Curiosity - What was your wake up call?



  • YvonneMin
    YvonneMin Posts: 27
    I found myself saying all the time "when I'm thin, it will be like this". Yet I wasn't doing anything to get fit. It was like I was living two lives - my reality and this fantasy that I was still thin and cute.
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    For me it was realising that even my "fat jeans" were getting uncomfortably tight and that none of my normal clothes fitted at all. Then some random idiots drove past me, wound their window down and yelled "fatty!" and drove off laughing. That was six weeks ago and I have lost one stone since then and want to lose another three.
  • em1976
    em1976 Posts: 119 Member
    Change room mirrors in a target store,I saw how wide I truly was from the back.Cried my eyes out,joined gym the next day.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    For me it was when I got back from being a camp counselor and gained 10 pounds.. which soon turned into 20, and then 30 and then 40. Then suddenly I was buying size 10-12 jeans at 5'9.. when I had never been bigger then a size 6 or 8.

    Also when my mom suggested I get a personal trainer at school... hell she even offered to pay for it. I didn't want to hear it... all I wanted was to continue stuffing my face with ores.
  • 69Jax69
    69Jax69 Posts: 32
    Mine is hating looking in the mirror, hating how my clothes fit and how I dress 2 decades older than what I am. My husband is HOT and I feel like a complete frump next to him. I want my children to grow up learning how to stay motivated and healthy throughout life. I don't want to be one of "those moms" who lose themselves after having them because you're too concerned about being a parent than yourself. I want to be me again, and healthy!
  • Bsp120167
    Bsp120167 Posts: 68 Member
    I got sick of the weight creep. I always thought I had it under control but then realized I could not take it off as easily as I could when I was younger. Memorial day was my turning point when I stepped on the scale and saw that I had gained about 20 pounds. I decided it was time to get serious and treat my body better.
  • whitejessamine
    Mine was two weight-connected near-death experiences only six months apart. First I had a ministroke. Six months later, four of the six major veins in my right calf had clots. At that point I weighed 100 lbs more than I had nine months pregnant with a nine pound baby. I realized I had to change if I wanted to get better.

    Best tip: don't quit; don't give up--even on the hard days, even on the bad days, even on the days you totally blow it. Keep trying again, and it will come off--just a little more slowly.