"Eat everything in moderation" VENT!



  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    "Eat everything in moderation" is a weak-minded person's way of saying "it's ok if I eat alot of high trans fat food, sweets, sodas and all the other crap processed food as long as I don't eat alot of it"


    You could eat things in moderation, go over your calorie intake limit and gain weight.

    So yea I agree, it's a bull**** term.

    Oh really... I didn't know I was weak minded.. thanks for letting me know!

    I think being able to control your eating & have food you enjoy but keep it in moderation makes you a STRONGER person.. You make no sense & come off very rude. Just because you can't do something doesn't mean other people can't, maybe your the weak one!

    Whoa. I didn't even see this.

    Just to correct what I said earlier so that it's not taken wrong: I don't mean having fast food and a bunch of "small amounts" of junk is a good thing... or moderation.

    Like, if you must have fast food, whatever. Get it once a week or every other week and get like ONE burger and small fries. Not just a cheeseburger every day because it's under 400 calories. I suggest making things at home that are based off of bad things. Go out to eat as a reward and not just because you're craving it. Work towards allowing yourself to have something bad for you and then only have a small amount.
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    Amazing how many people in this thread believe they have a food addiction. "Boohoo I'm an addict so I can't help it. If only I was addicted to crack so I could give it up." Perhaps if you stopped with the victim mindset you might actually have the self control to eat in moderation!

    PS I'm also obese so therefor I must be a food addict. Damn cadbury for making delicious chocolate, I think I might sue.

    Wow. Don't pretend to understand other peoples situations. Anyone can be addicted to just about anything. Addiction is a physical or psychological dependence, how is it "nonsense" that one can develop an emotional dependency on food? People tend to associate food with rewards or celebration, therefore we associate food with feeling good, so it makes perfect sense one could develop a dependency on it. Who is playing the victim card here though? Everyone in this forum is talking about MAKING CHANGES. They're admitting they have a dependency and they're discussing ways to OVERCOME. How is this playing the victim card? Explain this to me. Most of the entries I've came across in this forum post, are people discussing what WORKS for them to control their binging. I didn't once come across a post where someone wrote "it's not my fault I have a food addiction and there's nothing I can do about it." We ALL know it's IN OUR POWER to take care of this problem. We all know that we got to this point, ON OUR OWN. So again, explain to me how people are playing the "victim card?" I don't see anyone blaming OTHERS for their problems, or not taking responsibility for their situations. Not only did you obviously NOT take the time to read anything, but you are clearly too closed minded to even TRY to understand. You'd rather cast judgment on something you know nothing of. This is a community for support, so why are you here? If you don't understand, that's one thing. But you clearly have no interest in understanding.