MEAT Me at the Beach: 7/28-7/31 weigh-in



  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Tue 07/05/11 07:24 PM
    Challenge Goal Weight (for Sept. 1st): 190#

    Weight Category: "Goodbye Fat Jeans"
    7/24 = lost 1.6#

    6/9: **start of challenge** 202.5 #
    6/16: 201#
    6/23: 198#
    6/30:198.6 #
    7/7: 197 goal weight: Onderland...I made it!!!!
    7/14: 196.4
    7/21: 194.8
    8/4: goal weight : 194
    8/25:9/1: .....challenge goal weight : 190
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    bumping for later
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Challenge: The Great Outdoors!

    Well, tomorrow I'll be getting my weekly challenge completed. I'm going to the pool with a friend! This will be the first time that I've not been nervous about wearing a bathing suit in public in YEARS! I'm actually looking forward to it.

    Here is my new suit....

    This happens to be a very flattering picture. It actually looks like I've got some nice curves. From the front however I'm more rectangular (how I dream of having a defined wasit one day).

    Reflection: Summer Time

    My biggest challenge in the summer is having NO schedule. As a teacher I am used to being on a very consistent schedule during the school year and I find it very easy to plan my meals and workouts accordingly. During the summer, I have no schedule. My kids are with me all day and I'm usually at home which mean that the pantry and fridge are with me all day too. It has been tough some days to stay committed. Thankfully I have a very supportive husband and we've been workout buddies. We do our P90X workouts when he comes home on his lunch break (good think about being the can take a long lunch). Unfortunately when he works out of town (like this week) then I'm back to doing it solo and some days I really have to talk myself into being productive. Ultimately I have to remember that I am coming to the end of my "weight-loss" journey but then I'll be entering into the whole new world of "maintenance", which means that I'll still have to workout and watch what I eat. Hoping to be in the 120s tomorrow!
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Today's weight : 198.5

    As I am going on holidays tomorrow and don't know if I will have access to a scale, I am reporting my weight for this week early.

    I have tentatively entered Onederland! I say tentatively as I am being realistic, I plan to have a good time and relax and enjoy my time away, but I also plan to be as active as possilble, and am taking my Zumba DVD with me as well! lol So I'll see what the old scale has to say at our weigh in next week :tongue:

    Current weight (as of today): 198.5
    Challenge Starting Weight : 206
    Challenge Goal Weight (for Sept. 1st): 194
    Weight Category: Reduce ...11- 15

    6/9: **206**
    6/16: 205
    6/23: 203
    6/30: 202.5
    7/7: <<<mini goal weight 202 >>> 201.5 Whoo hoo I did it!!
    7/14: 201
    7/21: 200
    7/28: 198.5 WIll I make my mini-goal while I am on holidays? Time will tell!
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight 198 >>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 194>>>
  • Eliza1980
    Eliza1980 Posts: 303 Member
    Challenge: The Great Outdoors!

    Well, tomorrow I'll be getting my weekly challenge completed. I'm going to the pool with a friend! This will be the first time that I've not been nervous about wearing a bathing suit in public in YEARS! I'm actually looking forward to it.

    Here is my new suit....

    This happens to be a very flattering picture. It actually looks like I've got some nice curves. From the front however I'm more rectangular (how I dream of having a defined wasit one day).

    Reflection: Summer Time

    My biggest challenge in the summer is having NO schedule. As a teacher I am used to being on a very consistent schedule during the school year and I find it very easy to plan my meals and workouts accordingly. During the summer, I have no schedule. My kids are with me all day and I'm usually at home which mean that the pantry and fridge are with me all day too. It has been tough some days to stay committed. Thankfully I have a very supportive husband and we've been workout buddies. We do our P90X workouts when he comes home on his lunch break (good think about being the can take a long lunch). Unfortunately when he works out of town (like this week) then I'm back to doing it solo and some days I really have to talk myself into being productive. Ultimately I have to remember that I am coming to the end of my "weight-loss" journey but then I'll be entering into the whole new world of "maintenance", which means that I'll still have to workout and watch what I eat. Hoping to be in the 120s tomorrow!

    I'm in the same boat as you in terms of scheduling in the summer. At first I thought it would be great because I wouldn't have to worry about finding time to workout but now I have almost too much time on my hands and it is so much easier to just lay by the pool :tongue:
    I love your swimsuit by the way, very retro feel! You look fab!
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    WEEK 7!
    very impressed with my loss this week, though think it may have something to do with the fact I was very ill on Tuesday!
    Decided against the detox as trying to still get over bug!
    Hope you all have fab losses this week and thanks for the wonderful chart again!

    (16-20 category)

    Starting weight :160lb
    Current Weight: 141.2
    GW:144 (met and gone past! New GW 140)
    MGW: 150 (Met)

    6/9: **start of challenge** 160
    6/16: 155.2
    6/23: 150.4
    6/30: 150.4 (TOM)
    7/7: 148.2
    7/14: 146
    7/21: 145.2
    7/28:141.2 !!!
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight 147>>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 144>>>
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    145 lb. this week. My yo- yo dance of 3-4 pounds continues. Can't wait to the words of The Doors..." break on through to the other side! "
  • jentoomey1
    jentoomey1 Posts: 34 Member
    6/9: 129
    6/16: 129
    6/23: 129... The same for 3 weeks;( at least I didn't gain?!?
    6/30: 126.8
    7/7: 127<<< mini goal weight 125>>> boo;(
    7/14: 127
    7/21: 127
    7/28: 127:(.... I've stayed the same for too long!!
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight 120>>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 115>>>1 month till my wedding;)
  • yportia
    yportia Posts: 864 Member
    170.4 pounds this morning. Down from 171.4 yesterday. Hopefully, next week I'll have another loss. Hang in there everyone; summer seems to be the hardest time to lose.
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    EEEEEKKK!!!! I missed this on Sunday night & therefore missed the reflections until just this moment! Glad I remembered it was weigh in day! I changed my goal weights....again. SORRY! I blew them out of the park! Final goal now is to reach TWODERVILLE!!!! I CAN freaking DO THIS!!! :-)

    Current Weight (As of today): 311.8 (8.8 lbs down this week...I <3 the pool!!!!)
    Challenge Goal Weight (for Sept. 1st): 299
    Weight Category: REDUCE! 26lbs or more group
    6/9: **start of challenge**
    6/16: 340.2
    6/23: 336.4
    6/30: 332.8
    7/7: 330.6
    7/14: 324
    7/21: 320.6
    7/28: 311.8
    8/4: <<<REVISED mini goal weight 309>>>
    9/1: <<<REVISED challenge goal weight 299>>>

    Challenge: The Great Outdoors!

    Without even knowing it - I handled this one! I love the pool and go there for at least an hour every chance I get!!!

    Reflection: Summer Time

    I can't afford a vacay right now (BOOOO!), but I've been to plenty of parties this summer and rather than feel down about the fact that I may not be able to feast on the yummies being served, I offer to bring some food. This way, I can have something that I know fits within my calories AND I can show people that eating good can TASTE good, too!
  • Kallisti
    Kallisti Posts: 61
    Current weight 154.0
    Getting rid of plenty… trimming 16-20! (Moving from Feeling alive... losing 21-25!)

    6/9: 160.5
    6/16: 158.5
    6/23: 156.5
    6/30: 154.5
    7/7: 151.5 <goal weight 152>
    7/14: 155.0
    7/21: 155.0
    7/28: 154.0
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight 152.5, revised from 143 >>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 144.5, revised from 135>>

    Well I've put down the cookies and headed back to the gym so my weight is moving in the right direction again, but I'm not going to make my mini-goal. I've revised my goals to what I think are more realistic numbers.

    Challenge: The Great Outdoors! I've upped my running outside from 3-6 miles a week to 12-15 miles a week and I'm thinking about getting a jogging stroller.

    Reflection: Hmm, well, I didn't handle the past couple of weeks well. I slacked off on my diet (birthdays, parties, BBQs, vacation) and on exercise (ran outside 1-2 times a week, but stopped going to the gym for resistance training). Luckily the staff at my gym took notice and started hounding me this week, and since my husband has jumped on the diet (if not the exercise) wagon, I climbed back aboard too. My next big challenge food-choice wise will be the week of August 15th when my parents come to visit; my dad always makes pancakes for breakfast and cookies after dinner, arghh, maybe I should get them a hotel room. :P
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Challenge weight as of today: 145
    September 1 goal: 135
    Weight category : reduce 10

    6/9 148
    6/16 145
    6/23 144
    6/30 143
    7/7 142
    7/14 141.9
    7/21 141
    7/28 139
    9/1 135:smile:
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Category: Feeling alive losing 21-25

    7/28 weight: 135.9

    Current Weight (As of today): 152
    Challenge Goal Weight (for Sept. 1st): 130
    Weight Category: reduce
    6/9: **start of challenge** 152
    6/16: 148
    6/23: 146.5
    6/30: 143.2 7/7: <<<mini goal weight ___>>> 141 actual weight is 141.4 lbs. I was close, but forgot to account for TOM when I set my goals :(
    7/14: 139.0
    7/21: 138.5
    7/28: 135.9
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight ___>>> 135
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight ___>>> 130

    I have been outside a lot this week. While I watch my kids in the pool, I do lunges and jumping jacks, sometimes I jog. We went to the beach. I bbq-ed (in the rain!), sat on the porch and gossiped with the neighbors, now we are going to wash my car.
    I haven't really faced any challenges. Summer is full of great fruits and veggies, so I've been ok. This Saturday I go to Amherst College to pick up my daughter. It will be the first time eating out since I started my journey. That I imagine will be tough, but it has been 130 days and I haven't home over. I will try to make the right choices and hope for the best!
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Current Weight (As of today): 129.6 lbs :bigsmile:
    Challenge Goal Weight (for Sept. 1st): 125.0 lbs
    Weight Category: REDUCE (-9 lbs)
    Group: Lookin' Slim...Droppin' 5-10
    6/9: 135.0 **start of challenge**
    6/16: 133.0
    6/23: 132.4
    6/30: 131.4 (Only 6.4 lbs left to go!!)
    7/7: 132.2 (insomnia was not my friend) <<<mini goal weight 131.2....NOT MET >>>
    7/14: 131.2 (met my goal a week late. Hoping to get to the 130 or less mark next week...we shall see)
    7/21: 130.2 (so close to being in the 120s!!!)
    7/28: 129.6!!!!!!!!!! (doing backflips!!) :love:
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight 128.2 >>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 125.0 >>
  • Polish_Princess
    Current Weight: 223.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: 199
    Weight Category: Reduce
    6/9: 223.8
    6/16: 222.4
    6/23: no weigh in
    6/30: 221.4
    7/7: <<<mini goal weight 219>>> Forgot to weigh in but was 225.6
    7/14: 223.2
    7/21: missed weigh in
    7/28: 222.0
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight 209 >>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 199 >>>
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Starting Weight: 150.7
    Challenge Goal Weight (for Sept. 1st): 140
    Weight Category: Reduce

    6/9: **start of challenge** 150.7
    6/16: 149.3
    6/23: 148.8
    6/30: 148.7
    7/7: <<<mini goal weight revised 148 >>> Actual: 149.8
    7/14: 148.2
    7/21: 147.6
    7/28: 146.9
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight revised144 >>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 140 >>>

    Down another 0.7 this week, not hugely impressive but I'll take it!!! Down almost 4 pounds since the start of the challenge and solidly into the 140's now so that makes me happy. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Hi all, I'm on the road and have to post quickly (sorry for no chart).
    I weighed in at 187.2 this morning.
    Have a great weekend!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    WEEK 7 RESULT: 182
    Starting Weight (Challenge): 193
    Challenge Goal Weight (for Sept. 1st): 181 (-12lbs I hope at least 1 a week is realistic)
    Weight Category: reduce (goodbye fat jeans)

    6/9: **start of challenge** 193
    6/16: 192
    6/23: 189
    6/30: 189
    7/7: 188
    7/14: 185.5
    7/21: 182
    7/28: 182
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight 185>>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 181>>>
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
  • jmacaroni
    jmacaroni Posts: 243 Member
    Reduce Category

    CW: 204.6
    HW: 220
    SW: 206.6
    Changed GW: 198

    6/16: 205.2
    6/23: 204.6
    6/30: 204 (vacation)
    7/7: 206.2 (really 208)<<mini goal 203>>
    7/14: 202.2
    7/21: 203.2
    7/28: 204.6 (TOM)
    8/4: <<revised mini goal: 202>>
    8/25: <<revised challenge goal 198>>

    Gained this week. I'm hoping it's jsut from TOM. I'll have to wait and see how I do next week. I'm a little discouraged right now, so I changed my goal weight. I'm hoping to just reach Onederland by the end of this!! But to keep my spirits high, I have an NSV for this week: My friend who I haven't seen for a couple of months saw my pictures on facebook, and said how great I'm looking. That made me very happy =)