"You're really gonna eat that?"



  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    There is a woman that I work with who is easily 200 pounds overweight. She'll look at my tofu/quinoa salad while packing down three (yes, three) burgers from Carls Jr. and acts like my food is disgusting...really?!

    Oh soooo true! There are a couple of people at my work like that too! Someone even confronted me about my "eating disorder"!!! What, because I refuse to eat pizza and garlic cheese bread and drink soda pop...THAT is an eating disorder?!

    I, btw, do NOT have an eating disorder. I measure everything I eat and eat mostly natural, fresh foods. I don't eat out very often which is hard because of the nature of my job...people ALWAYS want to go to lunch with me to talk about our accounts!!! I also eat a minimum of 1200 calories...okay, honestly, I've missed a few times, but seriously, that happens.

    And btw, it was a woman who weighs over 300 lbs. and refuses to even try to be healthier for herself or for her family that accused me of having an eating disorder. It just infuriates me. Having been nearly that heavy before, I understand her not wanting to even try but to try to bring me down and make it more difficult for me...that's just wrong. She spread the rumor all the through the company too.

    But oh yeah...I actually think tofu is pretty gross myself...so I don't really know about that one. ;-) Hahaha. But quinoa is good!
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    And now to actually answer the question...

    Pretty much EVERYTHING I eat and drink gets me weird looks.

    I drink a ton of water and I also drink tea while everyone at my office drinks coffee.

    I eat fruit for snacks, I eat healthy lunches with lots of fresh veggies and white meat. I allow myself up to 4 Hershey's Dark Kisses per work day for the stress cravings.

    Like I said in an earlier post to answer someone's work comment, I get criticized at work by lots of people...they not only think my eating habits are disgusting, but they accuse me of being rude because I won't eat at company pizza and pot luck parties and of having an eating disorder because I eat proper portions.

    I don't go a single day at my office without hearing someone say something snide about my eating habits.

    What? I like carrots. I like celery. I like apples. I like grapes. I like grilled chicken. I like salads without dressing and cheese. I have learned to eat this way and I enjoy what it does for my body.

    However, I will say that yesterday I went to a meeting with a vendor and we went to Paradise Bakery. She ordered her food. I then ordered my food and she asked if she could change her order and be healthier like me! And ya know what? I think she actually did pretty well!!!

    And...at least my husband has been inspired by my fitness goals. We're now on here together!
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    And now to actually answer the question...

    Pretty much EVERYTHING I eat and drink gets me weird looks.

    I drink a ton of water and I also drink tea while everyone at my office drinks coffee.

    I eat fruit for snacks, I eat healthy lunches with lots of fresh veggies and white meat. I allow myself up to 4 Hershey's Dark Kisses per work day for the stress cravings.

    Like I said in an earlier post to answer someone's work comment, I get criticized at work by lots of people...they not only think my eating habits are disgusting, but they accuse me of being rude because I won't eat at company pizza and pot luck parties and of having an eating disorder because I eat proper portions.

    I don't go a single day at my office without hearing someone say something snide about my eating habits.

    What? I like carrots. I like celery. I like apples. I like grapes. I like grilled chicken. I like salads without dressing and cheese. I have learned to eat this way and I enjoy what it does for my body.

    However, I will say that yesterday I went to a meeting with a vendor and we went to Paradise Bakery. She ordered her food. I then ordered my food and she asked if she could change her order and be healthier like me! And ya know what? I think she actually did pretty well!!!

    And...at least my husband has been inspired by my fitness goals. We're now on here together!
  • supercatie18
    supercatie18 Posts: 82 Member
    I hate it when people make comments like that! Didn't your Mom teach you that it's rude to comment on other people's food? Because mine did!!
  • TheBrandon
    TheBrandon Posts: 12 Member
    I hate people who comment on others food choices.They are not the ones eating it they should not comment. That being said everyone in my house loves them even my kids eat them all the time.

    You'd hate me! I see a person eating for 3 people and can't help myself! lol
  • proctorgirl07
    proctorgirl07 Posts: 68 Member
    I love peanut butter and apples. I also like to put peanut butter on my quaker granola bar or just having a spoon full of it!! I get strange looks too!!
  • jenttifer
    jenttifer Posts: 90 Member
    There is a woman that I work with who is easily 200 pounds overweight. She'll look at my tofu/quinoa salad while packing down three (yes, three) burgers from Carls Jr. and acts like my food is disgusting...really?!

    Oh soooo true! There are a couple of people at my work like that too! Someone even confronted me about my "eating disorder"!!! What, because I refuse to eat pizza and garlic cheese bread and drink soda pop...THAT is an eating disorder?!

    I, btw, do NOT have an eating disorder. I measure everything I eat and eat mostly natural, fresh foods. I don't eat out very often which is hard because of the nature of my job...people ALWAYS want to go to lunch with me to talk about our accounts!!! I also eat a minimum of 1200 calories...okay, honestly, I've missed a few times, but seriously, that happens.

    And btw, it was a woman who weighs over 300 lbs. and refuses to even try to be healthier for herself or for her family that accused me of having an eating disorder. It just infuriates me. Having been nearly that heavy before, I understand her not wanting to even try but to try to bring me down and make it more difficult for me...that's just wrong. She spread the rumor all the through the company too.

    But oh yeah...I actually think tofu is pretty gross myself...so I don't really know about that one. ;-) Hahaha. But quinoa is good!

    Sounds like maybe you need to have a little conversation with your coworker about HER eating disorder. Eating disorders don't always mean anorexia/bulimia...there are many different kinds of eating disorders...including those which cause morbid obesity.
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    I eat mushy peas cold from the can. I just can't get enough of them, but no-one can understand why!

    Awww...mushy peas straight from the can is sooo goooooood!! :-))
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I don't necessarily get that reaction to any specific food I eat, but I get that general reaction when they learn I'm on a low carb diet and keep my daily carbs around 30g. People automatically think they could never do it. But until you've tried it (to determine if it's a good diet for your body), you really don't know. It's not for everyone. But it's not impossible.
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    Raw sugar snap peas. I love them people think it's weird. (I eat them cooked too!)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Tofu is the answer that most quickly comes to mind. I don't care what you do with it there are always people that just think it's odd.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Lightly salted roasted seaweed snacks, my god I had to stop eating them in public
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    I get comments from my family because I eat a lot of junk... Tacos/burritos from the local roach coach-mobile, assortment of different fast foods, etc.

    I also like to eat stuff like goat cheese, feta cheese or even shredded cheddar straight out of the container by the spoonful... but this is always done alone, in the comfort and privacy of late nights in front of the tube while everyone else is asleep!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Raw sugar snap peas. I love them people think it's weird. (I eat them cooked too!)

    Everyone I know eats those. Actually some people here think it's weird that I stir fry them because they only eat them raw. Must be a regional thing.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm a salty-snack kind of girl, so I've replaced potato chips with seaweed. They're about 35 calories a pack and come in different flavours...they really satisfy my crunchy-salt attacks. But I get the weirdest looks when I pull them out on the bus or train!

    I saw another post about these on one of these boards but couldn't find them in my town. Even the tiny health food store didn't have them. But crunchy salty chips are the one unhealthy food I miss most, so I ordered a case of 12 from Amazon. I was pretty disappointed. I've eaten various seaweed ever since I went macrobiotic for a while years ago so I assumed I'd like them, and I do (thank God since I have 12 packs :laugh: ). But they are no substitute for chips. They have a slight crunch before they sort of melt in your mouth, but nothing like chips.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I make beans in the crock pot and last time I through in 2 lbs of turkey sausage so the fat would be taken out. When it's done I throw in some sauteed onion, bell pepper, green beans, and shredded cheese. When we got home from work my wife said, "Eww, what is that smell? It smells like gym shoes!" So I now have gym shoes for lunch a couple times a week. :laugh.
  • Sweetlux
    Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
    I get a lot of crap because I don't eat beef or pork. I hate it because every one knows I don't, yet they still feel the need to comment. It's been 15 years people I'll never eat a hamburger or steak, get over it :)
  • hazelbliss6
    hazelbliss6 Posts: 253 Member
    I got raised eyebrows with a "What the heck is that?" from my lunch today-- steamed whiting on whole wheat toast. What's so weird about that...?
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I must admit, i don't know what whiting is....is that like egg whites? lol
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    Mine is broccoli. I eat a full bowl of broccoli as a snack at work usually. If I put it in the microwave to steam them, I catch hell for the smell. oh well. If I eat it raw, people still make comments asking me how I can eat it...

    Looooove broccoli! I love most vegetables, actually. And unless they're something you basically have to cook, I prefer them raw.

    In response to the original post- I live in phoenix and so I eat a lot of fruit & vegetables and tend to skimp on meats and grains due to the heat. I'll snack on those all day long (helps me keep hydrated, too!) and people look at me like I'm a loon. I've had people (wrongfully!) assume I'm a vegetarian because of it- I love meats and game and such! I love snacking on carrots & cherries & raspberries around people ;] it's entertaining!