Lean By Labor Day Challenge (*CLOSED GROUP*)

**This group is closed with a full roster. We wish our fellow fitness pals every success on their weight loss journey's & hope to "challenge" with you in the future!**

Reminder from inital post for this challenge:

July 18th - Initial Weigh In Week (Starting weight for challenge)
July 25th - "Week 1" weigh in
Remaining weigh ins" 8/1, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29, 9/5 (final challenge weigh in)

We will keep a weekly log tracking:

Sleep (7-9 hours) (1 point for each day during the week you hit ths range)
Water - 8 glasses/day (1 point MAX for each day you hit this minimum)
Exercise - 1 point per 20 minutes (half points can be earned)
Food - 1 point for each day you log or diary your food intake

Example: On Monday you slept 7 hours (1 point) got in your 8 glasses of water (1 point) Exercised for 60 minutes (3 points) and logged your food (1 point) = 6 points for that day (set up a little chart for yourself with 4 rows (sleep, water, exercise, food) and 7 columns (Monday - Sunday our "challenge week)

All of the above are linked to successful weight loss, so our attention should be focused there. Every few days I'll post a question, a challenge, or something along those lines (please PM me any suggestions you have)


  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Wow! We are out of Week 1!! Here are the reminders for this week (so far):

    1. Please post or message me with your Monday Morning Weigh-in (7/25)

    2. Please post or message me with your "points" for the week earned as described in the initial post

    3. This week's challenge is to pre-plan your workouts - mark them in the calendar - post them here - whatever will get you to commit to that time/place.

    4. Post or message me with any "mini-challenge" ideas/questions
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    Love this week's challenge - I think it will be really beneficial for me. Sorry I haven't been as active posting in the thread as I would have liked, but it's just been moving too fast for me to keep up! I've been reading along though and everyone is doing awesome!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
  • rpearce519
    rpearce519 Posts: 72
  • indigoangel86
    Sunday points:

    Water - 1
    Food - 1
    Exercise - 4
    Sleep - 1

    Total - 7

    TOTAL POINTS FOR THE WEEK: 51 points! Yay

    Will post weight tomorrow (Monday) morning. I'm excited!!! :smile:
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    Sleep 1
    Water - 1
    Exercise - 4
    Food - 1

    Will weigh myself tomorrow morning and post it! Hopefully I will have lost the one pound I gained! I'm crossing my fingers, so wish me luck!

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    exercise 0
    water 1
    sleep 1
    log 1

    total 3

    week 1 total:46 :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: ...post weight tomorrow.....:flowerforyou:
  • Kell888
    Kell888 Posts: 51
    I'm a little nervous about weigh in but feel like I had a good week, I only completed one day of this weekends challenge but was super busy with out of town family as opposed to just being lazy so I don' t feel super guilty only a little. I always preplan my exercise days because I work twelve hour shifts sometimes so this week should be an easy challenge. Will post my weight and points tomorrow night...keeping my fingers crossed!
  • jenrod1118
    jenrod1118 Posts: 150 Member
    Bump....for when I weigh in tomorrow. I hope my day at six flags didn't sabbatoge my hard work!!!
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Sunday points:
    Exercise: 1
    Log: 1
    Water: 1
    Sleep: 1

    Daily total: 4 points
    Grand total: 34 points

    Can't wait for weigh-in tomorrow!!! I'm feeling pretty optimistic about it! :):):)

    ETA: I also completed the challenge for this weekend, doing at least 50 jumping jacks, butt kicks, and jump ropes while I was Shredding each day!
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Sleep 1
    Water - 1
    Exercise - 4
    Food - 1

    Will weigh myself tomorrow morning and post it! Hopefully I will have lost the one pound I gained! I'm crossing my fingers, so wish me luck!


    Try adding 1/2 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water before bed. You'll probably wake up a couple of times in the night to go potty, but it'll help drain off any extra water weight! (I used to do it on my WW weigh in days. lol)
  • 2girls4boys
    2girls4boys Posts: 72 Member
    I am on vacation for the next 2 weeks. My posting may be sporadic. I am hoping to really stay on track. I brought my exercise dvds and my weights.

    Weekly points - 22
    Weigh in - 187.6
  • smilewithkatherine
    smilewithkatherine Posts: 82 Member
    7/24 Points
    Sleep: 1
    Water: 0
    Exercise: 0
    Food: 0
    Daily Total: 1
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    Friday's Points
    Total= 3

    Saturday's Points
    Exercise-10.5 (I walked for the entire afternoon & did a regular workout-so lots of points!)

    Sunday's Points

    Total for week one=40.5 :bigsmile:
  • smilewithkatherine
    smilewithkatherine Posts: 82 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Wow this first week sure flew by. I'm so ready for week 2, how about everyone else. I love this week's challenge to plan our workouts ahead, so I thought I would I write out and plan my workouts now.

    Tuesday: 40 minutes crossramp machine
    Wednesday: 20 minutes treadmill / 20 minutes Lifetime 9500
    Thursday: 40 minutes Lifetime 9500
    Saturday: 45+ minutes Los Gatos Creek Trail Walk (if it's raining or to cold, then I will repeat Wednesday's workout)
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    Only got 3 point for today, didn't get in all my water.
    My total for this week was 29 points.
    Today was my weigh in day so I'm down to 152. A loss of 1.2 pounds.
    I will do 30DS everyday this week even though I am on vacation. Me and the family will also will be doing lots of walking. I'm looking forward to a good time with they and hope to see some beautiful scenes here in the Great Smokey Mountains.
  • Kell888
    Kell888 Posts: 51
    Hey all, my weekly points totaled 31, as far as my weight I forgot to do before I ate breakfast and had my three glasses of water so I'll have to do it in the am and I'll let you know what it is. I didn't get my sleep points last night but did make a good choice in not getting canceled at work ( if I stayed home I would have laid on the couch and ate) so hopefully work won't be horrible but at least busy e no ugh to help me burn some calories. Hope everyone has a great Monday...thinking happy thoughts for everyone's weigh in!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Had a so so week. With school, being leader of a weight loss support group and work, finding free time to exercise is becoming a challenge, Total just 18 points last week but promise to do better this week.


  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning all...had a great week, point totals for the week were 46 pretty good....but my weigh in was fatal gained a pound....180.5..... a had a rest day yesterday and had 2 cupcakes (homemade i reduced the fat as much as possible)so a little discouraged....but its a new week ....lets go!!!!!!have a great week to all:happy: :happy: