Does that make me crazy?



  • Ajontheguitar
    I count syllables of sentences, song lyrics, things people say to me, using a basic piano piece I learned when I was 5 years old. I don't do it all day, but I'd say about 60% of the day. I realize, this may actually make me crazy.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    I blot my pizza with napkins, eat the cheese, wipe off the sauce, THEN I eat the rest. :)
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    :) I eat M & M's two at a time by color :)

    I used to do that too! Although I haven't touched any in months--I fear I will overindulge in them.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I can not stand gum...the snapping the popping the chomping of it drives me over the edge!! Im the manager of a restaurant and they all laugh when I catch someone chewing gum. If im at a store and someone is snapping their gum loudly i almost have to leave...I know crazy

    I hate people who chew gum around me! I tell my 6 year old that she looks like a cow chewing cud! She knows I hate her chewing gum so she only chews it when she goes to see grandma and grandpa on the weekends!

    Gum is disgusting. Why anyone would want to chew on something that they don't eat and swallow is beyond me. All I can think of is that with every chew more and more germs are impregnated in the disgusting wad. :sick:

    And what makes gum even more disgusting? When it's mint.

    I can't stand the taste or smell of anything mint. It literally makes me nauseated. If I am in an enclosed space with someone chewing mint gum I WILL get sick. Yes, toothpaste shopping is so much fun :tongue:
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    I could never go to one of those restaurants where it is completely dark or you are blindfolded. I have to thoroughly examine my food before I eat it. Most times I have to smell it first too.
    I couldn't wear flip flops for a long time because I couldn't stand the feeling of something between my toes. I'm ok with flip flops now but anything between the rest of my toes makes me cringe (like when you get a pedicure and they use those things to separate the toes)....yuck!
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I thought of another one.

    I can't stand socks. I hate them. I wear them only when I have to (i.e. when wearing my tennis shoes to workout) but as soon as I can they come off. If I could wear nothing but flip-flops I would. I don't wear socks with the majority of my shoes so I'm always putting baby powder in my shoes because I refuse to wear socks. Wet socks from the rain are even worse! YUCK!
  • kdtann
    kdtann Posts: 89
    I smell glasses before I use them, even at home when I have washed them myself.

    I will not drink tap water from a hotel room..
  • tubbytabbytales
    tubbytabbytales Posts: 5,883
    I like to plan my future child's nursery decor... and I'm not even pregnant. :laugh:
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I eat dry cereal all the time.
  • tubbytabbytales
    tubbytabbytales Posts: 5,883
    I eat dry cereal all the time.

    If I eat Lucky Charms I eat them dry. OH and Frosted Flakes. SO GOOD DRY!
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I'm absolutely disgusted by left over noodles that have been "drying out" in the pot or are stored in the fridge in a container. I cannot for the life of me dump them out as it leaves a shape of the container it was in. BLECH!

    For some dumb reason I'm afraid of weird things like a CD half burnt... it creeps me out to see it only half colored from the laser.

    Eggs are also icky. I hate the texture. Which sucks because eggs taste good and they are so healthy :( I used to like them.

    Dried fruit is a no go for me. Sometimes cottage cheese. And yogurt. I'm not a huge fan of dairy save cheese.
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I always play with my fork in my mouth and lick it off upside down. lol that sounds bad but it's just something I do. lol
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I count the letters on labels, including the ingredients list, when I have some spare time. My showers are often spent counting letters. I really don't like it when I end up with an odd number. It ruins my whole shower experience. I've considered putting all my shampoo in unlabeled bottles just to make my mornings happier. :laugh:

    Sometimes if I push a button and it doesn't feel quite "right," I have to keep pushing it over and over again. And it almost never feels right after that, so I eventually just have to force myself to do something else. But I'll feel skeevy for hours afterward. And no, I can't explain to you what it's supposed to feel like. Just now I keep tapping the space bar because I hit it with the wrong part of my thumb a while ago and I can't seem to get it right now. Ugh.
  • tubbytabbytales
    tubbytabbytales Posts: 5,883
    Sometimes I give the voice in my head a different accent.

    Like, I don't mean i have voices in my head...hahaha I just mean like, if I'm thinking about something, sometimes I think in a different accent to entertain myself.


  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    Sometimes I have to redo the position of my foot on the break peddle at a stoplight b/c it does not feel like it is on there all the way. So I put my left foot on it also while I ajust my right foot to feel like it's on the peddle all the way.
  • crmhaske
    crmhaske Posts: 66 Member
    I always play with my fork in my mouth and lick it off upside down. lol that sounds bad but it's just something I do. lol

    lol, I do that when I'm using a spoon
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 303 Member
    Sometimes I give the voice in my head a different accent.

    Like, I don't mean i have voices in my head...hahaha I just mean like, if I'm thinking about something, sometimes I think in a different accent to entertain myself.



    HAHAHAHAH! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Not judging just laughing!!
  • msbeavert
    msbeavert Posts: 75
    It seems like M&M's and crazy go well together....

    I have to empty mine all out on a plate or napkin, toss the blue ones, and line them up by color from most to least and then I eat the ones with the least first and so on. Yep.....that makes me crazy.

    I'm also another one that can't have my food touching on my plate.
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545

    If I go to a freshly cleaned toilet (where you can still see the bubbles or purple cleaner in there) I will flush the toilet 5 times. I have a fear of my pee and chemicals mixing and then exploding while I'm sitting there.

    I do this too! But its when I have cleaned my toilet at home and I am afraid my kids will go in there and pee and it will explode on them. So I flush over and over until it's safe again. lol
  • Ajontheguitar
    The one that gets me the most questions is this. I used to work in a place where EVERYTIME you touched something metal, it shocked you like a damn electric chair. Since then I touch every door, elevator, etc with my knuckles before I grab it with my fingers.