Who wants to be a HOT MAMA group 4 (closed group)



  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I am just checking in this morning

    SW 182
    todays weigh in 180.2
    Goal 160

    can everyone please post their goals for me .......thanks
    CONGRATS to all those who lost weight this week and for all those that didnt hang in there it will happen.......TOGETHER WE CAN DO THIS
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    sounds like everyone is doing great with their workouts , keep up the good work.

    sabrina....... sorry to hear you didnt have a great day, hope you feel better tomorrow
    Jen........sounds like you have a good plan. keep up the good work
    andrea......sounds like you are doing great. but try to log in your foods, it is really helpful to look back on later to see what worked
    Erin.......sounds like a fun weekend .....ENJOY
    Ashley....Hope next week is better, hang in there
    Lisa........I agree the hot weather makes it easier to get in all the water and not eat as much

  • Gift80
    Gift80 Posts: 16
    My Wii says I've gained 4 pounds. I'm thinking it was my recent trip to the Beach. Although I did a lot of walking (I even went to the gym once), I still gained. I even made sure I didn't eat a bunch of junk! Maybe the Wii is lying OR maybe I'm turing into muscle...either way it's motivation to keep going;-)

    Does anyone else deal with the fluctuating weight?

    Weight today is 170!!

    PS I will do a better job of checking in on my weight and exercising...I've gotten a little slack. BUT the work is getting done.
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    I have had the fluctuating weight thing the past few days. I think my weigh in on Sunday was artificially low. It said 175.2 and then I didn't see below 176 all week, until today... so we'll see what shakes out. I think the fluctuations are really normal.

    So, have we thought of a great team name yet? I keep trying to think of something, but nothing has struck me yet. Maybe we should find something we all have in common and go from there?
  • xmusicxlovex
    xmusicxlovex Posts: 47 Member
    My current weight is 172 and my goal weight is 130
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member

    CONGRATS to everyone that lost this week , everyone else hang in there all your hard work will pay off, it takes time. I hope that I have all the correct weights. This is my first time doing this so please be patient. If there are any mistakes please just let me know. And if I dont have your goal weight up yet could you please post it so I can get it on our chart. Thanks........sheri
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I posting the rules here just to have them to refer back to and don'f forget to log into our group when you need extra encouragement or to post something to encourage the rest of us

  • LPC020409
    LPC020409 Posts: 74 Member
    My final goal for the challenge is 155. When is the weigh in for the IW? I'm having a hard time picking a goal for that. Thanks
  • andreasperry
    man everyones doing awesome. im the only one with he numbers going he wrong way :( oh well just got to try a little harder. great job everyone else. keep it up :)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    the end of october is about 1/2 way there, so I would think october 31 would be good for the IG, but it is up to everyone whether they want to worry about the intermediate goal or not. Well I am off to the waterpark to have lots of fun and get in alot of walking, swimming and climbing stairs , LOL.

    Have a great healthy active weekend..........sheri
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    I tried to be active this weekend, but Iam at the mercy of my landscaper :-( Next weekend should be a great hiking weekend though, and I have a 5k on saturday :-)
  • LPC020409
    LPC020409 Posts: 74 Member
    Hey group- I'm just checking in to see how the weekend went for everybody.

    I had great workouts on Saturday and Sunday but really over did it on the sugar and snacking. It’s much easier for me to keep up on my eating plan during the week when I’m busy at work. We are going out for lunch and ice cream tomorrow for a celebration. I’m really nervous about this because I just don’t eat out much anymore. I checked the website of the restaurant and it’s hard for me to find a healthy option. I think I’ll go with the grilled salmon (not sure if it’s glazed) and a salad. I’m hoping the ice cream shop has a good frozen yogurt I can chose. I hope we end up parking far so I have to walk a little more.

    Does anyone else get a little nervous about eating out?
  • LPC020409
    LPC020409 Posts: 74 Member
    I tried to be active this weekend, but Iam at the mercy of my landscaper :-( Next weekend should be a great hiking weekend though, and I have a 5k on saturday :-)

    I would love to be able to do a 5k. I'll have to get the nerve up to run in public. Have you done a 5k before?
  • andreasperry
    i went and bought a scale today. the one i wanted was sold out.i bought it home stepped on it.... well it says im 192.. i dont feel like i weigh that much :( needless to say i am order the one i want off line ship to store... its on sale and will be cheaper then this one... and this one is getting returned this evening.... if i really weigh that much im going to be way out of the starting weight range for this group :(
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    I tried to be active this weekend, but Iam at the mercy of my landscaper :-( Next weekend should be a great hiking weekend though, and I have a 5k on saturday :-)

    I would love to be able to do a 5k. I'll have to get the nerve up to run in public. Have you done a 5k before?

    I've done a couple before. However I will be walking, and running during this one because my 7 year old is doing it with me! She completed her first 5k a few weeks ago.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    i went and bought a scale today. the one i wanted was sold out.i bought it home stepped on it.... well it says im 192.. i dont feel like i weigh that much :( needless to say i am order the one i want off line ship to store... its on sale and will be cheaper then this one... and this one is getting returned this evening.... if i really weigh that much im going to be way out of the starting weight range for this group :(

    That is so frustrating and disappointing. I hope you get your new scale soon and it is good news. I know that would totally make your day. You are welcome to stay in our group either way but it is up to you. Just hang in there and keep up your good work........
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I tried to be active this weekend, but Iam at the mercy of my landscaper :-( Next weekend should be a great hiking weekend though, and I have a 5k on saturday :-)

    I would love to be able to do a 5k. I'll have to get the nerve up to run in public. Have you done a 5k before?

    I've done a couple before. However I will be walking, and running during this one because my 7 year old is doing it with me! She completed her first 5k a few weeks ago.

    that is great that your daughter is doing it with you, what a great way to set a good example of a healthy lifestyle while making memories together. I have thought about doing a 5k but would have to walk most of it. Have fun on your run
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    It is hard for me to make it to the gym with the kids home for the summer but I plan on taking a walk with them and go swimming with them later. What are you doing today?

  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Hey group- I'm just checking in to see how the weekend went for everybody.

    I had great workouts on Saturday and Sunday but really over did it on the sugar and snacking. It’s much easier for me to keep up on my eating plan during the week when I’m busy at work. We are going out for lunch and ice cream tomorrow for a celebration. I’m really nervous about this because I just don’t eat out much anymore. I checked the website of the restaurant and it’s hard for me to find a healthy option. I think I’ll go with the grilled salmon (not sure if it’s glazed) and a salad. I’m hoping the ice cream shop has a good frozen yogurt I can chose. I hope we end up parking far so I have to walk a little more.

    Does anyone else get a little nervous about eating out?

    Sometimes I do , it depends on where I am going and if there are good choices. I find the best thing to do is have a plan before I go and it sounds like you have that covered. So you are on the right track. I hope they have some frozen yogurt or sorbet. ENJOY
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    I made it to Level 3 on my 30 day shred today, and just completed day 1 's workout for level 3. Oh my goodness! I thought Levle two was hard and I was getting good at it, but Level 3 is a whole new dimension! I have been doing really well with my nutrition and logging it all on MFP, so that is good!

    I am finding that I am just really impatient to see a change! I think it will be nice once I am done with the Shred to actually measure myself and take pictures and see a difference! I have had the 9 pounds on the scale so far, which is great, but I can barely notice in the way I look and no one has said anything yet, it is just not a huge change. I know that if i stick with it, though, it will change dramatically in the long term!

    As far as eating out, I do exactly what you did... get the nutrition info ahead of time and choose from home before I go. It makes it SO much easier to turn down all the yummy looking things I might impulsively order when i have chosen something ahead of time and start to look forward to it!

    Make it a great day, team!