Is Aspartame really THAT bad?



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Aspartame is made from amino acids. It's not that bad for you. It basically breaks down into proteins, and can break down into methanol, but the body eliminates it much faster than would ever cause a problem. It was originally created while working on anti-ulcer medication (not pesticides as people like the conspiracy theorists like to try and scare people with.)

    Yes, some people can have adverse reactions to it, but some people can also have adverse reactions to sunlight, bread, vegetables, and nuts.

    EDIT, skimming that Facebook post, Methanol is NOT an ingredient in aspartame. When aspartame is metabolized, there's a small chance of creating methanol as a by product in a very small amount, small enough that the human body just eliminates it without issue. I honestly stopped reading at that point, because I can only imagine if they start the article lying, it will just continue lying.
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239

    hahahahah 'superaids???'
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member

    hahahahah 'superaids???'

    super-aids* Sorry.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    Aspartame doesn't contain methanol. Methanol is what's formed if you cook the aspartame, but unless you ingest a lot of it, nothing is going to happen. You're at greater risk drinking moonshine. Then you go to the hospital and they feed you ethanol and you're better. (Seriously).
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    check out the doc, sweet misery ,it is worse than you can imagine!!!!

    I know! The super-aids is unstoppable!
  • laurad8911
    laurad8911 Posts: 99
    regardless of cancer or anything else, all artificial sweeteners have been shown to mess up brain chemistry around food because you taste sweetness and your body things it is getting calories but then it gets no calories so the hormones that are released to start digestion go to waste and your body loses its sensitivity to sweetness, better put...we naturally have a sugar "limit" where we feel satisfied after eating usually a small amount of something sweet, when we continually eat sweet things that have no sugar we think we are tricking our body but our body knows there are no calories and we start to become desensitized to sweetness, so then when you do eat something sweet you tend to overeat and over eat. artificial sweeteners are also thought to be linked to insulin sensitivity....again because your body does not get the sugar increase it expects.

    in my opinion it is ALWAYS better to eat the real stuff and learn to be in touch with your appetite and it then becomes easier not to over eat and what not because you feel satisfied.

    our bodies are way smarter than we give them credit for. there's no use trying to trick them with artificial sweeteners period, let alone all the other unknown risk of pumping those chemicals into your body day in and day out in my opinion.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member

    My word, lmbo :laugh:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    OH, and guess what else was made on accident?


    So I guess we all want syphilis instead? Or do we stick with the good stuff that was made...*on accident*. (gasp)
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    Havent you heard? Everything will kill ya!
    I choose to be thin and full of energy until I die from the aspartame poisoning. I use splenda more though.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    regardless of cancer or anything else, all artificial sweeteners have been shown to mess up brain chemistry around food because you taste sweetness and your body things it is getting calories but then it gets no calories so the hormones that are released to start digestion go to waste and your body loses its sensitivity to sweetness, better put...we naturally have a sugar "limit" where we feel satisfied after eating usually a small amount of something sweet, when we continually eat sweet things that have no sugar we think we are tricking our body but our body knows there are no calories and we start to become desensitized to sweetness, so then when you do eat something sweet you tend to overeat and over eat. artificial sweeteners are also thought to be linked to insulin sensitivity....again because your body does not get the sugar increase it expects.

    in my opinion it is ALWAYS better to eat the real stuff and learn to be in touch with your appetite and it then becomes easier not to over eat and what not because you feel satisfied.

    our bodies are way smarter than we give them credit for. there's no use trying to trick them with artificial sweeteners period, let alone all the other unknown risk of pumping those chemicals into your body day in and day out in my opinion.

  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Havent you heard? Everything will kill ya!
    I choose to be thin and full of energy until I die from the aspartame poisoning. I use splenda more though.

    I'm pretty sure life is fatal, right? :laugh: I agree, I love Splenda, and you can cook with it.
  • Sherrylynn69
    Sherrylynn69 Posts: 48 Member
    Aspartame makes me and my sister have heart palpatations! not fun, let me tell
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Aspartame makes me and my sister have heart palpatations! not fun, let me tell

    Is it the aspartame, or the caffeine? I get heart palpitations as well, and it's from caffeine and a prolapsed mitral valve.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Aspartame makes me and my sister have heart palpatations! not fun, let me tell

  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    ... Just one shot of super-AIDS in your b—, wait, I won't go there.
    Yes, some people can have adverse reactions to it, but some people can also have adverse reactions to sunlight, bread, vegetables, and nuts.

    But I do still avoid Aspartame at all costs.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    regardless of cancer or anything else, all artificial sweeteners have been shown to mess up brain chemistry around food because you taste sweetness and your body things it is getting calories but then it gets no calories so the hormones that are released to start digestion go to waste and your body loses its sensitivity to sweetness, better put...we naturally have a sugar "limit" where we feel satisfied after eating usually a small amount of something sweet, when we continually eat sweet things that have no sugar we think we are tricking our body but our body knows there are no calories and we start to become desensitized to sweetness, so then when you do eat something sweet you tend to overeat and over eat. artificial sweeteners are also thought to be linked to insulin sensitivity....again because your body does not get the sugar increase it expects.

    in my opinion it is ALWAYS better to eat the real stuff and learn to be in touch with your appetite and it then becomes easier not to over eat and what not because you feel satisfied.

    our bodies are way smarter than we give them credit for. there's no use trying to trick them with artificial sweeteners period, let alone all the other unknown risk of pumping those chemicals into your body day in and day out in my opinion.
    That's not true. There are no studies that actually prove anything of the sort. There are studies that show that people that drank diet sodas were overweight, and what you explained is one of the potential theories they put forward to explain it, but they've never been able to prove any actual causation at all. Those studies are basically the equivalent of saying because the sky is blue everyday when the grass grows, it's the blue sky and not sunlight that helps grass grow.
  • javablondie
    javablondie Posts: 411 Member
    I'm on a mission to get in tune with my body. The last thing I want to do is trick it somehow with a fake sweetener.

    They used to market margarine as being more healthful too - turns out lard is more healthful than margarine. Anything that is being marketed with massive million dollar budgets is exactly what I do not need, want, trust.
  • javablondie
    javablondie Posts: 411 Member
    regardless of cancer or anything else, all artificial sweeteners have been shown to mess up brain chemistry around food because you taste sweetness and your body things it is getting calories but then it gets no calories so the hormones that are released to start digestion go to waste and your body loses its sensitivity to sweetness, better put...we naturally have a sugar "limit" where we feel satisfied after eating usually a small amount of something sweet, when we continually eat sweet things that have no sugar we think we are tricking our body but our body knows there are no calories and we start to become desensitized to sweetness, so then when you do eat something sweet you tend to overeat and over eat. artificial sweeteners are also thought to be linked to insulin sensitivity....again because your body does not get the sugar increase it expects.

    in my opinion it is ALWAYS better to eat the real stuff and learn to be in touch with your appetite and it then becomes easier not to over eat and what not because you feel satisfied.

    our bodies are way smarter than we give them credit for. there's no use trying to trick them with artificial sweeteners period, let alone all the other unknown risk of pumping those chemicals into your body day in and day out in my opinion.
    That's not true. There are no studies that actually prove anything of the sort. There are studies that show that people that drank diet sodas were overweight, and what you explained is one of the potential theories they put forward to explain it, but they've never been able to prove any actual causation at all. Those studies are basically the equivalent of saying because the sky is blue everyday when the grass grows, it's the blue sky and not sunlight that helps grass grow.

    Not true. Read.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I'm on a mission to get in tune with my body. The last thing I want to do is trick it somehow with a fake sweetener.

    They used to market margarine as being more healthful too - turns out lard is more healthful than margarine. Anything that is being marketed with massive million dollar budgets is exactly what I do not need, want, trust.

    Old margarine really isn't sold anymore...maybe Blue Bonnet, but most companies have changed their margarines. Butter has stearic acid but when compared with the new margarines that use plant esthers, it's not any healthier.
  • maryzcontrary
    You probably need to make it a personal decision whether it's good for you or not. In reality, aspartame is indeed a chemical, not a "food". So is margarine. There is no benefit whatsoever in either one, and chemicals in the body = chemical reactions in the body. So, it's a decision, basically.

    Personally, I do not feel comfortable with aspartame. I have read quite extensively on it, and I am convinced that it is not something I want to ingest. I don't do margarine, or aspartame, or msg, fillers, etc, if I can help it. On occasion something slips past, and I have been known to enjoy the occasional Tito's vodka and crystal light lemonade, but I don't make any of those substances a regular habit.

    There really arent any drinks (beyond Crystal Light Pure) that use stevia sweeteners, but I will tell you that if you try Truvia, it's pretty amazing! Natural, and sugary tasting.....

    As far as posters go: y'all check out the literature about what margarine REALLY is, then tell me that if a certain company (Monsanto) wanted us to believe that aspartame is ok, then wouldn't they be able to convince us (like with margarine) that it is perfectly ok? Especially us dieters, who have made a lifetime of looking for the "quick fix" that doesn't "hurt".....