What are the worst things you have done to try and lose weig



  • yankeefamily05
    my mom used to eat nothing but Chicken Bouillon and sourdough pretzels, along with water and tea. I tried it once. not for me. I was STARVING!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Took pills - hydroxycut, herbalife and some green tea stuff they sell to help kick up your metabolism. The herbalife was ok (mostly not a wise choice and waste of money) but the other two gave me chest pains and made me quite crabby!

    Besides that, I'd have to say taking slim fast - again, ok for the most part but after a couple weeks I start getting stomach aches.
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    Only ate like 700 calories a day, along with running 3 miles. Giving me a net of probably 400 calories. -__-
    I lost a ton of weight tho. lol
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Was bulimic in highschool. To the point where I would throw up a graham cracker, I snapped out of it because I didn't wanna be anorexic. Lost a lot of weight for prom though. :/
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I also thought I'd share how psycho I was in high school. I would do TWELVE spin classes a week... basically before school at 5:30Am Monday through Friday and after school. PLUS I would put all my effort into the gym class I had first thing in the morning. If I felt like I really wanted to punish myself I would bike all around the city at night then do all the above and still go to school. This was added with starving myself with 300-500 calories a day. I dropped weight like there was no tomorrow. I weighed in at 125 lbs. That was crazy and it was the longest torture of my life. I also joined a road bike team to get myself outside exercising to death. It all ended when I was signed up for a class to hike up in the mountains and learn how to be a forest fire fighter. It killed my leg muscles as I even had to bike to the school everyday which was a 5 mile ride by itself. I ended up not being able to walk for like a month and having to drop out of that class to take boring summer school classes. Never again!