women should lift weights?? wtf?



  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    they didnt make me bulky. I actually started doing resistance because i wanted to build up my top half a little, but really nothing happened. I have very strong legs, and was able to do quite high resistance on my legs, but never got anything really on my top half, yet for some reason, running has built up my top half as well as my lower half and given me muscle definition everywhere. It seems like it exercises the whole body. My arms are more defined, probably from the arm movement on long distance runs, my stomach seems more defined, my legs and bum look better, my calves are very defined.

    Im not saying women shouldnt lift weights, im just saying it pisses me off that it keeps being spouted as something we "should" do, when it doesnt actually particularly benefit everyone (relative to the effort put in or time spent) compared to actually finding an exercise you enjoy and actually WANT to get out of bed and do.

    My SIL is a swimmer and swims competitively. Doesnt lift any weights. She looks amazing, slim, healthy, toned.
    My BIL is at sports college. I dont believe he lifts weights, but hes buff from running relays, water polo, football (soccer)all sorts of sports 4 days a week, then competitions for fun at weekends.

    Its all about a healthy lifestyle. I see things like forcing yourself to go to the gym to do exercises that are a chore, a complete waste of time. Keeping the weight off long term involves a diet you enjoy and are satisfied with, and physical activities you enjoy and can become part of your life. Whether thats walking and hiking, running, badminton, tennis, football OR weights, or whatever the individual LOVES doing.
    There is no SHOULD about it.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    My measurements are 34 26 36. My butt is lifted, i'm not loose, I'm like four weeks away for having rock hard abs, and you can bounce quarter off my a**. Now that's hot!

    good for you dear. well done. Im glad you fancy yourself. It must be a nice feeling
  • ACowboyKid
    ACowboyKid Posts: 142
    I agree with Hush7hush completely and everyone supporting lifting weights.

    There is a difference between fit and skinny fat. You can run all you want but *muscle is very important. Being super thin woman isn't worth sacrificing being strong woman. Luckily you can have both and lose weight with working out, you'll look great too.

    Lifting heavy for around 8-12 reps for 3 sets or until failure is the best way to see results. You'll feel amazing too. Its not going to be fun if you're lifting little 2lbs, 5lbs or even 10lbs. Just try hard. Its a fun goal and its worth it to try for a couple months.
  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    I get it is the choice of words being used here! Absolutely everyone has a choice to do whatever they want and choose to do - free will and all that.

    Having said that Osteoporosis is a big issue for women and it is recomended that weight bearing exercise helps with bone density. So if you can find it in your heart to add a bit of strength training into your workout you will benefit in the long run!

    As said before - running is perfect for the bottom half - but unless you walk around on your hands you might want to include some upper body strength exercises! :wink:

    But you SHOULD listen to your body !!! LOL
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member

    I agree with most of what MsQt said.
    suzy, when I look at your photos I can tell you don't lift weights.
    When I looked at the photo of the post 'why women should lift weights', I could definately tell she lifts.
    I think people can figure out for themselves when a topic says "should" if they want to apply it to themselves or not. For crying out loud, that is just the process of thought.
    I think strength is beautiful, especially when it shows.

    well im quite satisfied with my figure. I know its not perfect, but i think i could have been a lot worse for a 35 year old mother of 3. Got to be realistic too. A runners body is absolutely fine for me, and my running is about a lot more to me, than vanity and sculpting my body
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    and nowhere here have i said women shouldnt lift weights.

    Im just saying its not absolutely necessary.

    ALL exercise is beneficial
  • ACowboyKid
    ACowboyKid Posts: 142
    well im quite satisfied with my figure. I know its not perfect, but i think i could have been a lot worse for a 35 year old mother of 3. Got to be realistic too. A runners body is absolutely fine for me, and my running is about a lot more to me, than vanity and sculpting my body

    I hardly think strength training can be considered vanity. I mean sure in some rare cases but knocking strength training and the strong look because you like the runners look seems silly. Like what you like, don't knock others for what they like and then they won't knock you for what you like.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Do you also get mad when someone tells you that you "should" eat vegetables, or you "should" get a yearly papsmear, or you "should" brush your teeth?

    Because these are all things that you don't HAVE to do, but would definitely be beneficial.
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    well im quite satisfied with my figure. I know its not perfect, but i think i could have been a lot worse for a 35 year old mother of 3. Got to be realistic too. A runners body is absolutely fine for me, and my running is about a lot more to me, than vanity and sculpting my body

    Ok, so it's becoming apparent that you're happy with yourself and this is a pointless thread. If your goal is to be a runner, it makes sense that you want to be thin. Runners need to be lighter so that they can move faster. Muscle is heavier and dense, which will slow you down more. My goal is to become a swimsuit fitness competitor and therefore vanity is key. Good luck on your journey! I must respect that every ones goal is different.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    well im quite satisfied with my figure. I know its not perfect, but i think i could have been a lot worse for a 35 year old mother of 3. Got to be realistic too. A runners body is absolutely fine for me, and my running is about a lot more to me, than vanity and sculpting my body

    I hardly think strength training can be considered vanity. I mean sure in some rare cases but knocking strength training and the strong look because you like the runners look seems silly. Like what you like, don't knock others for what they like and then they won't knock you for what you like.
    no i know, i worded that wrong, but what i mean is that running is about more to me than what it makes me look like.
    people are saying about it will make me look better and that they can tell from looking at my photos that i dont lift weights (like some sort of dig at the way i look) but i run for several reasons, and sculpting my body and weight control is actually not top of the list at all.
    If people read everything ive actually written, rather than read what they "think" I mean, then i havent knocked weight training AT ALL.
    Ive only said that women should find an exercise THEY ENJOY and can incorporate as part of a healthy lifestyle LONG TERM because they LOVE IT, not force themselves to do an exercise they dont actually like because people keep saying they should.
    I have the utmost respect for people that weighttrain as much as i have respect for anyone that pushes themself and has a goal.
    My best friend loves weight training. Thats her thing. She hasnt lost any weight from it, because she doesnt do any cardio with it, but not my beef. Shes found what she enjoys though and thats brilliant IMO
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    Do you also get mad when someone tells you that you "should" eat vegetables, or you "should" get a yearly papsmear, or you "should" brush your teeth?

    Because these are all things that you don't HAVE to do, but would definitely be beneficial.

    If i hadnt asked for their advice, id wonder why they were trying to parent me
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member

    Ok, so it's becoming apparent that you're happy with yourself and this is a pointless thread. If your goal is to be a runner, it makes sense that you want to be thin. Runners need to be lighter so that they can move faster. Muscle is heavier and dense, which will slow you down more. My goal is to become a swimsuit fitness competitor and therefore vanity is key. Good luck on your journey! I must respect that every ones goal is different.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i can see now that people on this forum cant actually read properly though and are going to insist that ive said that weight training is some sort of waste of time, when i havent said it, and i dont think it.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    thankyou ms QT , and good luck to you too. Im glad youve found a goal, and a way to acheive it that you find enjoyable x
  • Emma1903
    Emma1903 Posts: 195
    No one needs to do anything, you don't need to eat healthily but if you didn't you would be less healthy, so you should eat healthy for a happier longer life, same goes for weight lifting, there are so many benefits that don't see why you wouldn't want to do it.
    Running has changed your body probably because you have burnt muscle as well as fat, the main aim of weight lifting it to keep muscle and burn fat. If you want to look like a runway model just run, and loose muscle. If you want to look like an athlete weight train. Different people, different goals.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    im never going to look like a runway model, and i dont think most runners do. Runway models are generally naturally tall and thin and diet themselves thinner, or dance I think? Not run.
  • Emma1903
    Emma1903 Posts: 195
    You will find that athlete runners will do some form of resistance training even if it's just core training.
    If you don't like lifting then fair enough as long as you have your nutrtition down, you still going to be healthy and achieve what you want to achieve. The main benefits of lifting is for old age, prevents osteoporosis ect.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    ive been told id benefit from core training actually
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    well im quite satisfied with my figure. I know its not perfect, but i think i could have been a lot worse for a 35 year old mother of 3. Got to be realistic too. A runners body is absolutely fine for me, and my running is about a lot more to me, than vanity and sculpting my body

    I hardly think strength training can be considered vanity. I mean sure in some rare cases but knocking strength training and the strong look because you like the runners look seems silly. Like what you like, don't knock others for what they like and then they won't knock you for what you like.
    no i know, i worded that wrong, but what i mean is that running is about more to me than what it makes me look like.
    people are saying about it will make me look better and that they can tell from looking at my photos that i dont lift weights (like some sort of dig at the way i look) but i run for several reasons, and sculpting my body and weight control is actually not top of the list at all.
    If people read everything ive actually written, rather than read what they "think" I mean, then i havent knocked weight training AT ALL.
    Ive only said that women should find an exercise THEY ENJOY and can incorporate as part of a healthy lifestyle LONG TERM because they LOVE IT, not force themselves to do an exercise they dont actually like because people keep saying they should.
    I have the utmost respect for people that weighttrain as much as i have respect for anyone that pushes themself and has a goal.
    My best friend loves weight training. Thats her thing. She hasnt lost any weight from it, because she doesnt do any cardio with it, but not my beef. Shes found what she enjoys though and thats brilliant IMO

    Wow. I'm the one who said I can tell from your photo's that you don't lift weights. And I can tell you FOR SURE that was not meant to be a "dig". Just as you say you have a 'runner's body', do you consider that to be a dig on yourself? It was a comparison of photos only. I could not look at say, Travis' profile picture, and think he didn't lift weights. It's just something that shows. Not an insult at all.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    well tbh, i dont really think i have a runners body either, although id be quite happy to have one. I think ive just got the body ive got appropriate to my age and the lifestyle i lead.