DITR Round4 Week2



  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Whooo Hooo Pink and DITR! Very proud of my partner too... you rock bikermum! So is she the only one that gets the diamond ring or how does that deal work?

    Question of the day... I haven't had any issues with discrimination. I'm sure it happens but I guess I've just been lucky not to experience it myself.
  • journey2size10

    What problems have you ever experienced with prejudice due solely to your weight? What did you do to combat it?

    I am glad I have not experienced any prejudices regarding my weight. I'm interested to hear what others have to say!
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Great job this week everyone!

    What problems have you ever experienced with prejudice due solely to your weight? What did you do to combat it?

    I've been really fortunate not to have any obvious prejudice due to my weight, but I have had insecurity related to the weight and had increased frustration with having to limit some activities due to it! I'm doing something about it now - not just watching what I eat and working out more, but investing in myself because I'm worth it....

    on the other conversation - biggest accomplishment. I do have a pretty awesome teenager - I only wish I'd acted as good as she does at her age - I was pushing every button, but she's just not interested in that. This one is not an accomplishment, but a blessing - I have been blessed enough to have all 4 of my grandparents live well into my adulthood (still have 1 grandparent surviving). What I was able to learn from them about life and dealing what it hands you has been amazing.
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Whooo Hooo Pink and DITR! Very proud of my partner too... you rock bikermum! So is she the only one that gets the diamond ring or how does that deal work?

    Oooh Thanks for the reminder! Yes the biggest losers on each team will receive a diamond ring for their signature. As well as the entire winning team. Therefore this week every pink member can feel free to add a diamond. These can be found (with instructions to add) in the blog! I will send all the winners an e-mail letting them know.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Whooo Hooo Pink and DITR! Very proud of my partner too... you rock bikermum! So is she the only one that gets the diamond ring or how does that deal work?

    Oooh Thanks for the reminder! Yes the biggest losers on each team will receive a diamond ring for their signature. As well as the entire winning team. Therefore this week every pink member can feel free to add a diamond. These can be found (with instructions to add) in the blog! I will send all the winners an e-mail letting them know.
    so does Bikermum get two?
  • majpal
    majpal Posts: 41 Member
    Wow, Palollis, you have overcome a lot! You are awesome!!! I am impressed by your strength!
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Whooo Hooo Pink and DITR! Very proud of my partner too... you rock bikermum! So is she the only one that gets the diamond ring or how does that deal work?

    Oooh Thanks for the reminder! Yes the biggest losers on each team will receive a diamond ring for their signature. As well as the entire winning team. Therefore this week every pink member can feel free to add a diamond. These can be found (with instructions to add) in the blog! I will send all the winners an e-mail letting them know.
    so does Bikermum get two?

    No, you are able to win one a week. Bikermum will get the diamond as well as her bragging rights :wink:
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152

    Losing weight is a huge accomplishment. What is one of your greatest accomplishments in your life thus far?

    Overcoming leukemia and being paralyzed at the ripe age of 14!
    I have been in remission for 19 years now and noone can ever tell I was not able to walk, let alone had any health problems. My legs are strong now and I can walk with the best of em and finally able to run!!!

    This is an incredible story! Thank you for sharing it with us!!!
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    Losing weight is a huge accomplishment. What is one of your greatest accomplishments in your life thus far?

    I would have to say my three children I never thought I wanted any but they are just amazing. When ever I feel like a useless person i look at them and think I can't be that bad to have them.

    My other accomplishment is staying sober for 6years after having a drink problem I still get days now where I want one but i know if I ever did i wouldn't be able to stop at one and I would never want to put my family through that
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    WOW! I've been gone all day and just got home and realized I had the QOTD!!! I'm so sorry! Ok, for those who haven't logged out for the day already...

    What problems have you ever experienced with prejudice due solely to your weight? What did you do to combat it?

    I have only really experienced prejudice at school and i was so shy I used to ignore it. The only other time was going into a shop with my sister the woman working there said there's no point you lookin nothing will fit you! Oh and not to long ago I was looking for jeans and having quite short legs I needed the petite range when I asked the woman in the shop If they did size 16 she told me tp lose weight as they only do 14. I now own a pair of size 14 now but she really upset me. I can't say I did anything to overcome any of those things though as I'm the sort to just turn the other cheack I'm not one to answer back.
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    Congratulations Team Pink and especially bikermum82!!

    I love the QOTD and if you don't mind I'm going to answer it tomorrow. I'm wore out and want to give it some thought. I promise to double up tomorrow!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Mmm people are certainly prejudiced against overweight people and the discrimination thing is def there even ify ou don't always notice you. I think its a lot worse if you are obese or severely obese - if you are just overweight or slightly obese its more common and people don't think as much of it ALTHOUGH as I was never overweight before I started working, I can say that people DO treat you different. In fact the SAME people treated me a lot different around 180-210 than they did when I was 145 (I am 5'6" and I carry weight really well, I am pretty cute at 145 although not slim or anything).

    And frankly, most of that treatment was creepy or wrong - I got a lot more lunches bought for me by male coworkers when I weighed 145 and a lot more friendly attention in general. And I have a coworker who has always been very slim and good looking (until recently as the cigarettes and age really caught up with her and her skin looks terrible) and when we chat about her work history, its very obvious to me that her looks were a HUGE boost in her career. Not that she's an awful worker or anything but her career very heavily relied on older men in management bringing her on to assist them in some way and her getting promotions and things out of it. Nothing actively inappropriate going on, but she wasn't really particularly QUALIFIED for those jobs either at the time - I'm sure there were more qualified people who weren't as good looking.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    PS ladies - In addition to my MEAN scale, my pants are a bit tighter than they were last week, I'm feeling a little down about it. encouragement appreciated although just being able to put it out there makes me feel better.
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    PS ladies - In addition to my MEAN scale, my pants are a bit tighter than they were last week, I'm feeling a little down about it. encouragement appreciated although just being able to put it out there makes me feel better.

    Hey Dont worry U alwez have ample time - Try to reduce carbs this week & add more activity & stop!!! weighing everyday lets weigh on Friday only :wink:
  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    Hi, I am a recent addition to the yellow team and thought I'd say a quick hi to you all. Well done on your previous weigh losses from last week!

    In regards to the QOTD I have not got much of an insight into this as I have not felt any prejudice regarding my weight, I know it is there and must be happening but I persomally have not really seen anything for anyone else or myself.

    Nice to meet you all,
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member

    What problems have you ever experienced with prejudice due solely to your weight? What did you do to combat it?

    I dont know about prejudice but i was bullied alot during the time i was at secondary school (11-16) because of my weight. Plus 'friends' wouldnt invite me out to places or parties etc.
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    Monday QOTD

    Right now I don't feel like anyone is prejudice of me because of my weight. However, the past was different. And the ironic thing is, I heard more hurtful comments about me from my own family. They would say, "oh you've put on some weight" or "are you sure you should be wearing that" or "you know being heavy runs in the family" and so on. I think some of the people were not actually thinking about how this would hurt me, and I think some were just plain insensitive. I'm sure they just wanted better for me, but did not go about it the right way. I was even recently thinking (before I even saw this question) about how my parents would say I shouldn't dress a certain way or that I shouldn't eat certain things, when they never did anything to help me get healthier. They were the ones buying fried cheesesticks, bagel bites, chocolate donuts, dr. pepper, and so on ( I was only a teenager then). I didn't learn how to be healthly from my parents or from school, so how was I supposed to know anything different.

    But now, I know I make my own choices and am responsible for my own body. If I eat inappropriately, then it's on me, no one else. I am smaller than I was in high school when I was hearing those comments, so I really don't have those problems anymore. Right now, I am my own worst enemy...I'm the only one that makes comments about my weight now. But I'm trying to make an effort to be more positive and live a healthier life.
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428

    Losing weight is a huge accomplishment. What is one of your greatest accomplishments in your life thus far?

    Overcoming leukemia and being paralyzed at the ripe age of 14!
    I have been in remission for 19 years now and noone can ever tell I was not able to walk, let alone had any health problems. My legs are strong now and I can walk with the best of em and finally able to run!!!

    This is an incredible story! Thank you for sharing it with us!!!

    I agree! That is so awesome that you were able to overcome those things! It makes me think that if you can do that, why can't we overcome our issues with weight.
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member

    Monday QOTD:What problems have you ever experienced with prejudice due solely to your weight? What did you do to combat it?

    I wouldn't exactly call it a prejudice, but my mom has always made comments to me about my weight. My highest weight was 148, and she told me no daughter of hers would weight 150 lbs. I cried, and felt like crap, and I still do. Then for some reason, I use food for comfort. It's a vicious cycle that is so hard to break for me!