Weapons of Mass Reduction : Team August Challenge!



  • brotherjeem
    brotherjeem Posts: 18 Member
    food logged...under cals.
    water...over 100 oz
    finally got my bike back...YEAAAA
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Hey! I finally caught up!

    Monday challenges: done!
    Tuesday challenges: done!
    Wednesday challenges: done!
    Thursday challenges: done plus under calories plus over water
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    I had some things going on yesterday that prevented me from checking in. I DID complete the challenges yesterday for Wednesday and I've done everything today as well!!!

    I have done 800 of 1000 crunches this week, too!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member

    I have done 800 of 1000 crunches this week, too!

    That's so great!
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    150 leg raises -- 5mins
    3 sets of 21's -- 4mins
    200 jumping jacks -- 3mins
    4 sets of 12 wood chops -- 6mins
    280 crunches -- 10mins
    40 minutes of interval training
    19 minutes of bike riding

    128 ounces of water
    calories under for the day

    I have completed 810 abdominal crunches for the team so far :o)
  • Aloxander
    Aloxander Posts: 121 Member
    *under calories
    *124 oz+ water
    *walked / jogged 3.6 miles
    *3 sets of woodshops 8 lbs
    *3 sets of 21s
    *200 jumping jacks
    *50 squats

    I'm behind on crunches I will finish by Sunday

    I'm out good night
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member

    I have done 800 of 1000 crunches this week, too!

    That's so great!

    If I can do 1000 in a week... which I have NEVER done before - then I can CERTAINLY add it to my daily routine!
  • Aloxander
    Aloxander Posts: 121 Member
    Thank you all MFP's for all your ENCOURAGEMENT~MOTIVATION~SUPPORT & for WHIPPING my booty when I feel down.:flowerforyou:

    The August challenge has definitely helped me to stay focus. I have lost inches and pounds. :happy:

    September's Challenging will be thrilling! :drinker:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Water done, challenge done, will be within calories. Also did an extra 25 crunches to bring my total to 175 out of 250 for the week. (In addition to the 100 done during today's challenge, that is.)
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Water - over! +1
    Food - logged and was over before I exercised... cheat day today! But then I exercised and I am under calories... didn't do so well on the fat though. +1 anyways!
    Challenge - complete! +1

    50 squat kicks *modified exercise for burpees*
    300 crunches *yeah, that's RIGHT, I brought it tonight!!!
    50 wall push-ups
    50 jumping jacks
    50 leg raises
    3 sets of 12 woodchops w/weights *I am really liking these now and adding it to my routine
    10 minutes of stretching/yoga positioning

    So I've completed my personal crunch challenge of 1000... plus the 100 from today's challenge so I've done 1100 crunches this week! I NEVER in my life thought I would hear (type) myself say that. I can still add 200 more tomorrow, too.

    Good night!
  • brotherjeem
    brotherjeem Posts: 18 Member
    food logged...under cals
    water - over...
  • brotherjeem
    brotherjeem Posts: 18 Member
    Last weekend was the last time I "take a break" from my eating plan. I am up 2.4 lb (sorry). I did lose 6 out of the 8 lbs I gained over the weekend. Not sure how much was water, but I have to get back on plan...goal to lose 2.5 lbs a week for the next year. Back to work.....
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Water - over! +1
    Food - logged and was over before I exercised... cheat day today! But then I exercised and I am under calories... didn't do so well on the fat though. +1 anyways!
    Challenge - complete! +1

    50 squat kicks *modified exercise for burpees*
    300 crunches *yeah, that's RIGHT, I brought it tonight!!!
    50 wall push-ups
    50 jumping jacks
    50 leg raises
    3 sets of 12 woodchops w/weights *I am really liking these now and adding it to my routine
    10 minutes of stretching/yoga positioning

    So I've completed my personal crunch challenge of 1000... plus the 100 from today's challenge so I've done 1100 crunches this week! I NEVER in my life thought I would hear (type) myself say that. I can still add 200 more tomorrow, too.

    Good night!

    Man, you are kicking *kitten*! Everyone else is doing great too!

    Today's 2 miles challenge-done
    Within calories-done
    Will complete my 75 remaining crunches by tomorrow to bring my total to 250 for the team for the week.
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Welcome to Saturday everyone!!!

    I plan on doing some deep cleaning of my house - top to bottom. I also plan on doing 200 more crunches towards my personal challenge. (I hit 1000 last night on top of the crunches for our challenge this week so these 200 are just extras.)

    I am also waiting on my package from FedEx that has my new Jillian Michaels' shred-it with weights, a new set of slightly heavier weights, and a kettlebell! As soon as I get it, I am popping it into the DVD player and trying it out!

    I hope for a good burn today!
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Jillian Micheals Metabolism Burn (HIIT) 55 minutes
    200 Jumping Jacks
    200 Bicep Curls
    50 Burpees (team challenge)
    460 abdominal crunches (team challenge)
    5 minutes Zumba
    39 minutes walking at 3mph (2 mile challenge)
    95 mins of Zumba Parade

    I brought it today and then scared it away! LOL

    I did a total of 1170 ab crunches not including the 100 from yesterdays challenge!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member

    I did a total of 1170 ab crunches not including the 100 from yesterdays challenge!

  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Total crunches for this week: 1250 (not including daily challenge crunches)

    Happy rest day!
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Total crunches for this week: 1250 (not including daily challenge crunches)

    Happy rest day!

    Awesome Job Suz!!! 6-pack abs here we come!!!
  • brotherjeem
    brotherjeem Posts: 18 Member
    food logged...under cals
    water - over...
    11 miles on bike 14.6 m/h...man I missed that.
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Okay Team, Gary has had some stuff going on over the weekend so I will post our exercises today!

    Today is Week 4, Day 1... the challenge is:

    2 sets of 20 Windshield Wipers, 3 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of Swimmer’s Presses

    Windshield Wipers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omeqA3O4DUk
    21's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xLcsg-5Dw8
    Swimmer's Presses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYwzaUXK6gs

    Don't forget, as a team we need to complete 4000 crunches AND 4000 jumping jacks AND 100 miles walked/run/jogged/biked, etc. That is 200 per week for extra crunches and JJ's and 5 extra miles per week.... you also need to inspire someone else in your life to join MFP and get movin'!!!! LET'S DO THIS!!!

    What will you commit to? Who are you going to inspire this week?