Lean By Labor Day Challenge (*CLOSED GROUP*)



  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    wednesday points:

    exercise 3
    sleep 1
    water 1
    log 1

    total 6
  • rpearce519
    Wednesday points:

    Food - 1
    Water - 1
    Sleep - 1
    Exercise - 1

    total this week - 12

    Week 1 - 29
    Week 2 - 31
    Week 3 - 43
    Week 4 - 38
    Week 5 - 41.5
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi All! Well, yesterday's day of rest helped. I can actually walk today and go up & downstairs close to normal. I think if I rest the remainder of today, I should be able to get some form of a workout in tomorrow.

    Can't wait to exercise again, I feel like such a slug without it!

    Hugs all!

    Amy :)
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Amy, glad the rest is helping out! You'll be back on the workout trail in no time! Just remember, a few days off or a few weeks off. Which is worse? =D

    Sounding a bit like Darth Vader today. Did some Yoga Meltdown and had a clear nose without meds for the first time all week!

    Thursday points:
    Log: 1
    Water: 1
    Sleep: 1
    Exercise: 1.5
    Total: 4.5

    Total points week 1: 34
    Total points week 2: 47
    Total points week 3: 43
    Total points week 4: 31
    Total points week 5: 32
    Total points week 6: 20.5
    Total points overall: 207.5
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Monday: 146 minutes of exercise, 10 points
    Tuesday: 143 minutes exercise, 10 points
    Wednesday: 110 minutes exercise, 8.5 points
    Thursday: 60 minutes, 6 points :(
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    thursday points:

    exercise 2.5
    sleep 1
    water 1
    log 1

    total 5.5
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hi All! Well, yesterday's day of rest helped. I can actually walk today and go up & downstairs close to normal. I think if I rest the remainder of today, I should be able to get some form of a workout in tomorrow.

    Can't wait to exercise again, I feel like such a slug without it!

    Hugs all!

    Amy :)

    feel better soon, amy
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Kind of moved my exercise plan to accommodate for tomorrow since there's going to be a big family party that I can't avoid with foods that I don't want to avoid. lol. So switched running from tonight to tomorrow morning, but still plan to get yoga (and maybe additional) in tomorrow as well to give myself a 600-calorie buffer for the day.

    Friday points:
    Log: 1
    Water: 1
    Sleep: 1
    Exercise: 2.5

    Total: 5.5

    Total points week 1: 34
    Total points week 2: 47
    Total points week 3: 43
    Total points week 4: 31
    Total points week 5: 32
    Total points week 6: 26
    Total points overall: 213
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    friday points

    exercise 3
    sleep 1
    water 1
    log 1

    total 6
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Monday: 146 minutes of exercise, 10 points
    Tuesday: 143 minutes exercise, 10 points
    Wednesday: 110 minutes exercise, 8.5 points
    Thursday: 60 minutes, 6 points :(
    Friday: 80 minutes, 7 points
  • rpearce519
    Thursday points:)
    Food - 1
    Sleep - 1
    Water - 1
    Exercise - 2

    Friday points:)
    Food - 1
    Sleep - 1
    Water - 1
    Exercise - 4

    Total this week - 24

    Week 1 - 29
    Week 2 - 31
    Week 3 - 43
    Week 4 - 38
    Week 5 - 41.5
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hello challengers! Sorry I've been so MIA - what a week! First I thought my allergies went wild, but think it may have been a virus since it ended up settling into my chest making breathing a big of a challenge, then messing up my ankle so I couldn't work out... then hubby's truck got a death sentence by the mechanic... so stress, unable to exercse & feeling like poopy!

    Let's just say that last night I had a little bit of Chinese takeout for dinner, and my stomach was in agony... then today we are trying to pack for vacation, transport 2 kids to & from 2 birthday parties, and fit in some car shopping. So lunch was on the go (we literally had 5 minutes to hit the nearest drive-thru) and in the rush I had 3 chicken tenders, a few fries & diet coke.

    Again, my stomach is BLECH... so, a big reminder that you may just feel how you eat!

    So glad tomorrow is a new day. I may just drink a lot of extra water tonight and tomorrow to clear my system out & stick to "whole" foods.

    So, entirely enough about me & my "country song" week! THIS IS THE FINAL WEEK OF OUR CHALLENGE!!! Who's ready for our biggest challenge yet?


    Big hugs to all of you, I have loved challenging along with you!!

    Amy ;0)
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Monday: 146 minutes of exercise, 10 points
    Tuesday: 143 minutes exercise, 10 points
    Wednesday: 110 minutes exercise, 8.5 points
    Thursday: 60 minutes, 6 points :(
    Friday: 80 minutes, 7 points
    Saurday: 166 minutes, 11 points

    I should have read next weeks challenge before I earned so many points today!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    saturday points

    exercise 3
    sleep 1
    water 1
    log 1

    total 6
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Monday: 146 minutes of exercise, 10 points
    Tuesday: 143 minutes exercise, 10 points
    Wednesday: 110 minutes exercise, 8.5 points
    Thursday: 60 minutes, 6 points :(
    Friday: 80 minutes, 7 points
    Saurday: 166 minutes, 11 points
    Sunday: 145 minutes, 10 points
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    I would like to have got in more points this week but at least it wasn't my lowest. I had a lot of house work to do and a sleep over with 7 girls 6 to 10 years old. My points this week was 33. I'll be back tomorrow with my weigh in.
  • rpearce519
    Saturday points:
    Food - 1
    Water - 1
    Sleep - 1
    Exercise - 2

    Sunday points:
    Food - 1
    Water - 1
    Sleep - 1
    Exercise - 3

    total for week - 35

    Week 1 - 29
    Week 2 - 31
    Week 3 - 43
    Week 4 - 38
    Week 5 - 41.5
    Week 6 - 35

    Well I hit my goal:) now time for maintenance mode!!! happy monday!
  • future_marathoner
    future_marathoner Posts: 170 Member
    Total points this week : 32 :o( I didnt exercise nearly enough this week but all will be fixed this week!!!!

    08/22-08/28 MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT SUN Total
    Sleep (7-9 hours) - 1 point 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
    Food Diary Complete - 1 point 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
    Water- 8 glasses - 1 point 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
    Excercise- 1 pt for every 20 min 0 2 0 4 0 3 2 11
    Weekly Total: 32

    Total lost from last monday to now= 3 pounds
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Way to go Rachel, hitting maintenance!!! Nice job!

    I'm down to 163.6 this morning, a .8 loss, which is pretty good considering I wasn't really trying to lose much this week because of the 2 pound loss last week. :)

    Saturday points:
    Log: 1
    Water: 1
    Sleep: 1
    Exercise: 1.5
    Total: 4.5

    Sunday points:
    Log: 1
    Water: 1
    Sleep: 1
    Exercise: 0
    Total: 3

    Total points week 1: 34
    Total points week 2: 47
    Total points week 3: 43
    Total points week 4: 31
    Total points week 5: 32
    Total points week 6: 33.5
    Total points overall: 220.5
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Morning All! Congrats to all the losers & yay Robin for hitting goal! They always say that last 10 is the hardest to lose - so great work!


    I'm planning a game of badmitton, basketball, soccer & maybe a walk....

    Hope you all have a great day!
