LTL Challenge (Turquoise) *Closed Group*



  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    Okay Curvettes it is!! :)

    No worries ladies we have busy lives amongst this life changing journey and challenges. We are all here for each other no matter what! :)

    Sammy - I hope you get to feeling better soon girl! Being sick is no fun. We will be thinking about ya and sending you lots of get better soon wishes.

    When everyone gets their time done please just send me a PM instead of the posting on the thread as I'm better at dealing with the messages then thru the board. After I get everyone's miles I will send it off to Jen.

    Keep up the awesome work ladies!

    Curvy and Proud! :)
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    Well girls we had a successful Monday!! Together we all earned 205 points yesterday! Awesome!! I'm so proud of you all!!

    For today lets focus on our water intake we have to hit 10 cups each ladies and knock out some windshield wipers! Let's go my Curvettes we can knock this one outta the ball park!!

    Curvy and Proud!! :)
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Well girls we had a successful Monday!!

    Kinda - Why in the heck are you taking me back to Monday....? :laugh:
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    Im sad to say that due to a back injury 5 yrs ago, my back and hips dont like when i did Windshield wipers. I managed to get 10 of them out, but my back/hips were yelling at me, tho my abs liked it :(
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    Ah Jen it's fun to confuse you! lmao Although I think I posted that on Saturday and well I've been all sorts of lost these last two weeks I'm not sure why. I've been forgetting stuff and having my days all mixed up and before you all ask NO I'm not pregnant which seems to be the recent question every is asking as to why my brain has flown the coup! Ugh!

    Sorry about that I meant a successful Friday not Monday! lol

    Nikki - Don't hurt yourself my dear there are plenty of us to do the windshield wipers for us you could just build up on mileage for us. ;) You awesome woman you!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hellllooooo pretty Ladies!!!

    I just wanted to give everyone a WTG!

    I also thought the other day that it might be nice to do some introductions. I know a couple of the girls on the team already (Kinda & Nikki), but it's always nice to get to know everyone....


    My name is Jen. I'm a few months shy of turning 30. I'm married and currently have no children (yet), other than two furbabies (kitties named Bubba & Woofie). I started on my weight loss life change in April, when my doctor told me that my diabetes had gotten so out of control that I was going to have to go on insulin shots once a day. That was enough of a wake up for me to decide that it was time to do something different. I'm from a suburb of Chicago; I work for a software development company as a lead software tester/customer support. I LOVE makeup & buying clothes & all things

    So, WHO ARE YOU???? :-)
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    So I saw Jen's post and it's mine turn now.

    My name is Kinda, I'm 32 years old and a mother of 4 beautiful monsters and 1 giant furry monsters named Eli who at 2 still thinks he's a puppy. Gesh! Anyway, my husband and I are coming up on our 1 year anniversary on September 4 and we've been together 2 1/2 years. This wonderful man of mine has taken on myself and 4 monsters, or wonderful children depending on the day, like a trooper and we all love him for it! We live in Eastern Oregon in a beautiful valley surrounded by mountains so getting outdoors for some excitement is fairly easy around here. I'm currently not working as I'm going to school full time working on earning my Bachelors in Graphic Design. So far I'm 3 years down with 2 more to go! I would have been done sooner but just changed my major from Web Graphic Design to Visual Communications as that is more what I want to do, me and coding don't seem to be getting along very well! lol

    What prompted me to make a change was watching the scale push higher and higher due to sitting constantly in my office chair doing nothing but tinker on the computer with school work or whatever else and not setting a good example for my kids. My son was playing baseball and I was getting wore out trying to help him, he's 11 almost 12 come October by the way, and was diagnosed with exercise induced asthma, while my 10 year old daughter does have asthma, eczema, and allergies, and eats like a starving person! My 6 year old daughter is a mover as well and I see lots of sports in her future as much as she enjoyed baseball this year and my 4 year old son is right behind her. So 3 of my 4 kids love sports and in my head I'm thinking here is their fat overweight mother trying to help them and can't! I had, had enough and I decided along with my very supportive husband that is was time to change. I was always an active kid in school, did lots of sports but after my kids I became lazy, had a bout of depression after my divorce from a very not nice husband and things just seemed to pile up higher and higher. Anyway, I made a life decision to change all the way around, myself, my kids and my husband! We eat more veggie's, we get out and exercise and we generally eat better food! I'm setting a good example for my kids and they know it and are very proud of their mom for making this decision!

    In my book I'm the luckiest gal around to have such as awesome supportive family! :)
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    Im Nikki. Im am 24, have an amazing boyfriend. Work midnights at walmart :P Live in northwest MN 20 mins from the tip of Lake Superior!! I love to walk along the lake (you will see many pics i post from there!!) I have been overweight all of my adult life and most of my childhood as well, what can i say, i learned from my parents. I have always tried (unsuccessful and very short lived attempts) to lose weight but i just never had a good enough drive to do it!

    Then one month i swear i was pregnant. All the classic signs were there. So i went to the dr (after 2 negative tests) mainly to see wth was going on. Sure enough no baby... my dr said i was "to fat to be pregnant" And my weight was creeping up to 300 (on my 5' 3" frame :( My mom was 325 when she has gastric bypass and that is NOT going to be me.... so i stumbled upon MFP where i met some very amazing and wonderfully supportive people and that really help kick my *kitten* in gear!!

    This time i know its going to work!! I enjoy going to the gym now, eating right is not like pulling teeth, and i can consciously make decisions that i wouldnt have made before!!

    50 days in, 15 lbs lost, 8 inches gone!! I can see myself in the future, a skinny me!! I am able to set goals that pertain to the future now that i wouldnt even ever thought about cuz i knew (thought) i wouldnt even achieve. Now i WILL!!
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    Okay my Curvette's I've made us a logo to post up for our team! Here is the img link to use under your signature just remember to change the IMG to lower case img for the image to work. :)


    Curvy and Proud!! :)
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Kinda!!! Thanks so much for doing the sig tag! AWESOME!!!
  • sammy084
    sammy084 Posts: 27 Member
  • asiavenetia
    asiavenetia Posts: 31 Member
    My turn!
    I'm Asia-- I am 32 (33 on August 26) I live in Maryland (about 20min from DC) I've been married to a wonderful man for 11 years and we have three amazing kids ages 13, 17, and 10. I am currently pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Social Work, and I work full time as a Case Manager at a day and resource center for the homeless.

    After many many...many failed attempts at dieting, two blood pressure pills, an allegic reaction to something I still haven't figured out- I finally decided to adopt the lifestyle change attitude. I'm no longer looking for a quick fix (only to gain all the weight I lost back). I am now looking to make changes I can stick with forever. I want to lose weight so that I can feel great and look greater!
    Year after year, birthday after birthday, event after event- I commit to losing weight for the next "BIG" event....or whatever, only to be disappointed by my lack of commitment when the "BIG" day comes. This year I have committed to bringing in my 33 BIRTHDAY healthier and weighing less! Mg goal is 33 pounds but I understand that may not happen. Whats more important is that I make the neccessary changes to keep this up for life! Myfitnesspal and all of you are making that possible!
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    Hello my little lovely's!! Just a little note to tell you how totally awesome you all are doing and I'm so very super proud of you all. We are kicking my awesome calorie booty and pretty soon it will all pay off!

    Sooooooo keep up the great job my hotties you are all doing fabulous!

  • asiavenetia
    asiavenetia Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks Kinda! You are also doing an awesome job as our Team Leader!
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    Okay my Curvette's we need to figure out what day we want to do as our rest/water day. I need some input here so we can vote on it. Any particular day's?

    My vote is Sunday because of my schooling. All my work for the week is due and I usually have quizzes to take, so lots of time spent in a chair on my computer.

    So what's yours?
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    Tuesday is my vote. Its the only day i get to spend with my honey. Otherwise i hardly even see him during the week.
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hmmm....My only preference is actually *not* Tuesday (Sorry Nikki!!! We keep ending up on opposite schedules!!!), just because I know I'll be working out a good amount Tuesday.

    From a purely "two birds, one stone" aspect, I'd like to try an coincide this challenge's water day with the Knotty Girls water day, if possible, although, I know Knotty Girls doesn't mean squat to our two NON-Knotties.
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    oh well, im not expecting to have it easy for me ever. But my relationship is starting to be affected by me spending so much time at the gym, and not with him when i have the chance to. Either i let me and my teams down or i let me and him down. either way i dont win.
  • msstillion79
    Hi Everyone my name is Nellie I live in Ohio I have three kids (one teenage boy, and two tweens) I somedays feel like im not going to make it though that teens lol Anyway I have been with the father to my kids for fourteen years and we have decided to tie the knot finally our wedding is set for next year at the beach in NC I have started plaining already didnt relize how much work it is I am a nurses aide and am attending school to further my nursing career im goin for my lpn the my rn I want to take steps so i can learn the different ways each work.

    The reason that i started my new life style is because the last two years i have been sick I was put on cymbalta for leg cramps and it had put me into a deep depression i mean it was to the point where my old docter was telling me i was bipolar. I was hiding in my house i lost half my friends during that time and almost in my eyes lost the only good thing in my life (my fiancee) my bff Well that was the end i had to get help so i went and the new docter took me off the meds and two weeks later i was back to my normal lol im not perfect but who is right!! So this is step one into getting my life back I have like i said went back to work and school I am doing GREAT now. So i am ready for anything u guys throw my way lol.
    I look forward to getting to know all of u .....:flowerforyou: :drinker:

    My vote for the day of rest is Sunday like kinda i have school and usually alot of work to do and thats the time my fiancee is home let me know i can be flexible take care
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    Welcome Nellie! It's super great to have you here and we look forward to taking this journey with you.

    Okay back to business. We are waiting on one other person to vote and so far we have:

    1 for Tuesday
    2 for Sunday
    1 for the same day as the Row the World Challenge Days aka Knotty Girls

    So Asia what's your thought?