Lucky #13 - CLOSED GROUP



  • bearsfan2334
    I am having a rough time. I feel like I have been slacking since Greg's birthday weekend. I am not trying to make excuses but life has been crazy busy lately.

    After Labor Day weekend, it has been one thing after another. That week I worked around 50 hours in 4 days. I also managed to injure my lower back that Tuesday. I was unable to exercise and finally made it back to the gym last night for Zumba. The burn felt great but this morning I am in a ton of pain again, I see my chiro again tonight so I hope he can figure something out. My eating habits have been way off and I have been craving the WORST food. The 2 weddings this weekend did not help at all. I am scared that I jumped into this too full force and am feeling burnt out already or something. It is been around 55 days (give or take a few) but I am just overwhelmed. Between exercising and two jobs, sometimes I want to just sit or sleep or spend time with family or friends. Part of me is thinking of quitting my 2nd job but I just started, like not even 2 months ago. It is simple but for the extra $100 a month - I don't think it's worth it. Sorry ladies, I feel like I am talking in circles. Next Wednesday, I am meeting with my doctor and nutritionist for a medially managed weight loss program. I am kind of worried and I don't know if this is causing me to lash out and want to eat everything unhealthy. I also think TOM will visit this week, if he actually comes. I also have been experiencing health issues (which I do not want to go into detail) so I have to take off next Tuesday for some stuff. I guess I just needed to rant and get some stuff out there. I may talk to my boss but I don't want to let her down. I worked there in high school and college and I usually work 1 or 2 nights a week for 4 hours or so. It doesn't sound like much but 12 hour days are annoying. I usually sleep in since I don't get home until 10 or so and go all day. These days, I find it hard to eat healthy and exercise. I have also been missing out on some of my Zumba classes because of this. I think I know what I need to do but I'm regretting even going back. Gahhhh. Anyways, I feel unmotivated and sore lately. I hate this feeling. I haven't felt like this in awhile. Sorry girls but I needed to go somewhere to confide. End rant. Thanks for reading.
  • autiemommy
    Happy Friday!! Everyone. Seems like alot of us are feeling a lil "rough" this week. But we are trying to stay on track. This week has been crazy for me. Trying to find a new wah job. Seems impossible. And having my son home and in pain doesnt help. Bt gotta get over it and keep pacing forward. I managed to get in a 20 min jog this morning. This congestion and chest pain is hindering me. But i also have a PASS celebration and a math carnival with my son today. And then birthday cake for my youngest teacher.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. And hope things get better for everyone..
  • justnname

    So I hope the hokey pokey worked on everyone.. It worked on me.. Got me out of my Blah mood.. I am ready to Rock and Roll!.. Next week I will be 80lbs lighter..

    Everyone have a SAFE, HEALTHY, and ACTIVE weekend!
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    hey guys, sorry i haven't been on & it shows. I'm up 2.5 pounds this week with stress and paperwork up to my neck.:-( Hopin eveyone has a great weekend
  • justnname
    Happy Monday!!!!

    I am 200 calories short on my CBG.. DARN IT!!!! I will reach 6000. It sucks the more you lose the less calories you burn.. LOL
    My EG.. is getting through Sept Challenge.. Last week.. Woo Hoo

    How is everyone doing?
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Happy Monday all Hoping for a better week this week. Was stressful & PMS/ sigh.. Hope your all doing well

    EG: Finish the business website and press releases by friday
    CBF dont get unmotivated & hit 5000 this week

    <3 you all

  • autiemommy
    OOPSIE it is Tuesday!!! I am with everyone else things just seem to be popping up every where. And lately i have more homework then my kids lol. But i am staying on track barely but hanging on.

    CBG: 5000 calories this week. ( i notice too since i have lost like 80 lbs i am having a harder time burning the calories :(
    EG: Finish all assignments and paperwork for my sons 4th grade clubs sports, art, caribbean cats steel drum, stock market, chorus, and one more i just forget lol.
  • autiemommy
    Happy Monday!!!!

    Well missed my CBG by 942 calories ugghhh oh well so this week my
    CBG: is again 5000 calories
    EG: Clear out my craft supplies and organize.

    Hope everyone has a great week. And that everyone keeps up the great work with these burns and losses.
  • autiemommy
    Thursday woo hoo one more day! I feel like no one else is writing in here anymore. Ive lost contact with most people on here lately... No excuses though its my fault for not keeping up with everyone.

    Things are getting better here for the most part. I have decided that justname is my mortal enemy with weight loss. (LOL) joking. We seem to go tit for tat with the scale. sorry dont remember your name

    Also just wondering im 5 10 and still have about 49-56 punds to loose maybe more. Why is it i can fit in any size bottom from 9-11 yet my friend whos 5'9 and 30 lbs less then me is in a 16. Hmmmmmm
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    hey everyone! i have been horrible about posting, my own personal goal is to get back in to posting on here too!!! Im currently doing the biggest loser bootcamp and i start my final two weeks on tuesday! im really excited but very nervous at the same time! But i definitly think im going to do it again right after i finish i may take a day or two off but im really really trying to push. I am happy ive lost 35 pounds but im not where i want to be for this late in the year and i have no one to blame but my self. Im trying not to look a head to far but stay focused on the smaller goals. But I really want to about 90-100 pounds down by my 27th(eek that number keeps going up) birthday which is at the beginning of June. So i really really need to push. I hope you are all doing well!!

    Im really hoping everyone can start really posting i miss teh updates in your lives!!!!

    love ya my mfp family!
  • autiemommy
    Monday Monday Monday!

    Wrap up last week was awful. No where near my 5000 goal seems to get harder and harder to burn these calories lol.

    So this week i will happily try for 3000 and if i go over then i am going to try to get as close to 5000 as possible...

    Energy goal is to help my friend get on track with her weight loss and help her customize a work out to fit her.

    Hope that everyone has a great week. Dont focus or dwell on the past press forward to the future.

    My weekend was full of lack of excercise stress poor food choices and Peanut Butter M &M's :(.
  • StephanieDJL
    StephanieDJL Posts: 130 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA, after my birthday things got a little crazy & as I'm back at uni now I spend less time on the computer & less time exercising so I'm feeling pretty run down & disheartened. As of tomorrow my classes start so now that I'll finally have some semblance of a routine I'm getting right back on the horse! (or is it wagon?)

    Huge apologies for not being around for help or support, I hope everything is good with you ladies & even though I'll be relatively quiet here on the message board, I'll definitely start making use of the app again & catch up with everyone. Hope you had a good weekend :) x
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    Hey ladies!!!! I missed monday but i was swamped yesterday, i hope everyone is doing fantastic. I had a pretty good non scale victory im wearing a few pairs of smaller jeans. =)

    I have 2 more weeks til my concert ive lost 5.5 of the 8-10 pounds i wanted im really hoping i can at least lose another 2.5 pounds to hit the 8 pound mark!!!
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    its monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope everyone had a great weekeend!!!! where are all you guys??? :cry: :brokenheart:
  • bearsfan2334
    Hi all, I am still here. WAYYY short on time. Work is crazy and so is personal life - busy busy. I still think of you all. Sorry I have been MIA. Love and hugs!
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Hey Ladies. Now my wait begins for IRS determination for the foundation. But now I'm back on track..
  • autiemommy
    Hello my lovely #13's. I have been neglecting this page for a while sorry again. I always seem to have a excuse why. :( But its my goal to try to at least write something once per week to let you all know that i am still here and kicking butt in my weight loss. I have offically hit 90 lbs lost and im so happy. Although i still have haters. But hey dont we all.

    How has everyone else been doing? I have been keeping up with posts but not really responding alot i seem to have 3 of the most easily injured children in the world. And there little immune systems seems non existent lately. And its only getting worse as the year ends. We have multiple tests and procedures set up for my younger two. Ahhhhhh....

    I recently purchased a great book well two Preventions Walk Off The Weight and of course Chicken SOup for the SOul Shaping The New You the stories and quotes are inspiring to say the least.

    One of my fav quotes is: I will always focus on how far I have come rather than how far I have to go.~Richard Simmons~
  • autiemommy
    Morning! Everyone!!! Its Sunday and im attempting to keep true to my word this time. Well im DETERMINED!!!

    Yall are doing a great job. I am so proud of each of you.. This is a hard journey that can test our limits but we are fearless refusing to give up or give in...

    I hope that everyone has a great week. This week for me is going to be trying. Yet again.

    One plus there is no school Monday so i get to relish in some extra time with my kiddos...

    Then tuesday i have meetings, IEP progress meetings, then the challenge is getting my autistic son to his sleep study whichshouldnt seem hard but i cant give him his meds which will mean no sleep and extra stemming and he does not like his head face or body messed with...

    Then my determination to finish maing halloween costumes, I have the tutu for the princess fairy almost done finished making my oldest brain cap (hes a mad scientist).

    Then clearing out my kids toys and closets to get stuff ready to donate. I know this year is tough for all and even though we dont have much. i try to teach my kids to give, last year my son on his own took all his money he had been saving for a DS game and bought diapers wipes can food and other items for our food bank.