Does that make me crazy?



  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    I can not stand gum...the snapping the popping the chomping of it drives me over the edge!! Im the manager of a restaurant and they all laugh when I catch someone chewing gum. If im at a store and someone is snapping their gum loudly i almost have to leave...I know crazy

    I hate people who chew gum around me! I tell my 6 year old that she looks like a cow chewing cud! She knows I hate her chewing gum so she only chews it when she goes to see grandma and grandpa on the weekends!
  • Ajontheguitar
  • Ajontheguitar
    I know it's the internet, but english. I am totally ok with run-on sentences, misspelling a big or difficult word, commas in the wrong places, etc.

    What I can't stand, is blatantly using the wrong "there/their/they're." Things that should be seriously basic english skills. Please don't live up to the stereotype of the dumb american (if you're speaking american english.)
  • Lauren38570
    Lauren38570 Posts: 239
    I have always had to have extra cheese on my salad and if it's a place that don't serve cheese I ask for extra on it
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    i eat the pizza crust first and then i eat the rest of it :tongue:
  • Mdbondurant
    Mdbondurant Posts: 104
    So embarrassing but..I suck my thumb and twirl my hair right before falling asleep because it relaxs me.

    :laugh: You made me spit my drink!!! :laugh:
    How....(cute, er odd...hmmm) ??? :flowerforyou: precious!
  • crmhaske
    crmhaske Posts: 66 Member
    I suffer from problems with anxiety; however, I have found that I've become pretty good at handling it. You can't control your physiological reaction, but you can control how you react to it. Yesterday, I found myself accidentally locked on my balcony for 45 minutes and after the initial onset of panic, I was impressed with how relatively calm I managed to stay. I have an extreme fear of being trapped, both physically and psychologically. I am uncomfortable when people are seated or standing too close to me. Social rules make me frustrated because I constantly feel forced to follow arbitrary rules that I don't care about.

    I HATE when people say "things will get better." That's a flat out lie. Nobody has any idea whether things will get better. You can't see the future. There is nothing wrong with having an optimistic outlook that things could get better, but it's a fallacy to say that they will. Hoping for a positive outcome? Great! Assuming there must be a positive outcome? False!

    I am extremely sensitive to sound, especially the sound of bass and noises associated with bodily functioning. I can't eat in the same room as noisy eaters (lip smackers, loud chewers, slurpers etc.), I can't be anywhere near someone who chews their gum with their mouth open. I cannot live in a building in which even just one person owns a subwoofer. I can't sit near someone who breathes loudly. I can't stand listening to people with low voices, especially if I hear them from another room. I MUST wear earplugs when I sleep. I could list more, but I'm sure you get the picture. This condition is called misophonia, and it's extremely frustrating.
  • crmhaske
    crmhaske Posts: 66 Member
    i eat the pizza crust first and then i eat the rest of it :tongue:

    I do this too!
  • Ajontheguitar
    I suffer from problems with anxiety; however, I have found that I've become pretty good at handling it. You can't control your physiological reaction, but you can control how you react to it. Yesterday, I found myself accidentally locked on my balcony for 45 minutes and after the initial onset of panic, I was impressed with how relatively calm I managed to stay. I have an extreme fear of being trapped, both physically and psychologically. I am uncomfortable when people are seated or standing too close to me. Social rules make me frustrated because I constantly feel forced to follow arbitrary rules that I don't care about.

    I HATE when people say "things will get better." That's a flat out lie. Nobody has any idea whether things will get better. You can't see the future. There is nothing wrong with having an optimistic outlook that things could get better, but it's a fallacy to say that they will. Hoping for a positive outcome? Great! Assuming there must be a positive outcome? False!

    I am extremely sensitive to sound, especially the sound of bass and noises associated with bodily functioning. I can't eat in the same room as noisy eaters (lip smackers, loud chewers, slurpers etc.), I can't be anywhere near someone who chews their gum with their mouth open. I cannot live in a building in which even just one person owns a subwoofer. I can't sit near someone who breathes loudly. I can't stand listening to people with low voices, especially if I hear them from another room. I MUST wear earplugs when I sleep. I could list more, but I'm sure you get the picture. This condition is called misophonia, and it's extremely frustrating.

    It's not a flat out lie. It's a confidence in knowing that if you have a good enough attitude and believe it will get better, the circumstances that come up next WILL be better because it's already believed so.
  • crmhaske
    crmhaske Posts: 66 Member
    It's a logical fallacy. It is impossible to know what will happen in the future, though you may predict it or have a most likely outcome. The "will" states knowledge, not prediction.
  • Ajontheguitar
    If you choose to look at life that way, I can understand your struggles. Your attitude controls perception, and perception is reality. If you convince yourself things will get better, and the next thing that happens is someone stands you up for a date, it's "well I wasn't sure I liked him anyway, good change." "Now I can go work-out/watch a movie I've been wanting to see/call up another guy/girl" etc.
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 303 Member

    I know sign language, and I love to fingerspell stuff.

    However, I find myself fingerspelling the last word of whatever I said over and over and over again. I don't know why I do this, and I didn't even realize I do until someone pointed it out. HAHA

    I do that, too. Or, like, I'll watch myself fingerspelling something in the reflection of a window and not realize that people are looking at me funny.

    Yay! I have done this for years! If I am nervous I will spell what ever I am thinking about. I spell in my sleep too!!

    Here's my really odd habit... I sniff the dishes.

    My kids are learning to wash dishes and although they may "look" clean they will often smell like a wet dog after they dry.
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I share many of the crazies on here.
    * I can't sleep with my closet doors open. I'm convinced there are closet monsters and if they have to open the door I will hear them coming and be able to prepare.
    * I can't have any body parts hanging over the edge of the bed.
    * I can't stand darkness behind me. It's fine if it's in front of me but I hate the thought of something lurking behind me even in my own house where I know there is nothing there.
    * I hate, hate, hate mayo but love miracle whip but only eat it with "salad" type foods (i.e. tuna, egg, chicken, etc). I will eat mustard or BBQ sauce on everything. I prefer mustard to ketchup even for my frys (especially honey mustard).
    * I mix my peas with my mashed potatoes. If I make meatloaf I have to make mashed potato, peas, and buscuits with it. This way I can mix my potatoes and peas and then make a mini sandwich out of everything on my plate.
    * I'm scared of thunder and lightning.
    * My money must face the same way, be straight, and in ascending order (comes from previously working retail).
    * I will not leave the house without some type of make-up even to get milk. I have to have at least foundation and mascara on.

    I'm have tons more but need to get some work done so I'll add to the list later! lol
  • tubbytabbytales
    tubbytabbytales Posts: 5,883

    Here's my really odd habit... I sniff the dishes.

    My kids are learning to wash dishes and although they may "look" clean they will often smell like a wet dog after they dry.

    I sniff cups before I use them. :laugh:
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    items on the counters must have labels facing towards me...

    i set everything ending with a 7 (alarm clock: 6:57, cooking something in the microwave: 2:37...)

    when someone leaves my house, i have to watch them through the blinds to make sure they really left (this only applies to people visiting, not my roommate)

    i have to wash my hands at least once every hour (i even have a hand sanitizer keychain that i carry with me everywhere)

    i lock the doors at night, crawl in bed, then get out of bed again to go check one more time to make sure they're locked (i do this every night)

    there's plenty more...
    but i dont think that makes me crazy..many people have some kind of OCD antics...just makes them unique :wink:
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    The sound of crinkling plastic & paper bags. Send sme through the roof. :glasses:
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    - I can't sleep with my feet outside the covers because I think some ghost might come by and try pulling mah feet!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    I try everything on my plate to give it a fair chance, and then I eat in order of what I liked least to what I liked most. Save the best for last. It is always an epic battle with the fork when I can't decide what I like most!! :o)
  • crmhaske
    crmhaske Posts: 66 Member
    If you choose to look at life that way, I can understand your struggles. Your attitude controls perception, and perception is reality. If you convince yourself things will get better, and the next thing that happens is someone stands you up for a date, it's "well I wasn't sure I liked him anyway, good change." "Now I can go work-out/watch a movie I've been wanting to see/call up another guy/girl" etc.

    I have an optimistic outlook on life. I don't have qualms with people saying "there is a good chance that if you stay positive and don't give up that things will work out all right in the end" because that is perfectly true. Saying, "well, things WILL get better," is a false statement because there is nothing stopping random chance from running that person over with a bus.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    I sniff cups before I use them. :laugh:

    Haha I do this!!