Lean By Labor Day Challenge (*CLOSED GROUP*)



  • future_marathoner
    future_marathoner Posts: 170 Member
    I had 25 points last week! I got my water, sleep and food diary nailed. I slacked a bit on exercise last week, only 6 points from exercise, but theres always this week!

    Total lost last week was 6 pounds!!!!! Woo hoo! I will work on my food plan in a bit... Gotta get going to a meeting.

    Have a wonderful week!
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member

    I didn't logged my food or exercise for Sunday, because I was having serious Internet issues! Ughhh! That can really be a "pisser-offer" :mad:

    Although I do have the Blackberry MFP app on my cell phone, it doesn't work as well! Each time I want to add to my food diary or exercise diary, the phone takes me through a status before I can do anything and sometimes I get an error!

    The only device I had that would get me to MFP was my iPod, however it only works with WiFi, but that wasn't working either! Sheeeesh! Even when I took the kiddies to McDonalds for lunch and play, I couldn't log on and Mickey D's offers free WiFi!

    Nonetheless, I didn't log everything I ate or did, so I guess I'm not entitled to any food log points for Sunday! Oh well, it is what it is! Right? Right! :wink:

    Saturday July 30
    Sleep: 0
    Water: 1
    Exercise: 5.5
    Food: 1
    Total - 7.5 points

    Sunday July 31
    Sleep: 0
    Water: 1
    Exercise: 2
    Food: 0
    Total - 3 points
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Sunday Points:

    Exercise -3

    Total - 6

    Weekly Total - 6
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    I didn't post my point everyday last week because of being out of town. So here goes:
    Monday 6
    Tuesday: 7
    Wednesday: 4
    Thursday: 3(didn't log anything to scared of the numbers:smile: )
    Friday: 9
    Saturday: 4
    Sunday: 6
    Weekly total 39 points
    Weigh in this morning and I'm down 1.2 lbs at 150.8
    My workout plans this week are to do Jillian Michaels dvds for another challenge that I'm in (www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/288706-30-day-slimdown-challenge-starting-august-1st) Mon, Tue, and Thurs. - 30DS L1 and L3, Wed- 30DS L3 and No more trouble zones, Fri.- banish fat booost metabolism, Sat - quick trouble zones, and Sunday not so sure maybe a rest day or walk/run day. Now planning out my food for the week is much harder for me. I have never been good at planning out food but I'm going to give it a try and at least plan out some dinners or a whole day.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    exercise: 3.5
    sleep 1
    water 1
    log 1

    total 6.5:flowerforyou:
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    Thursday's Points
    Exercise 0
    Total= 2

    Friday's Points
    Exercise 2
    Total= 4

    Saturday's Points
    Exercise 6
    Total= 8

    Sunday's Points
    Exercise 1.5
    Total= 4.5

    Monday's point's

    Total so far for week three=8

    Total for week two= 35.5
    Total for week one=40.5
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi All! What a long & busy day! I'm just eating dinner now (almost 10pm) - I was tempted to skip it, but thought 700 calories for the day would mess with my metabollsm. Not that going to bed just 1 hour after eating is much better....

    I got in 13.5 more points this week compared to last coming in @ 43.5.

    I'm down 2.2 to 200.0.

    WEEK CHALLENGE: Plan your meals & workouts
    TUESDAY CHALLENGE: crunches - get in xtra! Any type you want :)

    Katherine - how is your week going so far, better?

    Robin - Yay on down 2! You are only 3 #'s to goal!!!

    Kelly - yay on getting down this week! Hooray!!

    Melissa - Welcome to the 160's!! Wow, can't wait to see that #! EXCELLENT planning! Your meals sound scrumptious!

    Karen - great work again this week!

    Pam - sorry to hear you are stuck! Do you think it's diet? Exercise? I would try mixing it up a bit if you are in the habit of the same exercise or meal routine.... avoid all beverages outside of water... Let us know how we can help. It is so frustrating when that happens!

    Brittany - Amazing! Down 6#'s!!! So happy for you :)

    Phyllis - sorry to hear about your internet problems! Ugh!!!

    Becca - great work keeping up with the points!

    Renee - Yay on your loss this week! Even through a vacation! Great workout plan! Good luck with the meal planning!

    Let's make it a great week everyone!!!!
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    I usually plan my meals..but this week I am on vacation & winging things--not sure that I will be home at dinner each day.
    The good thing is-if I am at home I will have more time on my hands which usually equals better/yummy meals!

    My works outs are as follows:
    Tuesday-TaeBo & Strength Training
    Wednesday- Jackie Warner Xtreme Training & Taekwondo
    Thursday-Taebo & Walking
    Friday- Jackie Warner Xtreme Training & Taekwondo
    Saturday-30 Day Shred
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    81 points total
    I will workout 60 minutes daily
    Monday: 103 minutes 8 points
  • rpearce519
    Mondays points:

    Food - 1
    Water - 1
    Sleep - 1
    Exercise - 3

    Total - 5

    Already did my crunches for the day since I did some strength training:) have a good day everyone!
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    This week, I'll be having the following:

    Morningstar Veggie Sausage (1)
    All White Egg Whites (1/2 cup)
    Fresh Fruit (It varies from day-to-day, i.e. 1/2 grapefruit, 1 banana, peach, or nectarine, 1 to 2 cups of red seedless grapes, strawberries, or cherries)

    Chicken Salad with Fresh Start 50/50 Mix Salad (1.5 cups), together with red onions, vidalia onions, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, and carrots. I thinly slice all the veggies, mix them together and before putting them on the salad, I steamed them in the microwave for 45 seconds. I also use about 2 TBs of Ken Steakhouse Salad Dressing (Sweet Vidalia Onion). I also have a piece of fruit

    Baked tilapia with steamed veggies (will be a mix of broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and onions, or spinach cooked with red onions) with buttered sourdough bread. (I use "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter")

    Stacy Pita Chips with humus
    Flat-Out Flat Bread (Rosemary and Olive Oil) with a slice of low-sodium muenster cheese
    Plain Rice Cakes with Smuckers Natural Peanut Butter with a drizzle of honey
    Fresh fruits

    I don't eat all the different snacks in one day, I just have a variety and will snack on one or two of them throughtout the day. Yesterday, I had the rice cakes with peanut butter, honey, but added a few pieces of banana to it, and it was yummy!

    I bring a grocery bag full of food to work with me on Monday mornings. This prevents me from having an excuse to go out for lunch! I bring enough for the week, and if there's anything leftover on Friday, I usually leave the non-perishable items in my desk, but the refrigerated items, I take home! Oh, I forgot, I drink plenty of water :drinker: Usually a 16.9oz bottle with each meal

    As for my workout plans, I don't make any, but that will soon change! I'll be joining Lady of America Fitness Gym this weekend, and I'm really looking forward to going and trying out the many classes they have to offer. They have Zumba, spinning, step workouts, etc.

    However, this week, I've vowed to do 30 minutes on my elliptical every morning before I leave the house. In addition to walking my dog for 20 to 30 twice a day and although I'm not doing the 100 squats or the 50/50 squat/crunches, I'll be getting my crunches today. This week's goal is to do leg lunges :cry: I don't like doing them, but they are great for the legs!


    Monday, July 25th
    Sleep: 0
    Water: 1
    Exercise: 2
    Food: 1
    Total: 4 points

    Tuesday, July 26th
    Sleep: 0
    Water: 1
    Exercise: 3
    Food: 1
    Total: 5 points

    Wednesday, July 27th
    Sleep: 1
    Water: 0
    Exercise: 1.5
    Food: 1
    Total: 3.5 points

    Thursday, July 28th
    Sleep: 0
    Water: 1
    Exercise: 2
    Food: 1
    Total: 4 points

    Friday, July 29th
    Sleep: 1
    Water: 1
    Exercise: 3.5
    Food: 1
    Total: 6.5 points

    Saturday July 30th
    Sleep: 0
    Water: 1
    Exercise: 5.5
    Food: 1
    Total - 7.5 points

    Sunday July 31st
    Sleep: 0
    Water: 1
    Exercise: 2
    Food: 0
    Total - 3 points


  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    All I wanted to do yesterday was eat, but not until the evening. I allowed myself some wiggle room with calories, thankfully, and didn't go overboard. Once I had one little treat (a Special K Fruit Crisp - something I rarely eat but was CRAVING), I drank water the rest of the night. Hoping that I won't have the same again today, though I have 2 workouts to do so it might help curb my appetite a bit.

    Monday points:

    Log: 1
    Exercise: 1
    Water: 1
    Sleep: 1

    Total points: 4

    Total points week 1: 34
    Total points week 2: 47
    Total points week 3: 4
    Total points overall: 85
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    This week, I'll be having the following:

    Morningstar Veggie Sausage (1)
    All White Egg Whites (1/2 cup)
    Fresh Fruit (It varies from day-to-day, i.e. 1/2 grapefruit, 1 banana, peach, or nectarine, 1 to 2 cups of red seedless grapes, strawberries, or cherries)

    Chicken Salad with Fresh Start 50/50 Mix Salad (1.5 cups), together with red onions, vidalia onions, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, and carrots. I thinly slice all the veggies, mix them together and before putting them on the salad, I steamed them in the microwave for 45 seconds. I also use about 2 TBs of Ken Steakhouse Salad Dressing (Sweet Vidalia Onion). I also have a piece of fruit

    Baked tilapia with steamed veggies (will be a mix of broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and onions, or spinach cooked with red onions) with buttered sourdough bread. (I use "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter")

    Stacy Pita Chips with humus
    Flat-Out Flat Bread (Rosemary and Olive Oil) with a slice of low-sodium muenster cheese
    Plain Rice Cakes with Smuckers Natural Peanut Butter with a drizzle of honey
    Fresh fruits

    I don't eat all the different snacks in one day, I just have a variety and will snack on one or two of them throughtout the day. Yesterday, I had the rice cakes with peanut butter, honey, but added a few pieces of banana to it, and it was yummy!

    I bring a grocery bag full of food to work with me on Monday mornings. This prevents me from having an excuse to go out for lunch! I bring enough for the week, and if there's anything leftover on Friday, I usually leave the non-perishable items in my desk, but the refrigerated items, I take home! Oh, I forgot, I drink plenty of water :drinker: Usually a 16.9oz bottle with each meal

    As for my workout plans, I don't make any, but that will soon change! I'll be joining Lady of America Fitness Gym this weekend, and I'm really looking forward to going and trying out the many classes they have to offer. They have Zumba, spinning, step workouts, etc.

    However, this week, I've vowed to do 30 minutes on my elliptical every morning before I leave the house. In addition to walking my dog for 20 to 30 twice a day and although I'm not doing the 100 squats or the 50/50 squat/crunches, I'll be getting my crunches today. This week's goal is to do leg lunges :cry: I don't like doing them, but they are great for the legs!

    I take a lunch too..but daily. But I also keep a variety of things at work to snack on..protien bars, oatmeal (for my breakfast as I don't eat before I leave home), crackers, tea etc. Sure makes it alot easier to not go out and buy something!

    I hate lunges too-but because they hurt my knees even if I am doing them properly..too bad! I have the Cardio Max workout video but I rarely use it as there are so many lunges!
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    It's so much easier for me to take my food for the week. I'm up as early as 5am, but this week, it's been 4:30 since I want to get a 30 minute workout! I leave my house about 6:15, so by the time I walk Penni, shower and get dressed, I don't have the time to make my lunch! :smile:

    Also, like you, I don't eat breakfast at home. I'll have a bottle of water with lemon, but no food until I get to my office. As for the lunges, I'm trying to do 50 (25 on each leg), but I hate them with a passion! :wink: This morning, I did 15 for each leg, after I got off the elliptical and I had to stop because my legs started to shake and I didn't think I would be able to walk back to my bedroom to get in the shower!

    However, tomorrow's another day to try it again; better yet, I think I'll do the other 20 tonight when I get home. That way, I can say that I completed that goal! :happy:
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    Gosh you have an early start..that would be torture for me:bigsmile:
    Well I decided to suck it up and do Cardio Max this morning..was careful with the lunges and they were not too bad..it was a good workout!
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    Gosh you have an early start..that would be torture for me:bigsmile:
    Well I decided to suck it up and do Cardio Max this morning..was careful with the lunges and they were not too bad..it was a good workout!

    That's great! By the way, I noticed that you rewarded yourself with a tattoo after you achieved your goal! Just curious to know what did you get and where did you get it?

    I took my daughter yesterday for her sixth or seventh tattoo and I've been wanting to get another, however after watching her cringed with pain, I'm having second thoughts! :noway: :laugh:

    But seriously, I do have a tattoo on my lower left outside ankle, but I want another one, possibly right back shoulder.
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Monday Points:

    Exercise -5

    Total - 8

    Weekly Total - 14
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    I don't know what's going on with me, but I've been having cravings for sweets for the past few days! I've been trying to kill this monster craving by eating sweet fruits such as, strawberries, grapes, and cherries, but the more I stuff myself with those fruits, the more I want sugar!

    So today I gave in................

    I took a quick break, went downstairs to Subway and purchased three cookies! I've already eaten two, I gave the last one to my co-worker! Thank goodness, she took it!

    Phooey on me! I feel so bad :embarassed: but I also feel good at the same time :happy:

    Why would I give in to that monster? :sad:

    Well nonetheless, I did give in and since I gave into the sugar beast, I will have to do some serious working out this evening to make up for those 400 calories! 400?? Ouch! :cry: That number alone is more than enough for me to reflect on the next time the sugar monster comes knocking!
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    I don't know what's going on with me, but I've been having cravings for sweets for the past few days! I've been trying to kill this monster craving by eating sweet fruits such as, strawberries, grapes, and cherries, but the more I stuff myself with those fruits, the more I want sugar!

    So today I gave in................

    I took a quick break, went downstairs to Subway and purchased three cookies! I've already eaten two, I gave the last one to my co-worker! Thank goodness, she took it!

    Phooey on me! I feel so bad :embarassed: but I also feel good at the same time :happy:

    Why would I give in to that monster? :sad:

    Well nonetheless, I did give in and since I gave into the sugar beast, I will have to do some serious working out this evening to make up for those 400 calories! 400?? Ouch! :cry: That number alone is more than enough for me to reflect on the next time the sugar monster comes knocking!

    Sometimes we should have the things we enjoy... I think the more you try to cut out certain foods or say "I can't have that" the more we want them. Next time just buy one cookie and enjoy it.

    P.S. Don't beat yourself up over this. It's done, you'll work out extra tonight and start over tomorrow :smile: