Future Hot Mamas ~ Group 3



  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    It takes 500 posts for a new thread.

    I forgot I could just add fruits and veggies. I have realized that I allow myself to eat whatever because I have not been planning my meals ahead of time. If I would stick to planning I would be doing much better. I guess I am looking for set rules instead of logging everything and I should plan and log!!

    I think the name and the challenges are great!! I wrote them on my planning page and I am going to Make a poster with my goals on it like I saw in this video. http://eatcleandiet.com/the_kitchen_table/story/post.aspx?id=17017. It was quite inspiring and Probably why I started thinking I should start the eat clean diet. If I set up rules it would be the same. I also made an appointment with myself for exercise my cell phone will ring to remind me. I realized this morning that I talked myself out of exercise last year when I was doing p90x I loved it but found getting up early "unfair" so I finally just kept myself in bed instead. Now I know what I was doing and am going to remember what I want instead of letting myself talk me out of it. If I don't make this choice no one else will do it for me! Let's burn some calories!!
  • Can anyone be part of this group I'm new to this website and am looking for sOme great woman to get motivated with!
    - aleece
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Weight today: 187.4. Adrop of .2. I will take it!!

    Mussmom do you have a favorite trout recipe. I have one in the fridge from my hubbys fishing trip this weekend and don't know what to do with it.

    I am considering a tactic change and going to either the biggest loser food plan or the eating clean one. Currently with just counting calories I am allowing myself a lit of wiggle room to eat whatever I want. I need to get in more fruits and veggies for me and the fam. What do you guys think??

    I am one of those plain Jane fish people. I usually just steam fish, but for trout usually wrap in foil with butter and grill. Thinking on the more healthy side, this time I am going to put a clove or two of fresh minced garlic and some fresh rosemary inside the fish, wrap in foil and grill slowly. I think the fat from the fish will provide enough oil. Side note: this spring I planted a pot with rosemary, basil, thyme and two kinds of oregano. It has been so cool having fresh stuff without the cost you pay at the store! Hoping it grows well in a sunny south window this winter when it is freezing outside. @All of you with grumpy hubby's-you know what fixes that right? Haha!!!!!!!!! Sad but true, but hey, a good way to burn some calories and get along better. Teehee. Seriously tho, hope it gets better.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    What the helll am I doing awake at 4:30 in the morning? What the helll have I been thinking eating mcdonald's two, yes two days in a row? Ugh. We all have our struggles. Helen, you are so right about eating well and tracking. I will do better today and this week. My original goal weight was 180 and I hit that and kinda stopped. I love my new body and the way clothes fit, so I need to reassertion myself. Have a good day girls, I am going to try and catch some zzz's.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Just checking in real quick before I head out for the day. Today is a family reunion activity at the local amusement park. I was going to squeeze in a DVD this morning, but then I was real worried how it would effect my energy levels at the amusement park. So I'm going straight there. I was tempted to wear my HRM all day, but it's kinda awkward and uncomfortable, so I vetoed that. But I did check out the park's food list and settled on a chicken rice bowl for lunch. That should be better than any burgers or fried food. The key is to stay away from the funnel cakes & ice cream, right? Let's see how I do!!

    It's time to step it up, ladies! We had such a great weigh-in on week one (16.5 lbs lost), but then we fizzled out the past past 2 weeks, giving us a grand total of 18.5 lbs lost in only 3 weeks. Yikes! I am SO guilty here because my diet was SO bad the last 2 weeks, and my weigh-ins only brought us down. I've recommitted myself to try harder because I really, really want to reach my GW by Dec. 31st and start the new year with a "maintain weight" resolution, not a "lose weight" one. I know when Dec 31 seems so far away it's easy to have cheat meals/days/weeks, but I'm starting to realize that every calorie counts, and in order for me to drop 31 pounds, I gotta work harder. Let's re-focus and get big numbers next week!
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Helen-hope your day was great. Thanks for the reminder about goals. I am really struggling this week. Cleaned all day today, but didn't eat well. Really need to refocus.
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Favorite videos~ I like just about every Crunch workout on NetFlix instant play, but they won't be available much longer I guess.
    I like Jillian's 30 day shred, though I haven't finished the whole thing yet. Most likely where I will head when Crunch disappears. ($10 @ Walmart)
    I have Bob Harper's CardioMax, which just kicks my butt and I feel like I'm still a smoker! (also $10 at Walmart)
    If you like to switch it up alot like I do, I found a box with 10 discs at BedBath&Beyond called the 90 Day Supreme Workout. It comes with a workout plan calendar and uses a balance ball and weights. I started it the same time I tried to run though, so I didnt get past day 2 lol, but the reviews are awesome and I have all intentions of doing the whole thing.... excuse? maybe I better do it today!!

    What do you mean they are going away from Netflix? If you have streaming, why would they go away? Or do you mean you are not doing the streaming any longer?

    I tried a few of the crunch dance ones, I realize I have no cordination any more. I wished my old cheerleading ways would come back, but I am not as young and flexable as I used to be. :(
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Mussmom thanks for the ideas. We ended up giving the fish away. I was dreaming about eating fish bones and we aren't skilled fish filleters.

    I need to set up a reward or something for myself. I keep falling off the wagon. I tell myself I don't care but I really do it is just in the moment I think whatever gets me the quickest reward. Do any of you have systems that work? I have a reward set up for every 5 lbs I lose but sometimes that is even too far off.

    Here's a motivational video for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MajG1SPoNj0
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395

    What do you mean they are going away from Netflix? If you have streaming, why would they go away? Or do you mean you are not doing the streaming any longer?

    I tried a few of the crunch dance ones, I realize I have no cordination any more. I wished my old cheerleading ways would come back, but I am not as young and flexable as I used to be. :(

    Yes, I was talking about streaming... but they are still there now! They all have little banners at the bottom identifying as a crunch workout, so maybe it was due to a format change? Or maybe they got a bunch of complaints cause there wasnt much left to workout to, ya know.
    The dance once can be pretty fun and really silly. Just keep moving when ya mess it all up and you still get the burn. The cardio dance blast is proly my favorite dance one, and I still mess up on the "what move" lol I just cant get my arms to swing opposite of my legs.... but yea, after a few time you'll be feeling like the cheerleader that was :drinker:
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Okay, a reminder and a little tough love. We need to kick it in gear and quit making excuses as to why we aren't eating better and exercising more-myself included. I am 8 lbs. away from my goal weight and am using the excuse "I am close to my goal weight so it is harder to lose". BS!! What it really boils down to is discipline. Can we or can't we? Cause if we can't I say we let some of these women in that are asking. We all committed to this, and we all are not logging or checking in on a regular basis. Let's go girls!!!!

    Have any of you heard from the other girls that didn't log in?
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327


    It's been an interesting week, ladies! Three groups gained weight this week. I guess we can take comfort in knowing we're not alone, but it's time to re-focus and remember that every day counts!

    I'd like to give a special shout-out to Group 5, who only had 3 members weighing in, but they lost a total of 8.2 pounds! WAY TO GO! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thanks for showing us how it's done.

    Group 4 is also the leader of the pack. ALL members checked in this week, making them the ONLY group whose members have checked in every week since the challenge started. They also have the biggest numbers in total weight loss and % to GW. WAY TO GO!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I've decided to stop tracking Group 6, since no members have checked in since July. There also are a handful of other members who haven't checked in since week 1. If the group captains decide to stop tracking them, let me know, as those numbers are effecting your "% to GW" group numbers.

    Let's go, Hot Moms!!
    Posted on the following groups:
    --“Who want to be a hot mom?!” Group 1 (closed group)
    -- Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom – Group 2 – CLOSED THREAD
    -- Future Hot Mamas – Group 3
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MAMA group 4 (closed group)
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MOM group 5
    -- “Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom” Group 7
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom?!: GROUP 8 CLOSED THREAD.
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom-Group 9 (closed group)
    -- Hot Mom (Closed group)-Mommies in Control
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    This week has been HARD. My husband's family is having a reunion that started Sunday and was supposed to end today. Turns out it's going on until Sunday. So far, I've only been able to get in 1 day of exercise, which is SO low for me! And, of course, with the family festivities, my diet has been bad, and I haven't tracked anything since Monday. I'd still like to see a loss this week, so I'm posting my frustrations to my group, and hoping that doing so will help me stay accountable for the remainder of this week. Here are my "til the reunion ends" goals -- get a workout in before joining the family, drink LOTS of water, snack on fruits & veggies, keep portions small, don't go crazy with desserts! One day at a time....

    BTW, I saw this link posted on Group 1's thread. This calculator will tell you how much water you should be drinking. One mom started drinking her 149 ounces a day and has already dropped 4 pounds this week. AMAZING how much of a difference it can make when you drink what your body needs! Go to the calculator and see what your total is. Mine is 119, WAY over the "10 glasses a day" (80 ounces) that I was shooting for.

  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    OK, so about 124.5 ounces (15.5 glasses) for me, thanks for that. At one point I was drinking that much, but I kinda settled into 9-10. I'll kick it up starting today!
    I remember going to visit family one week and i still got a loss by sampling everything, but not really 'eating". I stayed full, got to try all the goodies my family always brings around, and never felt guilty :smile:
    I hate seeing that big of a gain from the group... we gained more than group 9 lost :frown: We can recover and consider last week a learning experience. Hopefully this chart of yours motivates everyone as much as it does me!~

    Today was the first day of school here. My daughter did great getting up with her alarm. I was very worried about this cause my 7year old has stayed up till 2am too many nights and slept till afternoon on most days this summer. So, we are proud. I realized now though, that since my 2year old still likes to sleep till 9 or later.... I have my workout window cause I HAVE to be up at 7 now! So, kick her out the door, workout, and shower before the boy wakes! yay! Unfortunately I was up till 4 last night... so this will start tomorrow. Daddy got rained out ttoday though, yay for rain and yay for time to workout~

    for those that didn't check in~ Jalapeno posted on her wall that she was skipping weigh in this week as she is busy with inlaws. I haven't seen any activity from Amanda though.

    Better go get started on that extra water! :drink:
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    the water link told me I was to drink 2.8 litters, which I drink 2 litters at work and usually 2-3 more 12oz glasses at home.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    It's so easy to make excuses!! I have so many of them. This journey is all about fixing the mental part of me. I snuck a peak at the scale this morning and it was a pleasant surprise! We'll see if it continues. I'll have to check out the water link and see what it says. I already know I don't drink enough water!! I put reminders On my phone this week for exercise and other daily activites it has made a difference. At least I am remembering. We are camping this weekend and so I have a big day ahead of me. be strong and listen to your body are you really hungry or are you just telling yourself you are so you can have a taste.
  • I have done terrible again yet this week. Have kind of figured out though that my depression is playing a big part in everything lately. Gotta get that under control and it would really help me out. I am gonna try to refocus yet again. Over this weekend, I am going to try to plan out next week a little bit. I checked out that water site and I should be drinking 97 ounces so I guess i better up my drinking. Time to start focusing AGAIN. Dont want booted out of the group.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    I have done terrible again yet this week. Have kind of figured out though that my depression is playing a big part in everything lately. Gotta get that under control and it would really help me out. I am gonna try to refocus yet again. Over this weekend, I am going to try to plan out next week a little bit. I checked out that water site and I should be drinking 97 ounces so I guess i better up my drinking. Time to start focusing AGAIN. Dont want booted out of the group.

    I looked at the water too-100oz. That's a lot! But when I do average that, I lose. We won't kick you out:) We are here to support one another. Hope you can get things in check-you are trying-keep at it! Choose a goal a day. WE all struggle, just have to focus hour by hour sometimes. Maybe the depression is the thing to figure out first...then focus on the weight. I don't know, I hae not experience :( Good luck tho.
  • I am thinking about trying counseling to help with my issues. Antidepressants make me gain weight and make things worse. Right now I am going to focus on myself and work on losing this weight. Then maybe Ill be a little happier. Seems like a vicious cycle.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Depression sucks, but keep in mind that exercise is great medicine for a down mood! Even a calm walk can help ya relax when stuff is getting to you. And the more you succeed, the more confidence you gain. Just change direction and create your own new cycle. When you notice yourself sinking into the couch, not caring about the extra calories and only the immediate desire for whatever food you think makes you happy... consiously remind yourself that you are in charge and change the cycle. There will be times that you just can't fight the sinking of depression, but the times that you do fight back will stay with you and remind you that you are in Charge, even when you feel you aren't. That strength will grow until you are happy more often than sad, more in control of what affects you. Success is addictive and much more enjoyable than the alternatives. Stick with it, day by day, and it will get better.

    I also take a supplement called 5-HTP that claims to promote positive mood and control appetite. More research on the product revealed the appetite thing is based on the idea that we are more likely to eat too much carbs when depressed, so....
    Anyway, it's like a seretonin replacement mineral sold over the counter at heath food stores.

    As for me, I am confident there will be a loss, just not sure on how big it will be. My husband is back, but I'm still mad. So, I been staying up super late and not being awesome while I do it. With school started and all though, I am determined to have some of that time to myself, whether I am mad or not :smile: While the food this week hasn't been totally angelic, I have manged to get a bike ride almost every day! It has been under 100 all week! It has felt so totally heavenly! Speaking of, we will be leaving soon. Do you think I burn more calories than just riding cause my son is riding on the back? What about when I am hauling 10+ books in a bag to the library and back? lol

    I think I am gonna stick mostly with the bike riding for a while now that it has cooled some. I keep trying to do other stuff and my feet hurt really bad afterwards still. Should prolly go see a doctor at some point... we have insurance, I don't know why I haven't. It's my heels ya know.
    Today I am exhausted after staying up all night last night. When the man gets back from whatever he is doing, we decided that I will just go to bed all the way till morning... but what about my bike ride? hmmm
    It's just that if I nap I will wake up and stay up all night and the cycle will start all over again. Yes, I'm a night owl insomniac and I need help!~

    Rambling.... Prolly start that thread on Sunday night for Monday weigh-ins if everyone agrees?
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