No Eating After 7pm



  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Meal timing is irrelevant.

    - It doesn't matter if you eat at 7pm, 10pm, 11pm, 2am, etc.
    - You also don't have to eat every 2-3 hours.
    - You don't have to eat 5-6 or 7 meals a day.

    People don't magically lose more weight because they don't eat after a certain time.

    They lose weight because they are eating a calorie deficit under their maintenance, and they continue to lose weight through plateau's by hitting their macros every day.

    Are we STILL debating this fact?

    I didn't think this was a debate.. just thought the OP was asking some good questions.

    It's been a debate that has been broken for the past several weeks.

    Listen very close folks:

    Unless you have hypothyroidism or are diabetic, it is simply about calories in versus calories out. I have said this time after time after time again.

    It's Calories you CONSUME in your body in a 24 hour period versus your ENERGY EXPEDENTURE.

    It does NOT matter that you don't eat past 7pm. You can eat if you want to. It makes absolutely no difference.

    Do you REALLY think that if you eat a calorie SURPLUS but don't eat after 7pm that you will still lose weight?

    Everybody is different and there are many debates on this topic. Bottom line is people need to find what works for them.

    Now bodybuilders will tell you to gain weight to eat before bed...why do you think that is? So that you have fuel to rebuild muscles. You're still burn calories when you are sleeping. You don't magically stop cuz your asleep. So it would seem to reason that stored fat burned as fuel to sustain your bodily functions would be preferred over food in your system. Like I said, everyone is different and will see different results with this. To say...don't do it, it means nothing is just flat out wrong.
    Just me buck 2 80. (nothing is 2 cents anymore).
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    My sister has lost 50lbs within the last year, with her 'only' change being not eating after 7pm. I can tell you for a fact that she eats less than she used to (not cramming her face) and is making a few better food choices. In the evenings we are usually winding down from our day and sometimes I get the munchies for something sweet. Not eating after 7pm could save me 500-1500 calories a week.
    What do you think of not eating 3 hours before bedtime? Is a calorie a calorie no matter when it is consumed? Or does eating before turning in for the night become stored fat/energy?

    With calories being the same in both situations, meal timing is irrelevant. Only daily cumulative intake is what matters. Eat when its convenient for you.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    And I am not saying you won't lose weight if you eat after 7. Just to clarify.
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Meal timing is irrelevant.

    - It doesn't matter if you eat at 7pm, 10pm, 11pm, 2am, etc.
    - You also don't have to eat every 2-3 hours.
    - You don't have to eat 5-6 or 7 meals a day.

    People don't magically lose more weight because they don't eat after a certain time.

    They lose weight because they are eating a calorie deficit under their maintenance, and they continue to lose weight through plateau's by hitting their macros every day.

    Agreed. It doesn't matter the time that she was eating. The point and the success is that she is no longer eating that additional 500+ calories per day that she was before. She cut out a bunch of junk calories and this is why she lost weight, regardless of time of day. Now, it is true that we do tend to snack and binge eat in the late giving yourself a policy of not eating after 7pm might be really beneficial if it stopped you from reaching for those sugary, salty snacks in the evening.

    I'm with these folks. I eat my dinner mostly anywhere between 8-10pm and since I've been calorie counting and doing what MFP says, the weight's been mostly coming off and it doesn't seem to matter at all when I've eaten xx
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Meal timing is irrelevant.

    - It doesn't matter if you eat at 7pm, 10pm, 11pm, 2am, etc.
    - You also don't have to eat every 2-3 hours.
    - You don't have to eat 5-6 or 7 meals a day.

    People don't magically lose more weight because they don't eat after a certain time.

    They lose weight because they are eating a calorie deficit under their maintenance, and they continue to lose weight through plateau's by hitting their macros every day.

    Are we STILL debating this fact?

    I didn't think this was a debate.. just thought the OP was asking some good questions.

    It's been a debate that has been broken for the past several weeks.

    Listen very close folks:

    Unless you have hypothyroidism or are diabetic, it is simply about calories in versus calories out. I have said this time after time after time again.

    It's Calories you CONSUME in your body in a 24 hour period versus your ENERGY EXPEDENTURE.

    It does NOT matter that you don't eat past 7pm. You can eat if you want to. It makes absolutely no difference.

    Do you REALLY think that if you eat a calorie SURPLUS but don't eat after 7pm that you will still lose weight?

    Everybody is different and there are many debates on this topic. Bottom line is people need to find what works for them.

    Now bodybuilders will tell you to gain weight to eat before bed...why do you think that is? So that you have fuel to rebuild muscles. You're still burn calories when you are sleeping. You don't magically stop cuz your asleep. So it would seem to reason that stored fat burned as fuel to sustain your bodily functions would be preferred over food in your system. Like I said, everyone is different and will see different results with this. To say...don't do it, it means nothing is just flat out wrong.
    Just me buck 2 80. (nothing is 2 cents anymore).

    You have not read lean gains then, because Bodybuilders to use this method as part of the bulk/cut routine.
  • TheSarahHill
    TheSarahHill Posts: 185
    I finish work at 10pm in the evening and always cook an evening meal when I get in. I get home before 11 and usually go to bed about 12 so it's probably not too bad, I walk home from work too which is 30 minutes.

    Just becareful of the choices :-)
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I eat most of my calories at night and it doesn't cause any problems for me.

    I believe a calorie is a calorie and it doesn't matter the time of day you eat as long as you are averaging a set amount. Your sister probably lost all that weight because she was binging on bad food at night. The whole "not eating after 6/7 pm" thing CAN really help people who have a bad habit of overeating at night. I like my bedtime snacks so I save calorie room for them.
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    I find the earlier I eat the hungrier i get before bed. If i eat around 6:30/7pm i'm ususally hungry around 9-10pm. I try and ignore my hungry if i'm going to sleep within half hour
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member

    All are not very reliable sources.

    For one the ones quoting the study at Northwestern fail to point out that the increase in weight was not do to eating late but that:
    #1- The people who ate later ate more food and less healthy food.
    #2- They slept longer and thus were less active.

    All studies are not created equal and this one isn't a good one.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    If I eat late, I will see a gain on the scale the next day guaranteed.

    Well, since it's nearly impossible to gain substantial fat over night. This is probably just weight from food. If I eat/drink a lot late, I'll weigh more in the morning too. Then I can check later in the day and I'll be back down to my normal weight. I think that's pretty normal. It's not fat.
  • agent300
    agent300 Posts: 73
    i think it's just easier for some people to just say they arent going to eat after 7 instead of understanding the science of your body and why the timing and frequency of meals dont matter.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Pfffft science. You know we shun that here.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    When you eat makes no difference if you stay within your calorie budget. What this probably has done for you sister is to stop the mindless eating that many participate in at night. For some people if they eat at night they lose control and eat beyond their calories.

    This is what I was thinking too. If I'm hungry before I go to bed, I'll eat a little something because I can't sleep on an empty stomach. But I do make it something small, like a few tablespoons of nuts & raisins.
  • pork_belly
    pork_belly Posts: 144
    If not eating after a certain time reduces how much you are eating then that is good. The bottom line is that it works. I agree with the folks here that what time you eat does not matter. I myself just recently started IF (intermittent fasting) using the Fast-5 approach. The feeding window is from 5PM - 10PM. It works for me. Since starting this schedule I've lost 3 lbs in one day.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    My brother's cousin's uncle's best friend lost 100 pounds by only eating AFTER 7pm. Take that OP!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    i think it's just easier for some people to just say they arent going to eat after 7 instead of understanding the science of your body and why the timing and frequency of meals dont matter.

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