vinagerette/or light dressing. Eat your veggies first, then your protein. instead of a piece of cake, have a few jelly beans to curb the sweet craving. Start small and work your way to where you want. get more active, instead of sitting on the couch and vegging out, pick up after your kids, do the after dinner dishes, do a load of laundry. go for a 30min walk, if its not too hot. turn up the music and dance with your kids.

    My problem is since March I have been staying at my fiances parents house, so his mom does the cooking and his uncle does most of the cleaning. I will be going back to my own apartment very soon and it may be much easier to be more motivated. It is was to easy to be lazy around this house. I am going to try to start walking and what not again.

    Even if your FMIL cooks, you can always make a healthier option for yourself or ask her to grill or bake your chicken or whatever for you. We eat at my MILs almost every Saturday Dinner and Sunday Lunch, she has started making me a healthier option for meals. Instead of fried chicken, she sticks 2 pieces of chicken in the oven to bake for me and I just portion control the sides. really its just how much you really want to get to your goal. They will understand and support you, if not don't let dictate you. Take charge of your meals and let your FMIL cook for the rest of the family. Of couse I would clean up the stuff I used to make my own meal as well.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Alrighty, ladies! Day 1 is done, and it was a GREAT day!! I burned 601 calories on the treadmill, logged in all my calories eaten, drank 10 glasses of water, completed my food diary, AND I was under my calorie limit! This is the 1st time in WEEKS that I was under my daily calorie goal, so I'm feeling pretty good.

    I decided to try to burn 3500 calories this week in exercise, as well as drink 10 glasses of water a day. Who wants to join me? I'm challenging you now! Let's go, Group 10 Dorks! (Did we ever choose a name?)
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    @Brat~ getting in all of your water is a great way to get started on the right path! I have found that the more water I drink, the worse my DrPepper tastes, and I love my DP! Of course, it don’t taste as great, but for whatever reason, I keep telling myself that I want it… guess soda is just another bad habit at this point. Maybe you could try to take over a couple nights of cooking each week. Your FMIL might enjoy the break and find the family likes a bit of healthy eating.

    @Deb~ You might try allowing yourself wiggle room only after you have reached your personal goal of fruits and veggies for the day. Or every time ya eat anything, couple it with a fruit/veggie. I don’t know that you have to change your whole approach, unless you are just more comfortable doing so.

    @Helen~ At least you have lost each week! You know what works, you just have to make yourself do it, sounds like. I have had to work a lot on portion sizes too, and if I slack off on actually weighing, my portion sizes just naturally grow again. Did you know 4oz of chicken is NOT the whole breast??

    As for me, the whole week was bad food choices, but I did get my 4 days of 20+ minutes and 5 pushups per day. And then TOM showed up this morning. To make matters worse, my husband and I have been fighting and without all the details I went all emotional eating and devoured a whole bag of cookies and carton of cookies & cream, but only one 14oz soda… so maybe that’s good?

    Oh, and we were group 3 ~ I think the use of the word Dork was vetoed, and “Rambling Random HotMoms” was mentioned. I liked it. Are we ready for a new thread? I don’t know how many pages or posts ya get before it starts a new one on its own. Now, let’s continue to improve!

    Challenges posed
    • Cut down “sin” foods
    • Drink 10+ glasses of water daily
    • Burn 3500 calories this week
    • Log everything daily.
    • No Excuses