Who wants to be a HOT MAMA group 4 (closed group)



  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    My weight this morning was 170.5 :-( My weight Saturday morning was 169.5 :-( Atleast I saw the 160's for atleast a day :-)
  • LPC020409
    LPC020409 Posts: 74 Member
    Sorry, I thought I posted my weight but didn't. My weight was 175.5 on Friday.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    CONGRATS we did pretty good this week, lets ROCK it next week. We still have a few that havent checked in.....

  • Gift80
    Gift80 Posts: 16
    Sorry I didn't post my weight...I am starting this week at 168.4!! So glad to be under 170!
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    Hooray for you, Gift80! Under 170!! CONGRATS!!! I will be thrilled to get there, and hope to get there in the next couple weeks! I finish the 30 day shred tomorrow, and my next goal is to get to 160 by 9/12, the day my homeschooling co-op starts for the year :)
    Make it a great day!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    nicole, glad to see you on the boards. CONGRATS I can't wait to see the 160's . Let's Rock this this week ladies.

  • andreasperry
    okay i dont know if it would be to difficult for you to change my starting weight to 192.2.... and put my current weight at 191.8 and goal weight.... 160.... sorry im so late on responding. i was trying to decide if i should continue this challenge being that im up so far from everyone else., but i decided to stick it out. i may not be seeing much difference in my weight loss. but i am seeing a difference in inches and i can now see some muscle in my arms rather then NONE!!! so i am excited. done with day 9 of 30 day shred and hope to get back to my walking jogging tommarrow. i also have yoga melt down for days when i feel some extra energy :)
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    Andrea, you are gonna love doing the 30 day shred!! It made a HUGE difference for me in terms of what I can feel, for the first time I can feel MUSCLES!!! Plus, I think I am going to have lost 10 pounds when all is said and done! My last day is tomorrow! (not that I am done, really, though, since I will obviously keep exercising.) I am going to weigh and measure on Thursday so I will report how much progress I made, and hopefully it will be enough to inspire you to keep going with the Shred!

    Don't worry about where you are starting out, it is not where you start that matters but how you FINISH!!! And you are right where you need to be, hopefully our team can encourage each other and we will all make lots more progress towards our goals than we would alone.

    Glad to have you on our team! :)
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327


    Way to go, Groups 3 & 4!! You've had two weeks of all members checking in, and your numbers are showing the difference!

    One member suggested listing "% of weight loss" per group. When I ran the numbers, I didn't feel they were a good reflection of the weight lost, as some members only have to lose a very small percentage of their current weight to get to their goal weights while others have to lose a much larger percentage. Let's just keep on tracking "% to GW." Hopefully, some groups will make it to the GW's before the challenge ends!

    Please take a minute to review the following goal weights and percentages for your team listed below. I received these numbers from either the original "Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom" posting or from your group posting. This "Goal Weight" is the weight you would like to be on December 31, 2011 -- the official end of this challenge. If your goal weights are not accurate, then the "% to GW" column will not reflect your progress. For example, members with "% to GW" of 8.69% or higher as of today are on track to reach their group goal weights by December 31.


    If you are below 8.69%, don't sweat it! You still have 21 weeks to get to your GW! If you would like to make a change, just send me a message.

    Posted on the following groups:
    --“Who want to be a hot mom?!” Group 1 (closed group)
    -- Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom – Group 2 – CLOSED THREAD
    -- Future Hot Mamas – Group 3
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MAMA group 4 (closed group)
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MOM group 5
    -- Hot Moms Group 6 (closed group)
    -- “Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom” Group 7
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom?!: GROUP 8 CLOSED THREAD.
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom-Group 9 (closed group)
    -- Hot Mom (Closed group)-Mommies in Control
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    okay i dont know if it would be to difficult for you to change my starting weight to 192.2.... and put my current weight at 191.8 and goal weight.... 160.... sorry im so late on responding. i was trying to decide if i should continue this challenge being that im up so far from everyone else., but i decided to stick it out. i may not be seeing much difference in my weight loss. but i am seeing a difference in inches and i can now see some muscle in my arms rather then NONE!!! so i am excited. done with day 9 of 30 day shred and hope to get back to my walking jogging tommarrow. i also have yoga melt down for days when i feel some extra energy :)

    No problem , I will try to get it changed on the chart sometime today. I am glad to see you sticking it out . CONGRATS on seeing the difference in inches and muscle in your arms. I love the fact that I know have muscle in my arms. Sounds like you have a good exercise plan in place. You can do it, just hang in there.......
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member


    Way to go, Groups 3 & 4!! You've had two weeks of all members checking in, and your numbers are showing the difference!

    One member suggested listing "% of weight loss" per group. When I ran the numbers, I didn't feel they were a good reflection of the weight lost, as some members only have to lose a very small percentage of their current weight to get to their goal weights while others have to lose a much larger percentage. Let's just keep on tracking "% to GW." Hopefully, some groups will make it to the GW's before the challenge ends!

    Please take a minute to review the following goal weights and percentages for your team listed below. I received these numbers from either the original "Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom" posting or from your group posting. This "Goal Weight" is the weight you would like to be on December 31, 2011 -- the official end of this challenge. If your goal weights are not accurate, then the "% to GW" column will not reflect your progress. For example, members with "% to GW" of 8.69% or higher as of today are on track to reach their group goal weights by December 31.


    If you are below 8.69%, don't sweat it! You still have 21 weeks to get to your GW! If you would like to make a change, just send me a message.

    Posted on the following groups:
    --“Who want to be a hot mom?!” Group 1 (closed group)
    -- Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom – Group 2 – CLOSED THREAD
    -- Future Hot Mamas – Group 3
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MAMA group 4 (closed group)
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MOM group 5
    -- Hot Moms Group 6 (closed group)
    -- “Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom” Group 7
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom?!: GROUP 8 CLOSED THREAD.
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom-Group 9 (closed group)
    -- Hot Mom (Closed group)-Mommies in Control

    WOW WE ROCK......as a group we are doing awesome. Keep up the good work ladies
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Let's have a mini challenge today. Let's do 50 crunches or sit ups.Who is with me

  • LPC020409
    LPC020409 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm up for the challenge. Is this a daily challenge?
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    yes this challenge is just for today, I will try to post different daily challenges here and there, if you are game. Feel free to post daily or weekly challenges to help keep us motivated.........This will help us to stay on top........
  • ashleystetzer
    ashleystetzer Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Going on vacation starting today so I weighed in this morning. I won't be around a computer for a couple days :( My weight this morning was 171...down 1 pound since last week. Really can't wait to get into the 160's haven't been there in almost a year!! Have a great weekend
  • Gift80
    Gift80 Posts: 16
    Hello All...thank you for the continued support...My weight today is 169.4...gained a pound since my last check in...grrr....BUT im still under 170!! YAY...maybe its the lifting...maybe I'm not burning enough...either way the mission to my GW of 145 still goes on!! I hope everyone is doing an awesome job with their goals...WE CAN DO IT!!!! I'm hoping for a lower number for the next weigh in;-)

  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    ashley have fun on your vacation. ENJOY and try to get in some exercise. I updated the chart. Don't forget weight in's are tomorrow I hope the scale has some good news for me. LOL

  • andreasperry
    did my 50 crunches yesterday :).... i had my first day of level 2 on 30 day shred WOWZA!!!! i kinda like it more then level 1 but there are a few things i can not figure out lol.
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    Andrea, keep going and you will figure it out... I couldn't do it the first day either! And when I go to level 3 it was even worse! But I got it every time :)

    Wanna see something I hope might keep you going? Here are my final results:

    I am 5'0" tall
    Starting weight: 183, end 173... lost 10 pounds!
    I measured on day 8... so these are from then.

    I lost:
    1" from each upper arm
    1.5" from each thigh
    2" from each calf
    5" from hips
    5" from waist

    TOTAL INCHES LOST: 19!!!!!! YEAH!!!

    Now for 60 MORE pounds and LOTS AND LOTS more inches...

    Here are some pics (day 8 and after): (and FYI, I didn't "suck it in" either time, and no, I was not pregnant before... I just looked like it... I can't believe I am posting these!)




  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Andrea, keep going and you will figure it out... I couldn't do it the first day either! And when I go to level 3 it was even worse! But I got it every time :)

    Wanna see something I hope might keep you going? Here are my final results:

    I am 5'0" tall
    Starting weight: 183, end 173... lost 10 pounds!
    I measured on day 8... so these are from then.

    I lost:
    1" from each upper arm
    1.5" from each thigh
    2" from each calf
    5" from hips
    5" from waist

    TOTAL INCHES LOST: 19!!!!!! YEAH!!!

    Now for 60 MORE pounds and LOTS AND LOTS more inches...

    Here are some pics (day 8 and after): (and FYI, I didn't "suck it in" either time, and no, I was not pregnant before... I just looked like it... I can't believe I am posting these!)





    AWESOME, your results are inspiring.........