Is Anyone Else Here Non-GMO?



  • siouxsie212
    I completely gave up soy, and I do love some edamame, but... such is life. Now that I'm on this path, what's the point of choosing something that's GMO when I have the choice?

    The tofu and soy milk I buy are both non-GMO. They say so quite boldly on the label. It's possible to find non-GMO soy. I don't eat a lot of it, but I need some to supplement my calcium and protein needs.

    Also, I think non-GMO and organic is only a fraction of the equation that makes those of us who seek them out feel better. I think we all feel so good because we've adopted a lifestyle that revolves around eating whole, fresh foods with little to no additives. Even if you're eating non-organic fruits and vegetables and still eating some corn or soy (or other, typically GM foods), such a lifestyle is still going to make you healthier.

    I will agree that the meat industry is more questionable, though, which is part of why I gave it up (and try my best to eat only fresh, wild fish).

    You're right, it's definitely possible to find non-GMO soy. I gave up soy for a number of reasons, not just because of GM.

    Look, I didn't make this thread to convince anyone or tell you what's best for you. I know what I believe and I know what's best for me. The thread title is just asking if anyone else is GMO. So I'm not going to respond to any of the people challenging me anymore. (This isn't directed at you, per se, lol).

    I really don't mean to and don't need to defend myself. If you read or watch docs on this subject, I believe you'd alter your opinions on food, but that's your business.
  • siouxsie212
    What's even more great is that since I've just changed the foods I eat, I've dropped 12 lbs without even trying. I feel more energy, sleep better, less depressed, more motivated and my concentration is up. For me, that's evidence enough, without looking at anything else. The less carcinogens in my body, the better. The more vitamins I can consume through food without taking pills, the better.

    Yeah.....still not convinced.

    I've dropped 42 lbs, experienced all the effects you're talking about, never take pills other than ibuprofen and the occasional migraine pill.... and I've done it by eating GMO's, processed foods, diet soda, and even artificial junk like aspartame. I EVEN eat at McDonalds once in a while (usually by my husband's choice).

    Nice try, though. :wink:

    Congratulations. One thing isn't for everyone. My preference is to not eat processed food and chemicals.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Yes, as much as it's humanly and financially possible. :D
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I really don't mean to and don't need to defend myself. If you read or watch docs on this subject, I believe you'd alter your opinions on food, but that's your business.

    I've read stuff from both sides of the debate. I'm not saying I agree with genetic modification of food or would purposely seek out GM foods. I just think that the correlation is between eating more whole, fresh foods and becoming healthier, and that eating non-GMO/organic is just a bonus on top of that.