Half of men would ditch woman who gained weight: poll



  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member

    Do u regret relationships you've had in the past? Just cuz something ultimately fails it doesn't mean it wasn't worth it...
    Just enjoy the ride ;p
    Figuratively and literally

    I don't regret any, no. But once I reach the point where I knew that they were not going to be "the one" then I would no longer stay in a relationship. It doesn't mean I don't think the person isn't still great, but I'm not going to spend my time, emotions, and money getting even more involved with the person. My husband just tells me I'm overly rational rather than emotional lol. That said I'm one of those people that would rather be alone than stay with someone who ultimately didn't want to stay with me. And I'm totally ok if it's disclosed in the beginning that it's not long term thing and each person knows this... or it comes up and they decide to stay together, that's their own personal decision that two adults have decided on. I'm totally not gonna argue with that situation.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Yea I know lot's of guys and I'd say around 1 in 10 are that shallow ! Not 1 in 2 surely or maybe I just know decent people !

    I've seen poll where like most women said they wouldn't date a guy with a lower salary than 20,000 etc as well :/

    Ya I definitely wouldn't date a guy with a salary lower than 20,000! sheesh. (I know that was probably a typo :bigsmile: . Anyway, when I was dating (married now 11 years, 4 kids), I would not date a man who smoked, abused substances, made less money than I did, or who had less education. I like guys bigger and taller than I am, so I didn't date those who were shorter or smaller. I only dated men I was attracted to -- so handsome according to my taste. Also, I only dated men of the same religion, men who liked pets, and men who had good relationships with their families. I never dated a married man, a mean or abusive man, or a boring man.

    If you don't know what you want, say what you want, and have the sense to go after what you want, you will never get what you want. Worked for me.