Why don't fit semi buff guys like big girls?



  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    My theory is they have a small penis. :| seriously they are trying to compensated by working out and the small the girl the bigger their junk seem. This also works with guys that have expensive sports cars.

    Uh, thanks. I have a nice sports car. And I'm pretty buff(ish).

    And I am not even close to small. Why the hell do girls always say *kitten* like that when they feel slighted?

    I thought you said you went for thicker girls? I wasnt talking about you.
  • BuffTexan
    BuffTexan Posts: 270
    Like the other guys on this thread said, it just depends. It's more a matter of personal taste more than anything else. But, that guy that did what he did to your friend was a jerk (and I'm being nice here). It's a good thing he showed his "jerkness" within the 1st minute as opposed to her finding out 3 months down the road.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    My theory is they have a small penis. :| seriously they are trying to compensated by working out and the small the girl the bigger their junk seem. This also works with guys that have expensive sports cars.

    Uh, thanks. I have a nice sports car. And I'm pretty buff(ish).

    And I am not even close to small. Why the hell do girls always say *kitten* like that when they feel slighted?

    You know or saying down here in south Texas is the bigger the truck the smaller his junk. We like fast cars lol.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Like the other guys on this thread said, it just depends. It's more a matter of personal taste more than anything else. But, that guy that did what he did to your friend was a jerk (and I'm being nice here). It's a good thing he showed his "jerkness" within the 1st minute as opposed to her finding out 3 months down the road.

    I agree. Just bothered me bc she is a close friend.
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I really hate seeing "he probably has a small penis" thrown about as an insult. I mean, if the genders were reversed..."she probably has small tits" or "she probably is big down below" would not be an acceptable thing to say about why a woman behaves the way she does.

    Anyway, I know a few totally ripped self-titled "gym rats" who have BBW wives or girlfriends, but I agree it is the minority...like someone said above, it probably does have to do with lifestyle compatibility and such. And when I was thicker and worked out at the gym, I got hit on a lot even though I was far from being fitness magazine ideal...again, probably a compatibility thing more than anything. Or maybe they thought I had potential, lol.
  • TheTeeWhy
    TheTeeWhy Posts: 186
    Funny, I see big girls with fit skinny guys around where I live all the time. Honestly, some people like it, just dont go around asking the really attractive men and getting upset with yourself when they say no. They probably workout a crap load to keep looking that way, and feel as if they could do better in the attraction department. -shrug-

    I wonder why big girls go after the buff guys in the first place really, I am a bigger guy, would I go up to a really hot looking model type and expect a positive response? HELL ****ing no! It works both ways, the big girls wanting to get at the buff guys are neglecting perfectly fine chunky/husky men.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I really hate seeing "he probably has a small penis" thrown about as an insult. I mean, if the genders were reversed..."she probably has small tits" or "she probably is big down below" would not be an acceptable thing to say about why a woman behaves the way she does.

    Anyway, I know a few totally ripped self-titled "gym rats" who have BBW wives or girlfriends, but I agree it is the minority...like someone said above, it probably does have to do with lifestyle compatibility and such. And when I was thicker and worked out at the gym, I got hit on a lot even though I was far from being fitness magazine ideal...again, probably a compatibility thing more than anything. Or maybe they thought I had potential, lol.

    I wasnt insulting. Obviously everyone has their own story but i have seen it time and time again with this outcome. Woman talk about sex and their exes.
  • KS_4691
    KS_4691 Posts: 228 Member
    Funny, I see big girls with fit skinny guys around where I live all the time. Honestly, some people like it, just dont go around asking the really attractive men and getting upset with yourself when they say no. They probably workout a crap load to keep looking that way, and feel as if they could do better in the attraction department. -shrug-

    I wonder why big girls go after the buff guys in the first place really, I am a bigger guy, would I go up to a really hot looking model type and expect a positive response? HELL ****ing no! It works both ways, the big girls wanting to get at the buff guys are neglecting perfectly fine chunky/husky men.

    ^^ I agree with this.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    all kinds of people like all kinds of people
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member

    Check the link. I like body types 12, 13, and 11. Mostly 12.

    But any bigger than that and it feels like no matter what your genetics, if you don't care about yourself enough to have the self discipline to stay somewhat in shape, why should we care?

    Body size/type is only part of it too. Gotta have the personality to match it.

    I have a large personality... tucked inside my (now) size 6 body. Does that count? :bigsmile:
  • Mountain_woman
    Mountain_woman Posts: 229 Member
    I have ALWAYS had a weakness for chunky/husky guys. The oft neglected sexy gents they are! I'd rather date a chunky guy then a beanpole. Personal preference! I think folks in this thread are right. It comes to preference. I have a "heavier" girlfriend that only dates skinny dudes. Whatever rocks your boat. :)
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    i prefer curvy, i've noticed however my preferences have changed since ive made lifestyle changes although i'm married and not looking, i find it sexy when a woman is into fitness even if she's thicker
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    I was with an extremely fit guy who loved me for who i was, overweight and all! I don't think it has anything to do with a man being buff, I think it has to do with people being shallow and vain. Men and woman who don't give a person a chance because of the way they look, and why would you want to be with someone like that anyway?
  • tasman11
    tasman11 Posts: 79
    There is a difference between being curvy and being a fat girl . I think whenever someone sees a obese person the 1st thought is always man HE/SHE IS FAT!(in a negative sense). I myself have battled weight problems for years and am on a diet to loose a considerable amount of weight so nothing against over-weight people.As a overweight person myself i know people will think the same 'fat guy ' thingy about me .

    Bottom Line-If your a curvy girl then most guys will be attracted to you.
    If your an overweight/obese person then MOST people will not be attracted to you .(Remember i am using the word MOST )

    Guy /girl-If you want a really hot partner loose weight!!! I like a fit slim girl and the girl would also want a slim guy! Harsh Reality Check!
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    A lot of guys say they want curvy girls, but when they say curvy they mean Beyonce. (Big boobs big butt) Or they basically just don't want an aneorexicly thin girls, and they say they like bigger girls but they mean bigger in opposition to sticks. When it comes to properly larger ladies, unless they're a genuine chubby chaser, they just seem to write these girls off as friends or messes. I'm not saying every guy does this, but most guys seem to. And of course girls do it to big guys too!
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Seems like you are REALLY generalizing. (and by the way, in this picture set, http://i54.tinypic.com/iwivbn.jpg , i like numbers 3 through 19, heh, heh...
  • tasman11
    tasman11 Posts: 79
    A lot of guys say they want curvy girls, but when they say curvy they mean Beyonce. (Big boobs big butt) Or they basically just don't want an aneorexicly thin girls, and they say they like bigger girls but they mean bigger in opposition to sticks. When it comes to properly larger ladies, unless they're a genuine chubby chaser, they just seem to write these girls off as friends or messes. I'm not saying every guy does this, but most guys seem to. And of course girls do it to big guys too!

    From a guys perspective Curvy means Catherine Zeta Jones ,Scarlet Johanson, Kim Kardashian type not a obese girl .
    In short both sexes desire a slim partner !
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I think the guy was just being a jerk. He led her on asked for her number and when she was going to give it to him he said honey really I was just joking.

    This guy was just a d*ck. However, I do think that some (though not all) reasonably attractive people have a completely distorted view of their own looks and tend to believe they are much better looking than they really are. This leads to a bit of conceit and an air of self entitlement which means they will write people off when in reality there isn't a huge distance in their "levels" in reality.

    Women (and I suspect men as well) who are reasonably attractive have a large pool or people to pick from. An average guy will look at her and think "hey I stand a chance" and approach. Someone of her own level of attractiveness will think "we're a good match" and will make a play. Someone hotter than her will think "she's bound to say yes and looks alright" and will ask for a date.

    Very attractive women (think runway model or underwear model) have a much narrower pool to pick from because a lot of men are too intimdated by their looks to even speak to them. Less attractive women will be *****y and make unfounded assumptions about them ("she's just a stuck up b*tch") Ironically, very beautiful women tend to be much more lonely, isolated or insecure about their looks because of the nonsense they have to deal with. I don't know if this would hold true for a man but it may well do. When they say "I think I look fat" or "I don't believe I am good looking" they are not lying or fishing for compliments. They actually mean it. The way people treat you unless you have a strong sense of self belief can have a significant impact on shaping your reality.

    Don't pay lip service to the idea that it what's on the inside that counts or looks, in the final analysis, are meaningless. Believe it and act like it. Maybe that way we will all end up being a little happier...
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member

    Check the link. I like body types 12, 13, and 11. Mostly 12.

    But any bigger than that and it feels like no matter what your genetics, if you don't care about yourself enough to have the self discipline to stay somewhat in shape, why should we care?

    Body size/type is only part of it too. Gotta have the personality to match it.

    I hear ya, Avalonis! Those women in the pictures look good! And they are not stick thin, they have curves and look like WOMEN!:drinker:
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Bump... because I like this thread and don't want it to die. ;)