Week 1 – C25K Running Group



  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    to dointime - I know what you mean, it can be a bit embarrassing to workout when you're out of shape - I would just try to assume that everyone is thinking, hey, look at that girl pushing herself, I wish I could make myself run. Many regular gym-goers are actually very supportive of others' efforts to get fit, you probably have more in common with them than you think!

    Speaking of red faces and flab flying - I just got back from Week 2, Day 1 of my C25K program (mine is from a site called runningmate and is technically titled 5K101, but it's the same principle as the coolrunning one), which is 2.5 min run/2.5 min walk. It was tough but I actually liked the pacing of it. I could tell my legs were stronger than last week already - but maybe my extra elliptical work on the "off" days is helping, too.

    good luck to everyone else starting out, it's all about how well you pace yourself, just don't kill it and you'll be fine.
  • poizonivey
    poizonivey Posts: 117 Member
  • juicyjaycee
    Great job, everyone! I completed Week 1 Day 1 earlier today. It was pouring down rain and I've been sick so I was really trying to talk myself out of doing it, but I made myself and I am so glad I did! I felt much better afterwards. I honestly thought it was going to be easier for me, since I used to run quite a bit, but the difficulty totally surprised me! I enjoyed the challenge.

    I used the app on my iPhone which was pretty great; I like not having to watch the clock myself. My heart rate monitor said I burned exactly 300 calories, so that's pretty cool! I can't wait to continue. I'm glad I have tomorrow off though!
  • aray379
    aray379 Posts: 131
    Completed week three day one today! I was worried about the 3 minute runs but actually end up enjoying them more than the 1:30 min ones. I did drop my speed from 6mph to 5.5mph for the 3 minute runs but it was the perfect speed, I felt like I could run forever!

    Before C25K today I was nervous and tried to talk myself out of going to the gym all afternoon
    During C25K today I felt great!
    After C25K today I felt: amazing for completing it (and sure that I need to get new running shoes)
    So far I think C25K is great way to ease into running
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    My current weight (as of 7/25) is 155lbs.

    My goal for this week: Is to complete Week 1 of C25K and eat healthy!

    This week I am going to focus on: Taking my rest days! I have trouble not exercising on my days off. I feel like I have to do something! So I usually go for a light walk.

    I plan on achieving my goal this week by: Staying motivated and knowing that I can do this!

    Just got done with Week 1 Day 1 of C25K! I really enjoyed it (and my dog did too :laugh: I took him along with me for company)!

    Yesterday I planned to wake up early today to get the C25K out of the way, but things happened, so I ended up doing it at 8:30 pm, which was perfect! It wasn't hot out, it was nice, cool, and breezy!

    Before C25K today I felt excited to do it! At first I was afraid that I wasn't going to be able to finish it, but then when the time came I got my dog and told him that he is going to help me get through this (even if he has to drag me! :laugh: ).

    During C25K today I felt proud of myself. I was so happy that I was actually doing it and not passing out! I have this weird phobia that while I am exercising I am going to pass out and no one is going to know until its too late (weird I know!).

    After C25K today I felt strong! Now that I am done with the first day of C25K I feel like this week is going to go by like a cool breeze! I actually wanted to keep going once I was done!

    I have a question about: Where does everyone do their workout at? I did the jog/walk around my neighborhood, which hurt my feet because we have dirt/rocky roads.

    So far I think C25K is great! I felt like the timing was perfect because I would start jogging and then would feel like stopping, and as soon as I felt like stopping it was time to walk!

  • aray379
    aray379 Posts: 131
    I run on the treadmill because I wanted to be able to track calories and speed better. I will run outside though when I am finished with the program I am sure.
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    I run on the treadmill because I wanted to be able to track calories and speed better. I will run outside though when I am finished with the program I am sure.

    How many calories do you burn on average?

  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    OMG!!! My legs feel like jelly!!

    Before C25K today I felt:...intimidated and scared, and a little irritated at myself for being a chicken
    During C25K today I felt:....like my legs couldn't hold up my body, I asked myself several times..."is it over yet??"
    After C25K today I felt:...wobbly and hot, but excited that I actually got through it!!
    So far I think C25K is:...pretty cool because I know I can do it!!

    My hub decided to do it with me for motivation, and although he runs several times a week, he kept a slower pace so I didn't feel like I was being left behind. I plan on doing it on the treadmill.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    How many calories do you burn on average?


    I burned about 165 cals, but I was taking it really easy.
  • Felesina1
    Felesina1 Posts: 142
    While I'm definately a non-runner, I've read and spoken with runners whom suggest that you make sure that you time your breathing with your foot steps. So inhale during the group of steps that feels right to you (Step 1, 2, 3), exhale for the entire group of next steps (Step 1, 2, 3) for example. I found that after running today, that I tend to inhale during 2 steps and exhale during the next 2 steps. The other advice I've been given was 1) quality running shoes, 2) stretch before & after, 3) try to run mostly on the balls of your feet versus your heels. I was hesitant initially to do this run today, as I don't have a good timer or Podcast yet to help with the timing of the program itself. However, I did try to time it and walked/jogged 1.6 mile in 20 min. I hope to have a stopwatch by the end of the week to help as well as a Podcast.
  • aray379
    aray379 Posts: 131
    I run on the treadmill because I wanted to be able to track calories and speed better. I will run outside though when I am finished with the program I am sure.

    How many calories do you burn on average?


    I've been walking at 3.5-3.8mph and run/jogging between 5.5mph-6.2mph depending on which day in the week it is (I try to up my speed a bit each day and 6.2mph was a lot easier when only running for a minute! haha). So I usually burn between 200-240 calories. I have been calling it about 200 because I'm not sure how accurate the machine is. Though I have the C25K on my IPOD and I put in my info (time distance weight) and sometimes it comes up with a higher number than the treadmill. I just like to have an estimate since I can't afford an HRM right now (saving up for that Garmin!)
  • MistyDC29
    MistyDC29 Posts: 99 Member
    I finished week 2 yesterday. I ran it on our local Rail Trail. I go between that and the treadmill at the gym. During Week 1, I decided that I liked the trail better because I can go as fast or as slow as I need to...yesterday, I found that I actually go faster on the trail. No wonder I am breathing so hard! On the treadmill, I have been running at 5 mph, I found yesterday that at times, I was going 6 mph. I need to remember to slow down some out there! It was really humid when I ran yesterday, so I felt like I had more trouble...now I know that I was just going too fast! :-) Anyway, I use the C25K app on my ipod touch along with the Nike+ app and sensor. Loving them! So, I will be starting Week 3 tomorrow...think I will stick to the gym for a little while.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    I'm a little stiff this morning, in my hips and my knees! Guess I never worked those parts so much before!!
    I'll be completing W1D2 tomorrow, then W1D3 on Friday. In between, I plan on riding my bike, or doing other outdoor activities.
  • futurekilousky
    I'm a little stiff this morning, in my hips and my knees! Guess I never worked those parts so much before!!
    I'll be completing W1D2 tomorrow, then W1D3 on Friday. In between, I plan on riding my bike, or doing other outdoor activities.

    Haha me too! When I woke up this morning I could just feel my whole legs,hips, and back sore in a way I haven't felt in years!

    I am planning on the MWF schedule as well, this is goin to kick my butt!!
  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    I was supposed to start yesterday but forgot hubby had something to do!!! So I am starting on Wed!!!

    Before C25k I feel excited cause I want to run, scared that I won't do well, nervous that I will look funny doing it!!!
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    OMG!!! My legs feel like jelly!!

    Before C25K today I felt:...intimidated and scared, and a little irritated at myself for being a chicken
    During C25K today I felt:....like my legs couldn't hold up my body, I asked myself several times..."is it over yet??"
    After C25K today I felt:...wobbly and hot, but excited that I actually got through it!!
    So far I think C25K is:...pretty cool because I know I can do it!!

    My hub decided to do it with me for motivation, and although he runs several times a week, he kept a slower pace so I didn't feel like I was being left behind. I plan on doing it on the treadmill.
    Thats great that you were able to finish! :drinker: When I feel like giving up or start telling myself it's too hard I can't do it, I think of this quote by Jillian M.

    "Pain is fear leaving the body." "If you want your body to change you have to put stress on it, that's how change happens."

  • MistyDC29
    MistyDC29 Posts: 99 Member
    One of the reasons that I like to run on the trail is that I still have to get back to my car even if I give up, so I might as well do it and get there faster! :-)
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    While I'm definately a non-runner, I've read and spoken with runners whom suggest that you make sure that you time your breathing with your foot steps. So inhale during the group of steps that feels right to you (Step 1, 2, 3), exhale for the entire group of next steps (Step 1, 2, 3) for example. I found that after running today, that I tend to inhale during 2 steps and exhale during the next 2 steps. The other advice I've been given was 1) quality running shoes, 2) stretch before & after, 3) try to run mostly on the balls of your feet versus your heels. I was hesitant initially to do this run today, as I don't have a good timer or Podcast yet to help with the timing of the program itself. However, I did try to time it and walked/jogged 1.6 mile in 20 min. I hope to have a stopwatch by the end of the week to help as well as a Podcast.

    1.6 miles in 20 minutes is great!
    Thanks for the breathing advice! When I first started jogging I was basically panting and I felt like I was going to pass out. Now I actually breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth in a rhythmic pattern to my jogging.

  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    One of the reasons that I like to run on the trail is that I still have to get back to my car even if I give up, so I might as well do it and get there faster! :-)
    That is great motivation to finish :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    :indifferent: Question:indifferent:

    Do you do some form of exercise on your off days from C25K?
    Do you think it's okay if I pair C25K with the 30DS?
