Future Hot Mamas ~ Group 3



  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    I am down with the new name and thread. Should we email everyone to let them know?
  • badbrat2005
    I am going to take charge of my mood and stuff. I am also going to try journaling or something for the depression. So I will be writing food and everything.....then like a mood journal too.
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    this weeks weight in ~ 177.9

    Today makes day 6 of 30ds....
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395

    Are we all on the same time zone or what? lol kids just left for school and I weighed, and you ladies had already checked in!
    Great job on the losses and starting 30DS!~ Have you noticed it getting easier... err well, more doable yet? it amazing how your body builds endurance so fast. When the boy wakes up we are going for our bikeride around town to pay our bills and find a park before it gets hot.
    Oh, blah... It's already Monday and I didn't post that thread, I'll do it this evening with the new weigh-in chart~
    And yes, I will email everyone when its posted :drinker:
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    I'm in Missouri. I get up at 5:45a every weekday morning, so I post as soon as I weigh in so I don't forget.

    I noticed yesterday that level 1 of 30ds is getting easier, so then when I get to level 2 it will kick my butt over again.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    My weight: 187.6. A far cry from Friday when the scale read 183. It's amazing how a weekend splurge will mess everything up!! We went camping and I allowed myself to eat whatever and whenever I wanted and totally forgot about listening to my hunger signals!

    On the depression topic. Check out the book feeling good by David burns. It takes you through exercises that help cure and reverse depression. Check it out!
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Does anyone have any advice on anxiety? I don't have anxiety attacks often, but this one was a doozie this morning. I haven't had one this bad in a few years. I normally take xanax when needed, but they zonk me out and I can't take it at work. Any exercises or foods that help with anxiety?
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Search out guided relaxation on you tube. Try it it works!! Yoga would also be helpful. Anything that brings your body to a state of calm. Try moving your hands down as if your are pushing it all away from you while exhaling forcefully. Pull that negative energy out of you while you breathe out and bring In positive happy energy into you as you breathe in. Push all the negative dark air away and pull the bright white positive towards you.
  • badbrat2005
    I weighed in at 195 pounds this morning. That is my all time highest weight and I am going to work harder to get the number down instead of up for next week. I will check that book out when I get more money. I did get the Beck Diet Solution book in the mail today, so I am going to start reading that today. Hope everyone does well this week.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Weighing in at 197.2 this morning. A whole pound gain! Last week was the WORST WEEK EVER! Started out with a week-long family reunion, and I only burned 600 calories in one workout on Monday. I was hoping that giving myself a 3500-calorie-burn challenge would kick my butt into gear, but the family reunion zapped all my energy. And then, when you have 30+ people in one house, the germs get shared, and I ended the week sick, went to the doctor yesterday, and tested positive for strep. Gotta love those family reunions, yes?

    I'm starting this week with strep and a fever, so no workouts until that fever gets down. The penicillin is in my system, so it shouldn't take much longer. TOM starts tomorrow, but it usually gives me a 3 lb weight loss, so I'm actually looking forward to it. Only wish I could get that 3 lb weight loss every week!
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    I read this blog yesterday and found it was VERY interesting:


    Basically, when you don't find much pleasure in your every day life, you naturally turn to food to increase the pleasure centers in your brain. And this gives the unfortunate side effect of weight gain. It made me reflect on the past 10 years, when it's been a real challenge to lose my original pregnancy weight, and I realized that this could very well explain my weight gains and why I have a hard time losing it.

    In the past 10 years, my husband's been laid off 4 times, we've moved out-of-state 3 times due to his employment, we've struggled to both finish our college degrees (taking multiple breaks due to lack of finances), I've had 2 miscarriages, and today, with my husband employed, he's making the lowest salary EVER in our 13 yrs of marriage, and making-ends-meet is my daily challenge. Reading this blog helped me understand that I can still find high levels of pleasure in my marriage, my children, my friends, my spirituality, and my hobbies, which will hopefully help me conquer my overeating habits.

    Just thought I'd share...
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Looks like we did okay:) I will admit I cheated a little. I really was 178.8 this morning, but posted the weight from Wed. morning-that is the lowest I have been forever! I weigh every day and I know you aren't suppose to , but I like to see the fluctuations based on my exercise, food eaten, and water consumption. I have to be SO good every day to lose weight, and I have yet to mentally push through that-as we know, life tends to happen! I am kind of excited for school to start (I am a jr. High science teacher)-it really makes me plan my meals and stick to a timed eating schedule. I am stressing the exercise thing a bit, but figured I did it in the spring, so I can continue.

    I hope you all feel better-you all seem to be giving good advice. Bring it this week:) :):)
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Give your body time to rest Helen, it sounds like you need it! Maybe it will give the rest of us time to catch up with ya too :laugh:

    I try not to weigh myself every day, but I still do more than 3 times a week I would say. It's a struggle. I have found... when I pay attention... that when I weigh early and I'm like oooo I got down 2 lbs already, I feel more allowed to have bad choices. Like justified, cause I have obviously been doing sooo well. This is a mental thing that has slowed down my loss too much, and I'm trying to break it. Now, I keep my scale in a cabinet until weigh in day. Then at least I have to really think about it before I go weighing. If I went to the doctor or gym regular, I might even throw it out.... eh prolly not!~

    The less I have worried about trying to fit in a workout, the better my eating has been... weird huh. I'll take it though, as long as it continues. I think its a stress level thing, cause yes, I stress about not working out when I have told myself it's a goal. It makes me angry and I feel like a failure. Well, this week I decided to not make it a goal, but instead give in when the kids ask for trip to pool, ride on bikes, or jump on trampoline. Of course, that took me out on the bike today at high noon... but I can circle the whole town in 20 minutes now, even with the hills that burn my thighs!
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    What's up group 3? I am just checking on every group.
