DITR Round4 Week2



  • DiamondsInTheRough
    Hello Diamonds!!

    I hope everyone is having a fabulous week!! Weigh in is just around the corner, are we going to be victorious again?? Will YOU be our teams biggest loser? I cannot wait to find out! :smile:

    There has been some changes to the Roster and I would like to welcome TWO new ladies! Carteremma who joins us on the Yellow Team, and Irishmomof2 who will be a "Pinkie":wink: Welcome Diamonds!!!

    Our lovely starsnyc21 has made a great suggestion about quoting the QOTD in your response with the Date included. This was done in previous challenges and it keeps everything clean and simple. If everyone could take note and start doing that it would make forum and QOTD reading much easier! Thank you starsnyc21 :flowerforyou:

    Keep Shining Diamonds!

  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    Who is your Celebrity Crush?

    I'm not sure if I am older or just lamer than you ladies. :tongue:

    Hugh Grant (the slightly younger version)
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    QOTD 7/27/11 -- Who is your Celebrity Crush?

    There are many! Here is just one though...................Daren Kagasoff......Ricky from Secret LIfe of the American Teenager (the one show I actually get to watch!)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    QOTD Wed:

    Who is your Celebrity Crush?

    I don't reeaallly have one but ever since the Star Trek movie my boyfriend teases me about Chris Pine constantly and its pretty hard not to mention Jensen Ackles -- and if you look at both of them I apparently have a TYPE....
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    Thursday QOTD: I LOVE summer and am having fun being be more active outside. Sadly schools are back in-session soon here, and I saw Halloween candy at the grocery store this week. :noway: So with summer winding down what is still on your to-do list? And what has been the best part of your summer so far?
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Thursday QOTD: I LOVE summer and am having fun being be more active outside. Sadly schools are back in-session soon here, and I saw Halloween candy at the grocery store this week. :noway: So with summer winding down what is still on your to-do list? And what has been the best part of your summer so far?
    What a depressing question:noway: I hate to think summer is almost over:sad: I actually did some school supply shopping today and am thinking about getting the kids some school clothes tomorrow.

    We still have a few camping trips left to go on. My mom and kids keep buggin' bout when we'll go again. Just found out we might be kid-free this weekend and Monday was my anniversary so we might head over to the beach.. just me and my hubby. My whole summer has been pretty chill so far. We've spent alot of time outdoors fishing and camping and such. Why does it have to go so quickly though darn it:grumble: !
  • Mommyof3loves
    Thank you ladies I am very excited to be a part of the Pink Team :-)
    Thursday 7/28 QOTD: I LOVE summer and am having fun being be more active outside. Sadly schools are back in-session soon here, and I saw Halloween candy at the grocery store this week. :noway: So with summer winding down what is still on your to-do list? And what has been the best part of your summer so far?

    I still have school shopping to do for my daughters, both supplies and clothes. I also need to start getting their birthday and Christmas lists together lol. Best part of the summer for me is just getting to spend time with my daughters during the day especially down at the pool because the 3 of us are water rats lol

    Again totally psyched about being part of DITR and the Pink Team and my other half HungryMom :-)
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    Thursday QOTD: I LOVE summer and am having fun being be more active outside. Sadly schools are back in-session soon here, and I saw Halloween candy at the grocery store this week. :noway: So with summer winding down what is still on your to-do list? And what has been the best part of your summer so far?

    Well summer has only really just begun here as my daughter only broke up from school last Friday so 5weeks to go until shes back! So far ive enjoyed playing football (soccer) with the kids in the garden and having skipping competitions with my daughter. We try to see who can skip the most in one go and yesterday I finally beat her. We are off to bird world today so that should be fun too!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Thursday QOTD: I LOVE summer and am having fun being be more active outside. Sadly schools are back in-session soon here, and I saw Halloween candy at the grocery store this week. :noway: So with summer winding down what is still on your to-do list? And what has been the best part of your summer so far?

    Hmm best thing I've done so far is start losing weight (although that was more like late may). Next best thing was exercising every day. Thing I'm looking forward to most - I'm currently talking to a personal trainer about maybe getting in on that, although I am not sure yet as its certainly lots of money over all (and she's actually very cheap, she's offering me 30/session since she's a friend of my mom's).

    I think we are for sure going to the Fair this year, we haven't ever been there together but its 2 dollars to get in between 10am and 11am on sat-sun and we can WALK to it. What else could we really want? Otherwise no plans, I don't like to go on trips in the summer because everywhere I might go is hotter than where I live and all the kiddies and families are vacationing then.
  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    Summer? In England? lol i wish!

    I've just worked every day this summer (no weekends or anything) :( but fortunately its kept me busy and active and not thinking about food!

    I'm going to Leeds Festival as soon as this challenge ends which is my mini goal to get my weight down before then

    Welcome to the new ladies!!
  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    Summer? In England? lol i wish!

    I've just worked every day this summer (no weekends or anything) :( but fortunately its kept me busy and active and not thinking about food!

    I'm going to Leeds Festival as soon as this challenge ends which is my mini goal to get my weight down before then

    Welcome to the new ladies!!
  • CaptObvious
    CaptObvious Posts: 117
    Thursday QOTD: I LOVE summer and am having fun being be more active outside. Sadly schools are back in-session soon here, and I saw Halloween candy at the grocery store this week. :noway: So with summer winding down what is still on your to-do list? And what has been the best part of your summer so far?

    Best part of my summer so far ... celebrating my oldest two children's high school graduation. I've loved the tie I've had to spend with all 4 of my children.

    Winding down .... I'm having a hard time thinking about it. My semester will start on August 22 and I am not looking forward to it. I just keep telling myself, 2 more semesters, 2 more semesters.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Wednesday 7/27 QOTD: Celebrity Crush
    Thursday 7/28 QOTD: I LOVE summer and am having fun being be more active outside. Sadly schools are back in-session soon here, and I saw Halloween candy at the grocery store this week. :noway: So with summer winding down what is still on your to-do list? And what has been the best part of your summer so far?

    Wednesday Question -
    Rob Lowe has always been mine, back to the "Brat Pack" days in the 80's

    To do list - schedule my daughter's senior pictures (yes, I think we are both in denial and dragging our feet), shopping for what she needs for schools, and getting her registered one more time for the SAT.... scheduling the rest of my vacation time before end of fiscal year at work too (September)

    best part so far - really taking the time to focus on my health this summer. The 1/2 marathon training has been awesome so far, in spite of hot and not so great runs! Also, as much as I'm in denial about a young adult in the home, we've really had a great summer in terms of seeing her maturing into a terrific woman!
  • majpal
    majpal Posts: 41 Member
    Thursday QOTD ~ To Do List AND Best Part of Summer

    We are moving this weekend! There is a lot to do, but it is exciting.
  • Moonlight17
    Moonlight17 Posts: 173 Member
    Sorry I haven't had time to log on the past few days.. crazy wedding season!!

    Mon QOTD: My biggest achievement other than this little weight loss is also overcoming cancer at the age of 15, and I was extremely obese back then because of it. I was in remission for 11 months and missed out on a lot especially being held back in my studies but I continue to carry on with it and not let my age hold me back.

    Tues QOTD: I haven't lost that much weight this time around, but my first 2 stones were lost about last year and people noticed the changes when I had lost about 10 pounds.

    Weds QOTD: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my ultimate celeb crush is..

    DANIEL HENNEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thurs QOTD: Best part of summer has been the countless weddings to go to without feeling that obese anymore (although I'm still overweight) and spending time with my family x

    My to do list.. Pass my driving test, lose weight, start on my dissertation!
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    Thursday QOTD 7/28/11: I LOVE summer and am having fun being be more active outside. Sadly schools are back in-session soon here, and I saw Halloween candy at the grocery store this week. :noway: So with summer winding down what is still on your to-do list? And what has been the best part of your summer so far?

    Summer ending :sad: Well, if it's anything like it was last year here, we'll have summer well into November and almost December :noway: . Oh, how I love an Indian Summer! This summer, I did not have a to-do list. I graduated, searched for a job, and the rest was just to relax! It was so great to have a summer where the biggest worry I had was trying to find a job, and knowing I still had a job when school started if I didn't find one. While I am still searching for a job that actually pays something that I can live off of, I have no other to-dos! I just graduated college in May, so I was excited to not have to worry about school. Just having a great, relaxing summer! I still have some weight-loss goals for summer though. I would love to be 170 by August 22 (yearly doc appointment), but since I was injured not sure if I'll quite make it.

    The best part of my summer had to be my cousin's wedding. She was so beautiful, the weather was perfect for an outside wedding (some might have said too hot), and I was able to sing for her! I had so much fun, I didn't realize how much I missed singing. I'm hoping to be able to do more weddings now!
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Thursday QOTD: I LOVE summer and am having fun being be more active outside. Sadly schools are back in-session soon here, and I saw Halloween candy at the grocery store this week. :noway: So with summer winding down what is still on your to-do list? And what has been the best part of your summer so far?

    Hey Summer is only just starting over here in England! The best part of my summer so far is going to the beach and spending hours playing with my 5 year old sister. (Big age gap :laugh: ). I'm looking forward to going away on holiday. Not going anywhere special, just 45mins down the road.
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    Summers really aren't that special to me. I prefer fall by far! So I guess I'm excited that summer is coming to an end. The best part was making the decision to participate in a 1/2 marathon. It will be in Septmember, so it is still on my to do list. I feel like there are a lot of things left on my to do list when it comes to my weight and changing my habits. However, so far this summer, I have not add an beer /wine /alcohol in over a month and I have been able to limit my diet sodas to one per day (most days anyways).
  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    Thursday QOTD 7/28/11: I LOVE summer and am having fun being be more active outside. Sadly schools are back in-session soon here, and I saw Halloween candy at the grocery store this week. :noway: So with summer winding down what is still on your to-do list? And what has been the best part of your summer so far?

    Still on my to-do list: I still need to go school shopping for my oldest daughter (supplies and clothes) We need to get this house unpacked and cleaned up. I need to find a job for when my husband and daughter start back to school (husband's a teacher). I would really like to go to an amusement park sometime before it gets too cold, but I really need to get myself to where I'm comfortable first because I don't want to spend the day out in the heat with jeans and a big t-shirt.

    Best Part: We got moved into our own home. We got to spend time with some of our family. I started losing some weight finally and feeling a little more comfortable with myself.
  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    Thursday QOTD: I LOVE summer and am having fun being be more active outside. Sadly schools are back in-session soon here, and I saw Halloween candy at the grocery store this week. :noway: So with summer winding down what is still on your to-do list? And what has been the best part of your summer so far?

    Hey Summer is only just starting over here in England! The best part of my summer so far is going to the beach and spending hours playing with my 5 year old sister. (Big age gap :laugh: ). I'm looking forward to going away on holiday. Not going anywhere special, just 45mins down the road.

    I have two sisters that are 14 and 19 (13.5 and 8 year difference) I also have a 10 year old brother. My husband has two brothers that are 10 and 11 (19 and 18 year old difference) lol, we know all about the big age gaps :D