DITR Round4 Week2



  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    Awesome job to all the biggest Diamond loser. Keep shining ladies:wink:
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    Monday QOTD: What problems have you ever experienced with prejudice due solely to your weight? What did you do to combat it?

    Getting job in the fashion industry are hard when you are overweight. This has been the biggest challenge for me. I'm still working on combatting the issue. Even though it sucks to be surrounded by shallow people, losing weight is very beneficial health wise.

    Tuesday QOTD: When co-workers, family, and/or acquaintances start noticing our weight loss and physical fitness improvements it's the ultimate compliment and encouragement. How soon, or how many pounds lost, did people start noticing how your lifestyle change was changing your body?

    I have 5'6" and was a size 22/24. I took about 25 lbs for people to start noticing my weight loss results. I've been stalled for 2 mos but I'm back to business now.
  • CaptObvious
    CaptObvious Posts: 117
    Tuesday QOTD: When co-workers, family, and/or acquaintances start noticing our weight loss and physical fitness improvements it's the ultimate compliment and encouragement. How soon, or how many pounds lost, did people start noticing how your lifestyle change was changing your body?

    I think it was about 10 lbs and 1 size down.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Monday QOTD: What problems have you ever experienced with prejudice due solely to your weight? What did you do to combat it?

    Tuesday QOTD: When co-workers, family, and/or acquaintances start noticing our weight loss and physical fitness improvements it's the ultimate compliment and encouragement. How soon, or how many pounds lost, did people start noticing how your lifestyle change was changing your body?

    It usually takes about 20 lbs on me. I'm on the very high end of a healthy weight. 20 Lbs usually seems to be the miracle number to take me from fluff to trim.
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Morning Diamonds!!

    I will be asking Wednesdays QOTD, since I'm running out the door with no time to think...here's a question that is purely fluff!

    Who is your Celebrity Crush?

    My answer

    Javier Bardem.....rawrrrrr ;) Rugged and Sexy.

  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    Tuesday 7/26/11 QOTD: When co-workers, family, and/or acquaintances start noticing our weight loss and physical fitness improvements it's the ultimate compliment and encouragement. How soon, or how many pounds lost, did people start noticing how your lifestyle change was changing your body?

    My family started noticing after 10 lbs. which took about 2 weeks. It felt good! It was nice to hear people telling me good job, and to keep up the good work!
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member

    Who is your Celebrity Crush?

    Peyton Hillis, he plays for my favorite football team :)

  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Tuesday 7/26/11 QOTD: When co-workers, family, and/or acquaintances start noticing our weight loss and physical fitness improvements it's the ultimate compliment and encouragement. How soon, or how many pounds lost, did people start noticing how your lifestyle change was changing your body?

    Mine was between 15 and 20 pounds for most to notice. there are regulars at the gym who've started commenting on my progress too. A small group of us have been doing weekly weigh in's at work - those involved with that of course noticed really quickly as we all have been so tuned in to it!
  • lasttimelooser
    lasttimelooser Posts: 74 Member
    One of my favorite mail celebrities would have to be Tyrese Gibson the way he looks in the Transformers movies.
  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    Matt Lanter! (Liam in 90210) He's soooo nice :D
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    Tuesday 7/26/11 QOTD: When co-workers, family, and/or acquaintances start noticing our weight loss and physical fitness improvements it's the ultimate compliment and encouragement. How soon, or how many pounds lost, did people start noticing how your lifestyle change was changing your body?

    I apparently haven't lost enough for people to notice....either that or they just don't want to say anything! :)
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    Celebrity crush I don't really have one! Um I don't really fancy people as I am odd. Really can't think of any body lol I am a freak
  • journey2size10
    Tuesday 7/26/11 QOTD: When co-workers, family, and/or acquaintances start noticing our weight loss and physical fitness improvements it's the ultimate compliment and encouragement. How soon, or how many pounds lost, did people start noticing how your lifestyle change was changing your body?

    I lost about 30 lbs over the summer and when I returned to school everyone noticed it immediately..it was only because they hadn't seen me for 2.5 months so it was obvious..I enjoyed the compliments immensely. The next summer I lost about 15-20 lbs and they noticed it again. I only get this attention at the beginning of the schoolyear, because during the schoolyear, I either maintain or gain about 10 lbs...this past year was a gaining year for me :sad: But I got the weight off, plus a few more :laugh:
  • journey2size10
    Who is your Celebrity Crush?

    I don't have a celebrity crush for some odd reason....but a celebrity body I envy is tyra banks!
  • CaptObvious
    CaptObvious Posts: 117
    Who is your Celebrity Crush?

    Don't have one, really.
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    QOTD Tuesday

    I think that is going to be a different amount for each person. First you have to consider that we are all have different heights and starting weights. It also depends on how often you see people. It's usually the people you don't see everyday that notice more. I saw my aunt a couple of weeks ago, and the last time I saw her before that was at my wedding four years ago. Even though I had lost 25lbs but gained 13 back, when she saw me I was still smaller and she said something about me losing weight. It was good to hear that, because sometimes I still forget that even though I'm not where I want to be regarding me weight. I'm still better off then where I started.

    QOTD Wed:

    I don't really have any celebrity crushes, and sorry no posters on my walls. However, here is a short list of some of my fave celeb hotties:

    Bradley Cooper (Best Smile)
    Ryan Reynolds (Best Abs)
    Josh Duhamel (So Cute)

    That's all I can really think of so far. My husband has been watching this show called Sparticus. I can't really get into it, however I did watch some of it last night because they show all these super hot and fit guys in practically nothing. And you see their buts and sometimes other parts too. They are very nice to look at, lol.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: So far, no one has really noticed. I've lost about 40 pounds, and even I still see that 226 pound girl in the mirror. My mom constantly says I look like I've lost, but she's my mom, of course she's going to say something like that. I wish people would tell me they've noticed a change, but if I can't even see it of course no one else can.

    QOTD Wednesday: I have a ton of celebrity crushes!! Some of them are ridiculous, and some of them people would say "typical." But it's quite the list, so I'll just say most of them are typical.
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    When did anyone first notice, not really sure I think it was around 20lb ish for me but I am only 5ft 4.
    My boss at work did notice and we've talked a bit as he keeps himself fit by running a few times a week.
    Hubby has always been suportive, if anything he is slightly frustrated as he has some injuiries which have
    prevented him from doing anything but he has encouraged me to go out etc.
    Another work college noticed about a month ago but we hadn't worked together for ages.
    Family - my dad noticed, but no one else has, and the comment my mother made to me was something along the line
    of " if you have any clothes that are too small for you there is someone at the hospis who is looking for some new clothes"
    cheers mother, thanks for the suppport - NOT!!!

    As for celebratory crush - never had one!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Mmmmm... Paul Walker! I love him... he's so pretty! And the best part is he actually reminds me of my husband. They have the same hair color, eyes, body type even the same height... It's crazy!
