Sexy in Six Week 5

Hey ladies!! Just starting us off!! Week 5, can you believe it?

Well I am technically down 0.4 lbs. from last week which is still up .6 lbs from the week before but I am making good choices this week so I think that will change quickly!! the lack of change was definitely due to an overabundance of cheating during TOM. :embarassed:

Plan for today: Shred this afternoon when I get tired of studying!!!
B: two pieces sara lee whole wheat toast with i can't believe it's not butter and cinnamon & sugar, cran grape juice
S: Grande Starbucks Skinny Cinammon Dolce Latte (only 130 calories and tastes like a dream)
L: Scrambled eggs, green pepper, and whole wheat toast (what i didn't have for lunch yesterday)
D: study group at panera so probably half of an Orchard Harvest Salad
S: Strawberry jello sugar free fat free cup if need be.

Made my water yesterday so would like to do that again today. Hope you all have good days too, I have a feeling we are going to see some big numbers!!!


  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey ladies!! Just starting us off!! Week 5, can you believe it?

    Well I am technically down 0.4 lbs. from last week which is still up .6 lbs from the week before but I am making good choices this week so I think that will change quickly!! the lack of change was definitely due to an overabundance of cheating during TOM. :embarassed:

    Plan for today: Shred this afternoon when I get tired of studying!!!
    B: two pieces sara lee whole wheat toast with i can't believe it's not butter and cinnamon & sugar, cran grape juice
    S: Grande Starbucks Skinny Cinammon Dolce Latte (only 130 calories and tastes like a dream)
    L: Scrambled eggs, green pepper, and whole wheat toast (what i didn't have for lunch yesterday)
    D: study group at panera so probably half of an Orchard Harvest Salad
    S: Strawberry jello sugar free fat free cup if need be.

    Made my water yesterday so would like to do that again today. Hope you all have good days too, I have a feeling we are going to see some big numbers!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    morning amylou....congrats on your loss..... drink up:drinker:

    hope everyone else has a great day. i am up another pound. thursday is the last day of this medication, can't wait.
    getting ready to do treadmill and than i have a doctors appt. to make sure my bladder is still up and functioning. (had surgery in may).
    changing my whole plan today. since i joined a gym and life has changed some.(like i said yesterday)
    so i am upping my calories for more on non exercise days.(too hungry). exercise will be gym on mon, wed, fri. on tues, thurs. is a lighter workout, rest muscles. i am also reading a book on how to use your HRM for more benifits. i am going to see how this all works. i haven't decided what i will do weekends. that all depends on plans. it's good to change up, your body doens't get use to things.

    well, time for workout.

    back later. cathy
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Good morning!

    2lb loss this morning. I'll take it..was hoping more, but oh well thats what I get for cheating so much!! :grumble:

    Week 1: 198
    Week 2: 195
    Week 3: 191.8
    Week 4: 189.6
    Week 5: 187.6

    10.4lbs lost so far out of 1.6lbs left!

    Amy- Good job with the loss, Im with you on the eating bad stuff boat.. lol We can do better this week :)

    cathy- Well hopefully after Thursday things will return to normal, I bet you see a big drop by next Tuesday- stay focused dont let it get you down!!! :happy:

    Hope everyone has good check ins today!!

    Gotta go get ready for class! Will check in more later!!

    :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I finally made some progress. 5 lbs lost this week yea. 267 now. Started out at 273. So 6 more lbs to go so I take it I probably wont make my goal but that is ok.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies! Nice work AmyLou, Katy, and Connie!!!! worries will get better!!

    SO...I decided to weigh in this morning...I thought, what the heck...maybe seeing the weight, even if I'm up a lot, will motivate me to get through this rough patch. it is:

    Week 1: 161.5 pounds
    Week 2: ???
    Week 3: 162.0 pounds
    Week 4: 161.5 pounds
    Week 5: 161.0 pounds I'm DOWN 1/2 a pound!!!!!!!:bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: I can't believe it!!!!!

    Goal: 155.5 pounds
    Remaining: 5.5 pounds

    SO...even though this past week has been HORRIBLE with NO exercise, I managed to do SOMEthing right!!!! Total motivation for this week! SO glad I weighed in!!!!

    Well...have to run to work, I'll check back in a while!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay, so after some thinking, I've decided that since I am lacking exercise and won't be able to go full-throttle for the remainder of this challenge, my goal is to break into the 150s by the end of week 6. So...ANYwhere in the 150s and I will be TOTALLY stoaked! That leaves me with at least 2 pounds to go. I CAN DO IT!!!!! I'm going to try and get to the gym after work today and walk or maybe jog on the treadmill, depending on how my back feels. This is going to be a slow process...I know that going in...but I feel that I'm well enough to at least start back at it.'s the meal plan for today:

    Skippy - Natural Creamy Peanut Butter, 1 tablespoon 90 cal
    Bananas - Raw, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long) 105 cal
    Laughing Cow - Light Original Swiss, 1 Wedge 35 cal
    Thomas - Hearty Grains English Muffin, 1 muffin 120 cal
    One A Day - Womens Multi Vitamin, 1 tablet 0 cal
    350 total breaksfast calories

    AM snacks
    Coffee - ground, 2 cup 0 cal
    Nestle Coffee Mate - Coffee Creamer (Sugar Free Vanilla Caramel), 2 tbsp 30 cal
    Kashi Tlc - Soft Baked Cereal Bar-Blackberry Graham, 1 bar (35g) 110 cal
    140 total AM snack calories

    Diet Coke - Soft Drink, 12 fl. oz. 0 cal
    Ae Yo-Lite Yogurt - Yogurt, 6 oz 80 cal
    AE - Fat Free Cottage Cheese, 1/2 cup 90 cal
    Butterball - Grilled Chicken Strips, 3 oz 90 cal
    Home made basic salad with spritzer dressing, 1 meal 83 cal
    343 total lunch calories

    Afternoon snacks
    Kashi Tlc - Chewy Granola Bars - Trail Mix, 1 bar 140 cal
    Grapes - Raw, 1 cup 62 cal
    202 total afternoon snack calories

    Chicken - Boneless/skinless Breasts, 4 oz. 110 cal
    Lawry's Marinade - Mesquite With Lime Juice, 4 tbs 20 cal
    Potatoes - Red, flesh and skin, baked, 1 potato medium (2-1/4" to 3-1/4" dia) 154 cal
    Birds Eye - Frozen Cut Green Beans, 1 cup 45 cal
    329 total dinner calories

    PM snacks
    Probably some air-popped popcorn

    Total: 1,364 calories
    Your Daily Goal: 1,200 +200 = 1400 calories
    Remaining: -164 + 200 = 36 remaining calories

    BUT...I am planning on trying to get some exercising in, so I may be able to stay within my 1200 calorie limit!!! I will report back later!!!

    Have a FABULOUS day friends!!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Hey! Good work everyone! Kristin, I think it's good to try to check in every time because at least you know where you stand. And is it ever great that you did!!! Congrats girl!!!
    Cathy, you'll be so glad when this is done, eh??

    So, I wasn't supposed to be able to check in this morning but my plans got all rearranged so here I am :wink:
    I decided to weigh-in again today just to be sure and I get to shave a little off of yesterday's weigh in! Not much but hey, I'll take it! So here are my updated stats:

    Week 1: 181
    Week 2: 178.4lbs (2.6 lb loss)
    Week 3: 178.2lbs (0.2 lb loss)
    Week 4: 180.0lbs (1.8lb GAIN)
    Week 5: 176.2lbs ... 3.8 lb loss bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile And I've been busting my butt to prove it wink
    Goal weight: 169lbs (unofficial) 173.2lbs (official)
    Lbs to go: 7.2 (unofficial) 3.0lbs (official)

    I'll check in after the gym with my food. It's planned but I don't have time to post it right now.
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Congrats to you all!!! This is a strong week for everyone.

    Katy- congrats on the continual success!!! You can do it.
    Amylou- great job, I would be so tempted at panera.... you are stronger than me!
    Connie- congrats
    Cathy- good luck w/ new fitness routine. It will be fun and you can do it!
    Pedal- congrats on busting through .... yay!

    Start 232
    week 1: 230
    week 2-4 : 230
    week 5: 228 (- 2 lb removed) I say removed because if I lose them I may want to look for them again. :laugh:

    goal weight: -8 lbs, currently -4 lbs, 4 lbs to go!!! goal weight: 224lbs

    BF: oatmeal (cinnamon roll flavor- one packet)
    I haven't planned the rest of the day!!!

    I am so excited to see my weight finally move again. So to anyone having a plateau... it does move again, just keep at it!!

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Nice work Tamm!!! And FABULOUS attitude! Removed sounds better anyway.

    Well...just eating my yummy lunch! Then a meeting from 1-2. Then busy busy busy in the lab! SO...if I don't check back until much later this afternoon, don't be surprised.

    Rhiannon...have a FABULOUS day hun!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good job Tamm! Everyone is doing very well either with losses, motivation, positive head space or all of the above! YAY!!! We can totally end this challenge on a great note guys - keep it up for 2 more weeks :bigsmile:

    Here is my day:

    1: 1/2 sprouted grain bagel w/ 1 tbsp almond butter & 1/2 a banana, sliced on top
    2: chocolate protein shake (after work out)
    3: 2 small slices skim milk cheese, 4 raincoast crisp crackers w/ 1.5 tbsp hummus
    4: 3/4 cup baked sweet potato, 1/2 cup steamed broccoli, 1/2 turkey burger (no bun)
    5: 10g brazil nuts
    6: WW tortilla, 1oz grilled chicken breast, 1/4 cup skim milk cheese, 1 tbsp salsa (all grilled - SO good)
    7: 1/4 pomegranate, 1 cup fat free peach yogurt w/ 1 tbsp ground flax seed & 1/4 cup blueberries
    8: another grilled chicken wrap (I have the ingredients so I'm using them up!!), 2 cups baby mixed greens w/ balsamic vinegar & toasted sesame seeds (1 tsp), 1/4 cup (cooked) black japonica rice
    9: Luna bar (caramel nut brownie) and 2 cups air-popped popcorn

    SO much food today! lol :laugh: I did my C25K run at the gym today (week 2 day 2) and then a friend of mine who is a fitness instructor in training was practicing with a woman who is also a regular in several of my classes for some new choreography in the fitness studio so I stopped in to say hi and ended up staying and doing some work with them for about 20 mins which added 200 cals to my workout :bigsmile: I was also able to give her some good pointers which was fun. I so miss teaching!!
    It's funny, when I look at my meal plan for the day I can't help but imagine someone who wants to lose weight and thinks it's impossible or fears deprivation... I didn't eat NEARLY this much food before I started trying to get back into shape!

    NOTE: for those of you who like rice, you must see if you can find black japonica rice. It is SO flavourful and lovely. The colour when it's cooked is this very dark purple and it's sweet and nutty. We had it with salmon last night and it was amazing.

    Well, my daughter's best friend is coming over today and will be here any time! Have a great one ladies!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart:
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi Everyone,

    Yeah!! I'm down 2 pounds. I'm just so happy about that 2 pounds. I really like focusing on the small numbers (like a goal of 1 or 2 pounds this week) rather than looking at those big numbers as in I want to lose 50+ pounds.

    I have another hectic week ahead and juggling everything to keep up my continued success will be a challenge. Finding the time to plan & keep track of calories will be harder (I've missed the last 3 days and must get back to it). Finding time so I can get a workout in will be a challenge. Also, again drinking the water is a challange, now it's because running to the restroom every 30 minutes is too time consuming. So I'll try my best. I would love to get under 200 next week.

    Kristen, Good job on the loss this week. You can do it- get into the 150's.
    Katy, You did it again, always so consistent. Great job!!!
    Pedal, You deserve that big loss, you worked so hard for it. So happy for you.:happy:
    Tamm, 2 pounds down, feels good doesn't it?
    Amy, Yeah for a loss. We are having a good week around here.
    Cathy, Yeah for finishing up that medicine. I liked your post from last week about changing things up.

    1 egg, 1 toast, 1 coffee w/creamer, 4 oz. oj, 2 pieces bacon
    nutri-grain bar
    skim milk & 2 bran muffins
    apple & popcorn
    ??not sure probably lean cusine
    skim milk & 100 cal. snack pack

    Shred dvd

    Have a great day ladies. You are all awesome, wonderful, inspiring women!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Well, after avoiding this topic for the past several days because I was in a pretty bad exercise and food funk, I knew I had to come on here and get myself in gear! You ladies who are sticking to your plans so well really are motivating!

    W1: 191.5
    W2: 188.0
    W3: Gone, didn't post
    W4: 188.0
    W5: 187.0

    Goal was to lose 10 lbs, I've lost 4 so far. An average of a pound a week, not too bad, I figure.
    Meals today:
    B: banana bread oatmeal w/ 1/2 banana, 1TBSP chopped pecans, and 1/2 c milk.
    S: missed it, haven't been hungry all day, had to force down breakfast,
    L: 6" subway oven roasted chicken sub w/ pepper jack cheese, lettuce, tomato, jalepenos and cucumbers
    S: Not sure, cottage cheese is sounding yummy though, or maybe my chocolate peanut butter banana protein shake.
    D: Not a clue, have to run to the store during son's swim practice.

    Made it to the gym today, half hour on the elliptical, half hour lifting weights, and did the Body Focus class at the Y. Aaackkk! That was an awful class, I didn't think I could make it through, but am planning on making it a regular thing.
  • kerridwen
    Hi everyone! *wave*

    I love that you do so much reporting, great to get some ideas to change up my lunches! (: And there's so much enthusiasm!

    I have a broken arm, which is really cramping up my exercise, but went for a nice long walk with the dog earlier! I've been stuck on a plateau for a few months, I'm playing with my exercise schedule and my food intake to see if I can figure out where I'm going wrong.

    I'm up visiting the folks for a few days so I'm a little off schedule foodwise but here's the day so far:

    -2 teas (with milk)
    -Multigrain cheerios with 1% milk
    -"Ploughman's lunch" - salad with a cut up egg (some yolk removed), small amount of ham and cheese as well as pine nuts.
    -homemade chicken soup with vegetables and a small amount of barley

    -One Tim Tam (darn those things!!! So tasty.) for snack with my tea.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    oh guys... I'm so upset right now. My husband is out with a friend looking for mountain biking trails and therefore not in consistent cell phone range. I just found out my Father-in-law who is vacationing in AZ just had a heart attack and is in critical condition. I called my MIL to send her a hug and she was such a mess... I guess he's got an airway in and she got pushed out of the room for them to bring in the crash cart. She just kept saying "they're going to come out and tell me he's dead". And they're so far away. I hate that we can't go and be with her right now. I just feel so helpless and horrified and scared. My mother is acting in a play right now so I can't get ahold of her (I did manage to get DH on the phone though) so I came here to just vent. I'm so worried. Anyway, thanks for listening ladies... :cry:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about your father in law pedal. At least you were able to get ahold of your DH. I will pray for your family and hope that everything turns out ok.

  • kerridwen
    Sorry to hear that Pedal!!

    I hope everything works out.
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Pedal - Be strong, we are all thinking about and praying for you and your family!

    Much love :heart:
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Pedal I'm am sorry about your FIL and I just said a prayer for your family.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    You girls are amazing, you know that?
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Rhiannon...*HUG*HUG*HUG*HUG*:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I completely know what you are going through. We were in Texas last year for Spring Break. My husband was on a deep sea fishing boat for the day when I got a call that his dad had a heart attack...HORRIBLE...and he was deep sea fishing...on the ocean...we managed to get a hold of him by calling the boating company and they had to CB them out there and he called me, but there was no way for them to come back early or anything. I was on the phone all day with his mother (back in Iowa BTW) and luckily his surgeries went well and it was okay...but I totally understand what you are going through.

    You are in my prayers....