Who wants to be a HOT MAMA group 4 (closed group)



  • ashleystetzer
    ashleystetzer Posts: 43 Member
    I had a pretty good weekend for once. I got on the scale on Monday and I had actually lost a pound! I have really been trying to expand my workouts and have been working on running a 2 mile route without stopping to walk. I'm working up to a 4 mile run, hopefully by my birthday in September I'll be there!

    Have a great week everyone, the heat has finally subsided here in WI, today we are in the lower 80's, feels great!
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    So, I just was browsing the forums and saw Group 8's name and they even have a logo... reminds me that we need a name!

    I will be glad to put together some kind of logo or graphic for us if we can pick a name... I will start by throwing out some ideas that have to do with Christmas or New Years since that is the end of the challenge, but hope everyone will jump in with some fun ideas of your own!

    Rocking Our Christmas Stockings!
    White Hot Christmas Mamas
    Team HOT Moms 2012 (HOT could stand for something)
    Santa's Smokin' Hot Helpers (I am thinking we could do a really fun graphic with some kind of Santa-ish lingerie in it;) )
    OK, I am out of ideas, and those all sound kinda cheesy to me now that I typed them, so I should quit before I chicken out of sending them!

    OK, girls, throw those ideas out there!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,009 Member
    Jen , that would be great if you could make us a logo, as for names I will have to give it some thought , I kinda like White Hot christmas mamas or Team Hot Moms 2012 ( but can't think of anything clever that hot could stand for)maybe healthy or ton-age...LOL

    I like to look at what the other teams are doing to get ideas also. Some of them seem to have alot of interaction and others not much at all. I noticed one of the teams are doing weekly challenges. This week they are doing 200 crunches a day. I think this is a bit much but if you ladies would like we could come up with weekly challenges. Let me know if you have any ideas........Have a great healthy active day...........
  • xmusicxlovex
    xmusicxlovex Posts: 47 Member
    I love the name Santa's smokin' hot helpers. That's cute! A:)
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    I am not sure it will work, but let me try to add one possible graphic for our team... let me know if it works or if you want a different name or anything, I just picked the one proudmommy said she liked to make a sample :)

  • xmusicxlovex
    xmusicxlovex Posts: 47 Member
    I am not sure it will work, but let me try to add one possible graphic for our team... let me know if it works or if you want a different name or anything, I just picked the one proudmommy said she liked to make a sample :)


    That turned out great
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,009 Member
    I am not sure it will work, but let me try to add one possible graphic for our team... let me know if it works or if you want a different name or anything, I just picked the one proudmommy said she liked to make a sample :)


    That turned out great

    I agree I love it........ I got a new walking partner. A 8 week old black lab shepard mix puppy. We named him Java, I think I will have to wait awhile before he can go on long walks though. The kids are extremely excited about this new addition. The first morning after we got him the kids all got up with him at 6 in the morning sitting around in their jammies playing with the puppy it looked like Christmas LOL. I did get in some walking today even though my walking partner had to be carried most of the way LOL. Hope everyone had a good day.......


    doesn't this make you want to go out and walk ?
  • ashleystetzer
    ashleystetzer Posts: 43 Member
    I love the name and the graphic, very cute!!
  • andreasperry
    adorable puppy.... but are you sure on the breeds. looks like alot of beagle to me. i wish i could have a puppy for a walking partner. idt yould ever get me inside :)
  • xmusicxlovex
    xmusicxlovex Posts: 47 Member
    Lost two pounds this week! Woo hoo
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,009 Member
    just checking in........

    I am just checking in this morning

    SW 182
    july 22 180.2
    july 28 180
    Goal 160

    not much of a change this week but at least i am maintaining......... Hope everyone did better then me this week, Hopefully next week will be better. It seems that every other week I seem to drop 1-3 lbs and every other week I lost less then a lb. This just seems to be a constant pattern. Have you noticed a pattern to your weight loss?
  • ashleystetzer
    ashleystetzer Posts: 43 Member
    Down to 172 this morning.
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    Yeah, girls! good job! I am exactly the same as last week, 174.4 this morning. :( BUT, I am 5 days into level 3 of the 30 day shred, and I am certain I have gained a good deal of muscle, so I am consoling myself with that! Next week I will do measurements and compare them to before the shred, and I hope I will feel good then!

    Glad you all like the graphic.. wanna stick with the name? Speak now and I will gladly change it!

    I have gotten away from going to bed earlier, and that is not a good thing, So, my goal for the week is to get to bed between 11-12 every night.

    Have a great weekend and keep up the hard work! :)
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327

    Hello, future hot moms! I noticed no one was tracking the 10 separate groups, so I thought I’d jump in! Basically, I love to track ANYTHING, I was bored today, and I want to instill some friendly group competition. Here are the group totals from 7/25’s weigh-in:

    GROUP 1 – Lost 14.7 pounds (6 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 2 – Lost 0.6 pounds (4 out of 7 members reporting)
    GROUP 3 – Lost 16.5 pounds (8 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 4 – Lost 11.7 pounds (8 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 5 – Lost 2.8 pounds (4 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 6 - No Check-Ins (0 out of 7 members)
    GROUP 7 – Lost 2.5 pounds (8 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 8 – Lost 2.8 pounds (8 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 9 – Lost 2.2 pounds (6 out of 9 members reporting)
    GROUP 10 – Lost 2.1 pounds (3 out of 4 members reporting)

    GRAND TOTALS – 55 moms checked in, 55.9 pounds lost

    Bragging rights go to Group 3 for losing the most weight! (Yay, team! That’s my group!!)

    But before you get too excited, I also calculated the “% to GW” totals for each group. This is important, as there are major weight differences between each group with each member having a different amount of pounds to lose to reach her goal weight. I also could only calculate this percentage for the members who reported a GW. Here are the “% to GW” totals:

    GROUP 1 – 2.62%
    GROUP 2 – 0.17%
    GROUP 3 – 6.3%
    GROUP 4 – 2.82%
    GROUP 5 – 0.36%
    GROUP 6 – No Check-Ins
    GROUP 7 – 1.46%
    GROUP 8 – 2.24%
    GROUP 9 – 1.18%
    GROUP 10 – 16.41%

    Bragging rights go to Group 10 for the highest percentage!

    Now you know how the other groups are doing.

    Will someone please, oh please, adopt Group 6? I’d volunteer my group, but I’m not a captain.

    Any suggestions for future updates? Did you find this helpful at all?? If yes, I can put all this info in an official chart and do it each week. Send me a message , and let me know! I included all the group names below, in case other captains want to check out what the other groups are doing….

    Good luck with Monday’s weigh in!!

    CC’d to the following groups:
    --“Who want to be a hot mom?!” Group 1 (closed group)
    -- Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom – Group 2 – CLOSED THREAD
    -- Future Hot Mamas – Group 3
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MAMA group 4 (closed group)
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MOM group 5
    -- Hot Moms Group 6 (closed group)
    -- “Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom” Group 7
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom?!: GROUP 8 CLOSED THREAD.
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom-Group 9 (closed group)
    -- Hot Mom (Closed group)-Mommies in Control
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,009 Member
    just checking in. How is everyone's weekend going? Mine is going really well eating and exercise wise. If you have not yet done your weigh in this week please do so , so I can get the chart put up later today. Hope everyone did well this week.

  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,009 Member
    if anyone is interested in adding the Hello I Am Hot badge to their signature just copy the code below......
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,009 Member

    ok now it should work remember to change the IMG to img
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    I am doing well this weekend, but feeling really frustrated because I can't seem to get the scale to move... except today, when it went UP a half pound! UGH! I will complete the 30 day shred in three days, and I am REALLY hoping to get down to 173 by then to make it ten pounds lost!

    Take care, everyone!
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi ladies! How was everyone's weekend? Ours was very good. We didn't have alot going on besides a 5k race that I walked, and ran with my daughter. Iam so very proud of her because she completed the race, slowly but surely. After that I treated her to some ice cream, and she wasn't mad at me anymore.....lol. Sunday we drove up to Boulder for the day, and bought a rock crawling vehicle.I literally cannot wait to take that thing out on the trails in Moab this year! Iam very frustrated because I weighed in this morning, and I had gained a pound. My monthly friend will be visiting in a few days, so I blame it all on her!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,009 Member
    CONGRATS to those that lost weight this week. For the rest of us, just hang in there it will happen. We only had 1/2 of us check in this week for the weekly weigh in, Let's try to do better this week. Together WE CAN DO IT.....
